Just checked our stats this morning, we're B level. 4am process right now. It normally takes them just over two hours to unload a 1,500 to 2,000ish truck.
😱 😱 WHAT!
😱 😱 😱
Under 1400 = 30 MIN UNLOAD MAX
1400-1800 or so = 45 MIN UNLOAD
1800-2100 or so = 1HR UNLOAD
Above 2100, to about 2500, which is the most I've had = ~ 1.5HR UNLOAD.
Yes this is checked, watched, and monitored.. I am very verbal about it to the team in the truck, on the line, and on the radio. I wanted to do something very visual with this, but it was nixed as a little, err... A LOT TOO MUCH.
🙂 😉 Not to mention totally not "brand/BP."
🙂 I may reapproach this again this year, as it still is a good idea, and its done at most DC's for the loading (I have no idea if TGT does, but considering we are still shoving boxes one at a time in a truck, I doubt it.).
5-7 min per panel is BP, 6 panels per truck = 30 minutes, but pallets, and REAL LIFE don't always congeal with BP. As BP thinks you can do it in 48 minutes regardless of the count, 6 panels (taking worst time) x 8 min = 48 minutes. Anything at about 1HR and I am not too witchy!
🙂 Go past 1HR and the witch'ness builds, unless the thing is huge, pallets that won't go out the rear of the truck etc... every minute past unload is a minute lost in push!
🙂 And when you are forced to start at 0600 that time is precious!
Because we normally have the ETL and one good person in the truck and then whatever other bodies we can find out on the line. I've got people leaving at 10:30 or 11:30 most days,...... for not even seeing a sense of urgency.
We have a set team, throwers, scanner, backstock/tranistion, line sort, etc. Unless there is CO, VAC, unscheduled due to hours every one has their spot and they go to it. Only changes we make daily is like I said CO, VAC etc...
Flow is not something you don't just throw bodies at! Especially bodies that don't want to be there! Uninterested and unmotivated TM(s) on Flow especially are DEADLY!
There sounds like there is major issues with your Logistics team there. Why the ETL is putting up with this, hmmm.. don't know.. I know I would be eaten alive allowing this from my ETL, who would be getting it from the STL.... I just shake my head.... Real life is a witch and she can throw kinks in.. deal with it daily... Yeah my ETL will jump in and throw, but only because of a CO, NCNS, or something else stupid. Thankfully that has not been the case for a while. I think at times they like to do it to relive stress!
🙂 😉
Are you not pushing during unload? As a 0600 store, you will NEVER SUCCEED unless you have teams pushing from the start. As 0400 you can mass bowl areas and WAVE them, but with what you describe, maybe not. I have a set plan to to push each day, and yes things throw kinks in it daily. As a 0600 store, I would suggest you get ready for some really, REALLY HARSH guest comments! I know what my guest think of us being in the store during open, and it is not polite. I agree, but unless I get sales to the next level getting back 0400 or two levels to get an ON process or some one at HQ wakes up.. ok that is not happening.
Speed is life may not be a "thing" anymore, but it should still be how we do things. Not slow as slugs, filling whatever gap, hoarding equipment thats not used for accuracy, leaving trash/cardboard at the last minute, etc.
Speed is life here! From the BR to the SF! Not just logistics, but all processes. If you are a slug, you are gone! Flow push is just under a box per minute. Ideally it should be in the 45-50 second range, but to make it easier to teach and monitor we just basically use 1/min/box. Newbies are pushed to get here.. Yes it is measured, literally. With my stopwatch! TICK TICK TICK TICK TICK! Just like that kids game... now if I could just get the floor to actually make the boxes jump when time is up!
🙂 🙂 😉
Same with working clean.. and equipment. Well only a handful of TM's get devices for flow. BR gets all PDA's, other than one to scan the truck. mytoys are for a handful, thats it. I am not going to go off on that rant.. as a lot of the hoarding of mytoys by SF is a peeve.. Specialties ie: IS, PC, is one thing.. but I did SF tasks with no PDA for years.