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If it’s a different item there shouldn’t be a delay for the normal scanners. If it’s the same item it should wait a second or two before beeping and adding the item to make sure it’s not getting scanned twice if that makes sense. The hand scanners shouldn’t have a delay.

So when a team member scans a item it checks if the upc is the same as the previous item and if so it waits 1.5 seconds then tries scanning again. Obviously nothing would turn off but the system just wouldn’t beep or add the item for 1.5 seconds to make sure it’s not a double scan.

We had a guy who was really fast. When I was running the line, I appreciated his speed because we were short on cashiers during the lockdowns and the lines were long. He pretty much only used the hand scanner. He was horribly inaccurate though. There were many times that people would come to us at GS because he did a double scan. Sometimes more than one!
When the new POS gets pushed out to electronics I feel like there should be a lock function. 99/100 I am working alone in electronics and after every transaction, I get logged out which I understand. On the new POS if they do that I'd rather die. So I think a good alternative is to add a lock function to your account so instead of logging out when you walk away, you can just lock your account, and when you sign in again it's already at the checkout screen. No need for it to reload since it's already there. I feel like this is a completely do-able request.
We’ve experienced lots of errors with new POS lately.

1. Time to scan promo gift card— Try Again. Scan Valid Target Gift Card. Doesn’t let you back out and no gift card works. Happened on multiple different registers/ transactions. Rebooted and had to rescan on new register and it worked.
2. Oops, something went wrong. Try again or void transaction and start over. This usually happens when hitting pay. No reason. No salvage items rung up, nothing out of the ordinary. Had it happen a few times with Shipt, but regular transactions as well. Usually suspending and pulling up again works, but not always and then we’re forced to re-ring.
3. Had a few issues with split payments. Example: You’d scan the gift card. It took it off. Paid the balance in cash. Cash got taken off and suddenly the gift card payment voided. Then it was just a looping cycle of that until suspended and pulled up on new register.
4. Balance due $0.00, yet the receipt doesn’t print and it doesn’t let you finish out the transaction. I even tried seeing if it would let me put in $0 as cash and it wouldn’t let me. The card reader said thanks and finished. After hitting back and total multiple times, it finally popped the receipt out.
5. Hand scanners and flat bed scanners also time out a lot. Or have a really long delayed reaction in between scans. CSC couldn’t help us. Escalated further and could run a report to see that there was a longer delay than normal. Tech came out to check connection. Rebooting temporarily fixes, but it will act up again.

I feel like I’m forgetting some, but these are the problems that have haunted me the last 2-3 weeks.
It's a whole different platform. The new POS is on Sharepoint...which IS a Microsoft POS. Fine for something like Workday. But not a register! Not when you want fast responses!

It will never, ever be as fast as the old system which was likely IBM Mainframe software. Workhorse. Made for lightning speed in transactions and the ability to multithread processes. This POS appears to process sequentially

Ever notice how it makes you wait every time it needs to do something different. You're scanning, but if the guest inserts her card, the system switches from scanning to recognizing the card...making you wait...

I used to love my job and was speedy at it. Now I can be no speedier than this stupid machine allows.

Oh, but the UI is so pretty...pretty enough to sell this bill of goods...
It's a whole different platform. The new POS is on Sharepoint...which IS a Microsoft POS. Fine for something like Workday. But not a register! Not when you want fast responses!

It will never, ever be as fast as the old system which was likely IBM Mainframe software. Workhorse. Made for lightning speed in transactions and the ability to multithread processes. This POS appears to process sequentially

Ever notice how it makes you wait every time it needs to do something different. You're scanning, but if the guest inserts her card, the system switches from scanning to recognizing the card...making you wait...

I used to love my job and was speedy at it. Now I can be no speedier than this stupid machine allows.

Oh, but the UI is so pretty...pretty enough to sell this bill of goods...
Do you mean Azure?
App launch times are unacceptable right now. That needs to be fixed ASAP
Devices overall need to be upgraded, they’ve just become so sluggish with each software update. I don’t even know if there are even faster hardware options out there, but it needs more processing power and ram.

Edit: I thought you were talking about Zebras for a second, wrong thread oops. But the POS too needs fixing haha.
It looks like a gazillion times better but I will agree it is so god awful slow. I hate how when you scan something too fast it does that little beep boop boop sound Especially when working with paying with gift cards. I truly don't understand why Target always rebuilds something from the ground up. I get why they redesigned it. It's because the guest can see it and it looked so bad lol. But that's fine but keep the same speed features with the keyboard and speed scanning. 10/10. Also, something useful would just be if a supervisor is logged in to have a restart button available. Also, keep all of the features. Only ADD features like the discounts button there have been instances where I have used that because I can't change the price because it's a prepaid phone, or a receipt didn't print a code needed and requisitioning it didn't work.
There is a restart button. If it freezes tap the 4 corners of the screen counter clockwise, keep doing it and a menu will pop up.could be clockwise too I forget
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Devices overall need to be upgraded, they’ve just become so sluggish with each software update. I don’t even know if there are even faster hardware options out there, but it needs more processing power and ram.

Edit: I thought you were talking about Zebras for a second, wrong thread oops. But the POS too needs fixing haha.
My store is getting a remodel this year and according to some of the TLs "They're redoing the PoS"
if you dont have the black receipt printers, touch screens, and/or new flatbed scanners, you'll probably get them
We have touch screen and we have the black receipt printers, Don't know what the new flatbed scanner is. Also, The only thing I can imagine them changing is that we currently have the square Elo screens I feel like going to the wider ones would be an upgrade. Don't really know though.
We have touch screen and we have the black receipt printers, Don't know what the new flatbed scanner is. Also, The only thing I can imagine them changing is that we currently have the square Elo screens I feel like going to the wider ones would be an upgrade. Don't really know though.
Yes you’ll get wider ones. New flatbed scanners are zebra and use image based instead of laser. So you can scan your phone at them (really useful at SCO) and it’s much more accurate.
in our remodel in 2018 they didn't change our registers so i still have the old beige ones =[
We have the old registers too. Our remodel gave the front end new lights. We were so feeling the love.
We have the old registers too. Our remodel gave the front end new lights. We were so feeling the love.
The store I am in right now is nice but not new... like we have the nice plastic carts and the signs arent blue and green but we have stuff like the old price scanner and the square screens rather than the wider ones
I’m at a test store so we always get the new stuff. We have had like 5 remodels for driveups already. We got those new scales but I don’t like them. The computers can’t handle them and are crashing. They look very nice but the self checkouts don’t have enough ram or cpu to power them so the self checkouts are randomly shutting down. The old scanners had a raspberry pi built into them or some other micro computer compared to these zebra scanners that just use the computers ram and cpu causing the computers to crash. You guys will notice it eventually because the ram is gonna die quicker and the computers will randomly crash more and more often. They look nice tho. I think target is trying to stop using ncr . They are now making their own systems and doing everything on their own. I think it’s a stupid idea personally but we will see I guess. They will probably make it so mycheckouts can connect to a scale for all the super targets.
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