Archived New schedules for CAF pulls

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You clearly don't work in a ULV with 8 flow team members total

No I do not, B, nearly A... I have 4x that! 🙂 🙂 And that is RIDICULOUS! Period. The whole logistics process is wrong, and turned on its head, be it Super AAAAAAAAA++++++++++++++ to D...

LOG works from store close to store open, period, end of discussion! I don't care what volume store you are. LOG team should be the invisible ninjas guest NEVER, EVER EVER SEE! Just stuff appears on the shelf! SPP via POG get set...etc..
Because SFQ is not being done consistently.

Here is my problem with SFQ. We complained for years about having to STO999 items to keep them from pulling in the CAFs. It is a waste of payroll to have to scan things to tell the computer that is supposed to be saving us time to stop wasting our time by pulling things constantly. So the solution was to get rid of STO999 and implement SFQ, which is nothing more than an Ipod Version of STO999 on the floor. I call that a bait and switch. We want the actual problem fixed, not more tools we have to assign payroll to.

Won't matter soon, we won't be dealing with CAFs as much in about a month 🙂
I got a lot of the paperwork for it today. Its suggested to have 4 openers to pull on truck days and at least 3 on non truck days because your AUTO's will be larger. Then keep at least 2 until 12. A 1-5 person to pretty much pull and pushed the 1 and 3's and then your closer 1-8 (which makes no sense when FF drops until 9) 5's are optional, only for grocery and only on weekends. Any soft-lines will never pull on your 3 CAF, only on AUTO's, so you have to drop manuals. Manuals are suggested from 5-8 for hba,chem,paper and dry grocery.

What I am having trouble with is the weekend. My normal is 1 person 6-2 then 2-9 with a 12-4 pusher. I feel like I have to add at least 1 extra person now in the morning and then extend the pusher to help with 5's and manuals.

So I'm a little confused. Is the mid person going to basically just be a pusher?

Do other stores do this "12 Steps" thing too? How is the average 6am person going to be able to get the audits, FAs, research, exfs, and ptm/dcode done including the 12 steps?

I'm really curious to see what this does for backroom hours for each position.
So I'm a little confused. Is the mid person going to basically just be a pusher?

Do other stores do this "12 Steps" thing too? How is the average 6am person going to be able to get the audits, FAs, research, exfs, and ptm/dcode done including the 12 steps?

I'm really curious to see what this does for backroom hours for each position.
Laughing my butt off with the thought of a 12 step program for the backroom....
That's what our store calls it. Our DTL walks it fairly regularly. Includes the backroom audit, backroom sda, going through a certain number of aisles a day and pulling nop, dcode, and wrong fill group items.

I was told other stores are doing this too. Swear to god, if I'm the only one, that's really annoying.
Soooooooo got my paperwork today and got the WTF looks from my team when I went over it. My STL said autos will be bigger especially softlines...manuals we will drop after the 5's...hours WILL be cut once were dialed in because FLOW will push more leading to less backstock...we will have 4 early AM's maybe 5...A 8-1245 person for audits and instocks pulls...all pulls for instocks done by 1230 and pushed...flex will be handled bybALL backroom TM's but ETL must carry a PDA for support to meet the hour expectation...1-530 3-745 and 4-11...our closer will pull PC finalize Backstock from CAFS and make sure we come clean every night and set the line...also all backroom team members will be required to pull a rabbit outta their @$$ and smile while doing it...just sayin
Soooooooo got my paperwork today and got the WTF looks from my team when I went over it. My STL said autos will be bigger especially softlines...manuals we will drop after the 5's...hours WILL be cut once were dialed in because FLOW will push more leading to less backstock...we will have 4 early AM's maybe 5...A 8-1245 person for audits and instocks pulls...all pulls for instocks done by 1230 and pushed...flex will be handled bybALL backroom TM's but ETL must carry a PDA for support to meet the hour expectation...1-530 3-745 and 4-11...our closer will pull PC finalize Backstock from CAFS and make sure we come clean every night and set the line...also all backroom team members will be required to pull a rabbit outta their @$$ and smile while doing it...just sayin
I see no mention to pfresh and FDC truck days. Wtf why is pfresh always ignored.
Ohhhhhhh no we get a 6-1045 backstocker on PFresh days and our closer is supposed to make sure the entire backroom comes clean including freezer/coolers...hence the pulling rabbit outta @$$ comment
No I do not, B, nearly A... I have 4x that! 🙂 🙂 And that is RIDICULOUS! Period. The whole logistics process is wrong, and turned on its head, be it Super AAAAAAAAA++++++++++++++ to D...

LOG works from store close to store open, period, end of discussion! I don't care what volume store you are. LOG team should be the invisible ninjas guest NEVER, EVER EVER SEE! Just stuff appears on the shelf! SPP via POG get set...etc..
Oh please write a strongly worded letter to corporate 😀
Soooooooo got my paperwork today and got the WTF looks from my team when I went over it. My STL said autos will be bigger especially softlines...manuals we will drop after the 5's...hours WILL be cut once were dialed in because FLOW will push more leading to less backstock...we will have 4 early AM's maybe 5...A 8-1245 person for audits and instocks pulls...all pulls for instocks done by 1230 and pushed...flex will be handled bybALL backroom TM's but ETL must carry a PDA for support to meet the hour expectation...1-530 3-745 and 4-11...our closer will pull PC finalize Backstock from CAFS and make sure we come clean every night and set the line...also all backroom team members will be required to pull a rabbit outta their @$$ and smile while doing it...just sayin

And they expect us to pull all of this off with fewer hours too. I guarantee the closer will NOT come clean every night, not a chance in hell.
Oh please write a strongly worded letter to corporate 😀
Does this mean the FDC logistics process too ? Cause we push FDC from 7 am till 2 pm with 3 to 4 TMs 10 pallets / at a time out on the floor breaking down and pushing in the way of the guests.
I remember this process a little and it did not work the best at our store. Maybe it will work better this time around. I'm going to be pissed if my hours drop though. My store is a 4am store, and we have 3-4 people on truck days and 2 on non truck days. But if this doesn't work out again and we go back to the current process those pulls are going to be massive. Last time it switched over it was about 36hr worth of pulls.
I just got this news today. how am I expected to do this when im the only person in the backroom after 12:30pm? So they give me bigger pulls, tell me I have to go scan and push my own pulls in between cafs, then set the line and clean the backstock. If they are cutting hours I'd like to see where they plan on cutting them. Especially if i have to take a lunch at some point in there.
Does this mean the FDC logistics process too ? Cause we push FDC from 7 am till 2 pm with 3 to 4 TMs 10 pallets / at a time out on the floor breaking down and pushing in the way of the guests.

😱 What a PALLET on the FLOOR after store open! 😱 Yes I know what BP says, Ist Verboten hier! Positively, VERBOTEN! The only dispensation is to drag it from the dock to the coolers which are on the opposite side of the planet from receiving. 🙂 So not much choice! 🙂 😉 Never has been a pallet allowed on the floor after store open, that includes vendors.. they hate it.. Love all the newbies when they come and we run them back into receiving to downstack to a flat. This is not store that shall not be named, NO PALLETS!

All FDC sort happens off stage here. In the coolers when possible. Freezer, nope I am not making any one sort in there.

Guest ate us alive on comments when we did some (*^^%^&$^%#$ pilot process that involved having freight all over the store, not on pallets, on flats, but still they ate us for lunch, dinner, and the next days breakfast over it. It was tied to this pull BS too...

This is a total failure to accept results that they don't like. It didn't work here for a lot of reasons.
Yes pallets on the floor for dairy and freezer from 7 am till they finish or go home around 2 pm. We do this 4 days a week Tuesday Thursday Saturday and Sunday always walking over the guest and we also have a big fat cage for cardboard that the guests have to maneuver around.
Soooooooo got my paperwork today and got the WTF looks from my team when I went over it. My STL said autos will be bigger especially softlines...manuals we will drop after the 5's...hours WILL be cut once were dialed in because FLOW will push more leading to less backstock...we will have 4 early AM's maybe 5...A 8-1245 person for audits and instocks pulls...all pulls for instocks done by 1230 and pushed...flex will be handled bybALL backroom TM's but ETL must carry a PDA for support to meet the hour expectation...1-530 3-745 and 4-11...our closer will pull PC finalize Backstock from CAFS and make sure we come clean every night and set the line...also all backroom team members will be required to pull a rabbit outta their @$$ and smile while doing it...just sayin
I'm halfway there
QT here I come. Maybe try Racetrac too and Kroger and why not Hobby Lobby?

Fuck this.

Corporate can suck a giant fucking dick.
Heard about this from group leaders today. They were saying that in the pilot district that CAF size didn't see a big increase in size, but I find that extremely hard to believe.

Apparently backroom hours are going to go down by a whole 50 or so a week. I could understand the reducuction in CAFs if there was support for things like EXFs throughout the day, but how is the floor going to stay full? Are sales floor pulling any product the floor needs?

Overnight or Flow is getting hour boosts cause their workload will be heavier now ASANTS, what I was told today. So less people when we are open and terrible ones when we are closed.

This is soooo gong to work wonderfully!!!!!!
Overnight or Flow is getting hour boosts cause their workload will be heavier now ASANTS, what I was told today. So less people when we are open and terrible ones when we are closed.

This is soooo gong to work wonderfully!!!!!!
The backroom got a large percentage of IS hours. Yippee skippy.
I'm also looking at dollar tree.

But yeah I wish I knew Bill Burr. I would get him to go to corporate and say "suck my fucking dick".

Seriously, are they even thinking about the possible outcome or just honestly crossing their fingers and hoping for the best?

I was told that the new CAF schedule starts next Sunday (not this coming Sunday). The ETLs don't even know what the new CAF schedule will look like. Where is the communication? Where is the organization and preparation?

And finally, what the fuck? Do they even think?

You're going to start this epic fail on a Sunday? Are you a dumbass?
I'm going to take some time to check Redwire tomorrow, maybe figure out what (if any) changes my store will see. Lord knows we won't hear about it until it's happening. STL just loooves to keep us in the dark.
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