Archived New one year return policy

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Be BOLD. That cracks me up. Bold would be - no you can't do that exchange, no you can't use those fraudulent coupons that you bought online.
I think target confuses words. Their bold is equal to spineless.
Mr Boss Man should be a cashier for a week. Gstl for a week and work at service desk for the following week. He should get the training we all get - which usually is, have you seen a cash register in you life? Yes good - it's all yours.
Oh and he should spin at self check out for a week too. How often would he ask guests if they got the items on the bottom of the cart? Or say miss, I think you only rang up one dress.
After that month I think things would change. It won't happen and target will continue to lose money and then the big shots will complain to dtl and stl's that their sales are down. And somehow it will be all our faults that we haven't been giving the guest correctly.
The key piece to this new policy that a lot of people are missing is that the guest needs to have the receipt, or the TM selects a similar product from in store or online. It's clearly stated on the first two pages of the new policy. This prevents the guest from naming an outrageous price. This policy is on track with many other retailers who have unlimited return policies.

I wouldn't et worked up about it. Most people will not abuse it. Some will, and they are the ones that would whether we had the new policy or not.
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