Archived New schedules for CAF pulls

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I just got this news today. how am I expected to do this when im the only person in the backroom after 12:30pm? So they give me bigger pulls, tell me I have to go scan and push my own pulls in between cafs, then set the line and clean the backstock. If they are cutting hours I'd like to see where they plan on cutting them. Especially if i have to take a lunch at some point in there.

They are giving you smaller pulls. The point of this system is the team will scan their own pulls, and if they do a good job the CAFs won't pull much when they drop once per day.
I don't think this is rolling out region wide. I checked redwire and couldn't find a damn thing about it for my store. I wonder if they're still trying to pilot it.
I don't think this is rolling out region wide. I checked redwire and couldn't find a damn thing about it for my store. I wonder if they're still trying to pilot it.

I heard it was company wide. Didn't see anything on redwire but I got an email.
Overnight or Flow is getting hour boosts cause their workload will be heavier now ASANTS, what I was told today. So less people when we are open and terrible ones when we are closed.

This is soooo gong to work wonderfully!!!!!!
My STL actually knows a ETL at one of the rest stores and he said the rest was really only a week long and results were mixed. That ETL felt that the new CAF schedule relied too heavily on sales floor and that it was very difficult to find time to drop the manuals, pog, and item fills, get them pulled, and pushed on an already light sales floor schedule.

I've got my reservations, but I'm willing to give it a chance... Not that we have a choice..
My STL actually knows a ETL at one of the rest stores and he said the rest was really only a week long and results were mixed. That ETL felt that the new CAF schedule relied too heavily on sales floor and that it was very difficult to find time to drop the manuals, pog, and item fills, get them pulled, and pushed on an already light sales floor schedule.

I've got my reservations, but I'm willing to give it a chance... Not that we have a choice..

Well my ETL wonders why you would drop bigger manuals when you have an IS team who can surgically fill the floor without much wasted time. But Spot doesn't want employees in the store. Honestly I don't want to see the damage our soft lines team will do when they drop manuals cause they are clueless.
Yes pallets on the floor for dairy and freezer from 7 am till they finish or go home around 2 pm. We do this 4 days a week Tuesday Thursday Saturday and Sunday always walking over the guest and we also have a big fat cage for cardboard that the guests have to maneuver around.

A cage for cardboard which the FDC team tries to put in as less obnoxious a spot as possible. Metro racks for BS, and the flats of freight.

Regardless of what that BP things says, ain't no stinkin' pallets here! It all has to be downstacked. Which is a TOTAL WASTE of my teams time, but that is the rule I am stuck with. They don't care what BP says. We've done it this way for so long, well since we started, my FDC team has this down to a science.

Nobody is allowed pallets on the floor after store open.

This just encourages that Flow, POG, IS, PC, etc. should all 100% be ON! 🙂
I've seen some stores where they have not only pallets, but the electric pallet jack out on the sales floor while the store is open. Nowhere near opening/closing time.
We use the electric jack on salesfloor when pulling a pallet of water or milk.

As for pallets on the salesfloor, we only have them on salesfloor because we ran out of flats from backstocked, push, clearance, and any other crap you can put in them
From my understanding from our SRTL-BR, they've decided to give dayside two CAFs a day, and to start pulling manuals, BR hours have been reduced to an opener and closer. I dont know how it's going to work right, but god bless those BRTMs. Godspeed.

Also, apparently our FDC trucks will become smaller. I sure hope, considering we've had ridiculous waves of various DARY product (IE: Two weeks ago was coffee creamer, last week was yogurt, this week it's juice). We had to create locations on our Recall/NOP/NOF rack to just put our overflow product. And most of it got QMOS'd too..Waste of money. Also, had a 2K FDC truck about a month ago. That was nuts..considering we are A+ Volume.

Anyways..Im looking forward to seeing how this system will go. Hopefully well...But I think we know how this will turn out...
FDC trucks become smaller. ??? I don't see that happening right before Easter you know Easter is March 27th. .
The Clusterfuck

Starring Nic Cage, Ving Rames, Eric Roberts, Rebecca Demornay, and Dolph Lundgren

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From my understanding from our SRTL-BR, they've decided to give dayside two CAFs a day, and to start pulling manuals, BR hours have been reduced to an opener and closer. I dont know how it's going to work right, but god bless those BRTMs. Godspeed.

Also, apparently our FDC trucks will become smaller. I sure hope, considering we've had ridiculous waves of various DARY product (IE: Two weeks ago was coffee creamer, last week was yogurt, this week it's juice). We had to create locations on our Recall/NOP/NOF rack to just put our overflow product. And most of it got QMOS'd too..Waste of money. Also, had a 2K FDC truck about a month ago. That was nuts..considering we are A+ Volume.

Anyways..Im looking forward to seeing how this system will go. Hopefully well...But I think we know how this will turn out...

No, you should NOT be dropping manuals. The point is to not rely on the system as heavily and to just go strategically fill just what you need to fill during the day. This is also the entire reason MyTime schedule was generated. MyTime generates forecasts of units/dollars per department and generates shifts based on when the sales are occuring. If your store used it since rollout, this transition will go easily. If your store has more than one closer and more than one opener per area each day, then they are not following it and it will be difficult to have the resources to fill your floor at peak times. Most stores that say "This isn't working" is because they are still writing schedules as if its 10 years ago...
I just had this conversation with my ETL. "The process is broken. Wouldn't you agree?" "No. Forgive me if I am speaking out of turn, but the process has never been allowed to work here. There is always someone that believes that there probably wasn't enough research at a higher level and that they are smarter than "those guys". IMO, management of the processes is broken." (BTW.... it takes longer for our schedules to be written now than before we had myTime. I shake my head at 3 execs buried in their computers as they try to reinvent the wheel each week.)
No, you should NOT be dropping manuals. The point is to not rely on the system as heavily

😱 😱

In 2016 that is EXACTLY what should be happening! !! What are you drinking!?!? 😡 😡 😡

😱 😱

😱 😱

The IT systems should be HELPING us, and be MORE RELIED ON! Example... what good does it do to take EXF away... If my PA(s) now have to WRITE DOWN ON PAPER WHAT THEY NEED! Really!!!?? IN 2016!!! NO! 😡

😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡

No, you should NOT be dropping manuals. The point is to not rely on the system as heavily ..... Most stores that say "This isn't working" is because they are still writing schedules as if its 10 years ago...

Politely, and respectively. HOGWASH! I've been through this "pilot" and it was, and IS ONE GIGANTIC CLUSTERFUCK!

Plain and simple the ONLY REASON this is being done, over the objections of stores and the FAILURE of the pilots is this,

$.$.$.$.$.$.. $500 MILLION REASONS WHY! 😡 I didn't have to read any more of the puff on Redwire after that blurb.. it is all boiled down to what they think they will save...

I've been there done this, it DOESN'T WORK!! 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡

I am all for improvement, LEGIT IMPROVEMENT! This is NOT improvement in any way shape form or factor.

Just as your post about the systems and its math prowess... Well let me tell you there is no way that works unless you have SIGMA RATED IT! And TGT don't have anything close to SIGMA IT! Nor does it account for H-U-M-A-N-S!

😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡
No, you should NOT be dropping manuals. The point is to not rely on the system as heavily

😱 😱

In 2016 that is EXACTLY what should be happening! !! What are you drinking!?!? 😡 😡 😡

😱 😱

😱 😱

The IT systems should be HELPING us, and be MORE RELIED ON! Example... what good does it do to take EXF away... If my PA(s) now have to WRITE DOWN ON PAPER WHAT THEY NEED! Really!!!?? IN 2016!!! NO! 😡

😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡

No, you should NOT be dropping manuals. The point is to not rely on the system as heavily ..... Most stores that say "This isn't working" is because they are still writing schedules as if its 10 years ago...

Politely, and respectively. HOGWASH! I've been through this "pilot" and it was, and IS ONE GIGANTIC CLUSTERFUCK!

Plain and simple the ONLY REASON this is being done, over the objections of stores and the FAILURE of the pilots is this,

$.$.$.$.$.$.. $500 MILLION REASONS WHY! 😡 I didn't have to read any more of the puff on Redwire after that blurb.. it is all boiled down to what they think they will save...

I've been there done this, it DOESN'T WORK!! 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡

I am all for improvement, LEGIT IMPROVEMENT! This is NOT improvement in any way shape form or factor.

Just as your post about the systems and its math prowess... Well let me tell you there is no way that works unless you have SIGMA RATED IT! And TGT don't have anything close to SIGMA IT! Nor does it account for H-U-M-A-N-S!

😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡
I've seen some stores where they have not only pallets, but the electric pallet jack out on the sales floor while the store is open. Nowhere near opening/closing time.

We use the electric jack on salesfloor when pulling a pallet of water or milk.

Automatic TERMINATION with EXTREME PREJUDICE here. Das ist verboten! We can not even move them out of their very in the way spot during the unload process... and no there better not be either in the trailer either!

Same applies to vendors, IMMEDIATE RED SCORE and a very stern dress down, of not to do it again! Do it again, and it will be bumped to the BP and the supervisor of the vendor to REPLACE the VENDOR REP! We've done it to the pop guys a couple times when they refused, and laughed it off. Well who's laughing now!

As for pallets on the salesfloor, we only have them on salesfloor because we ran out of flats from backstocked, push, clearance, and any other crap you can put in them

Under no circumstances is it permitted here. The freight will sit in the back till a vehicle is available to take it to the floor during store hours.

And the only dispensation to this is that FDC pallets have to travel to the coolers on the far far far away galaxy of the market stock room. And that is only begrudgingly allowed.
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