Archived Never worked Black Friday.Should I be worried?

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i've never shopped or worked black friday, so this will be my first, as well. if your store is anything like mine, the plan is to maintain a very controlled environment. i'm a cashier so i'm not worried about being trampled. i hope guests are as cordial during these sales as they are any other day. i've been very fortunate to have had very few grumpy guests! best of luck to you!

I had some rather cranky guests at the service desk last year, one in particular that started screaming and swearing at me when I enforced our pricematching policy.
Thank you. I was told yesterday, that we don't price match Black Friday ads, so I expect a little backlash from that, but if that's all I have to worry about, then hopefully it'll go ok. I kept envisioning all the drama on youtube, from Black Friday sales everywhere. LOL
Our store was awesome last year for crowd control. The line was well behaved, everyone in the front got what they were shopping for... And then some. Our 2 ETL-Log's had it down to a science, and even though one left, I expect the same this year!

I really need an iPad for a kid for school, but her scholarship has me paying for it, then getting reimbursed. I'm thankful I'm broke because I'd have to line up for the deals going on.
this is my first black friday as well. i'm thankful that the walmart across the street is opening at the same time we are. all the hoohahs who are out to fight for items will be over there lol
Our store gets staffed with at least 10 sheriffs office deputies its great. Last year in electronics I stood next to the same cop for 4 hours. We let them in 10 at a time with 3 cops at the outside entrance and last year we had 2 squad cars in front of the main entrance too
to the best of my knowledge, we only use the door that is marked 'not an entrance' while there is a crowd. i'm going to ask tomorrow if we will have a police presence, as well.
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