Archived New schedules for CAF pulls

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I have always thought IS should be started later so that flow was finished and the truck backstocked. Drastic count and ptms can be done at any time during the day and filling endcaps is better accomplished later in the day after peak sales time.

No, I was taught, and I could swear I read BP that IS should be ON NON TRUCK DAYS! DUH!

But it has never ever happened that way here.. They start at the same time as my Flow team! 😡 WHY!???!?? Oh I know why! The BRTL who runs IS, works then, and they want their team here when they are...

IS should either be done AFTER Flow and the truck is completed including backstocks OR done on NON TRUCK DAYS, Period. DUH! This is a NO BRAINER.
We need to wait and see what will happen before calling it an abject failure. In theory, ....
Wait until it rolls out before we condemn it. I.

I pilot'd this cluster fuck, it IS A FAIL! They just refuse to accept input on it.
I pilot'd this cluster fuck, it IS A FAIL! They just refuse to accept input on it.

It's possible that there have been changes since the pilot that we are unaware of. The process may be different, I imagine that your team has changed since the pilot, and I imagine that since this is no longer just a pilot there will be a greater effort put into it to make it work.

My TL and the rest of our team are fairly optimistic about it. As it is right now, the Replenishment process is broken with the current level of staffing. This change could be a big step forward to getting more stores Green across the board, as I know that many many stores are not coming clean every night and many stores are not green on metrics.
Why would this even cause br hours to drop? Doesn't there still need to be a opener for flexes, research and such? Plus a mid/closer to pull those 4 hour long cafs and flexes? Plus backstock?
No, I was taught, and I could swear I read BP that IS should be ON NON TRUCK DAYS! DUH!

But it has never ever happened that way here.. They start at the same time as my Flow team! 😡 WHY!???!?? Oh I know why! The BRTL who runs IS, works then, and they want their team here when they are...

IS should either be done AFTER Flow and the truck is completed including backstocks OR done on NON TRUCK DAYS, Period. DUH! This is a NO BRAINER.
You are a funny fella.... you said BP and IS together.... hahahahahhaha I can't remember the last time THAT happened at our store.
It's also similar to the system we had 10+ years ago. It worked great. Admittedly, we had a lot more payroll to get things done too. This is still far better than pulling quantities of 1 of various DPCIs every single damn hour.

I am not against improvement, and not pulling onesies twoies of stuff when there is plenty on the shelf. That DID NOT HAPPEN here! We actually had MORE EMPTY shelves... every where... plus piles of manuals and no one or unrealistic for one TM to complete and other tasks.

This is first hand knowledge. I've been there done this. FAIL. I don't need to wait.

Most of us here are on the front lines. Slow your roll there turbo.

NOT directed to You, and most here.. The other person knows who it was directed to. I don't care what sort of "god" some think this poster is/was here. I know crap when I smell it! I've been through this mess. It is a fail.
Uh. Hate to see how empty our shelves become when tm's are responsible for shooting manuals. Our endcaps routinely look terrible.

I pilot'd this cluster fuck, it IS A FAIL! They just refuse to accept input on it.

We piloted it too last year, it worked great. However, we didn't bother with manuals because there's never the payroll to work them. Sales floor would shoot items as needed instead.
I was curious what today might have looked like if we were doing the upcoming schedule. I left at 3 today so I don't know what it looked like after that, but I printed the CAF pull monitor reports from 11 to 3. Assuming the same items would be pulled, just at a different time of the day I added up all the pull goal times for the batches that would drop at 1 and at 3.

Our actual pull goals were 2:28, 1:45, 1:40, 1:53, and 1:51.
Pulling the same things at 1, 3, and 5 looks like it would be 3:39, 2:51, and 2:50 built up for the 5s by 3PM and 18 minutes of softlines not pulled.

It looks like we may no longer need three people in the morning. We might be able to do with just two for the earlier batches but I guess we'd need 3 at five.
No, I was taught, and I could swear I read BP that IS should be ON NON TRUCK DAYS! DUH!

But it has never ever happened that way here.. They start at the same time as my Flow team! 😡 WHY!???!?? Oh I know why! The BRTL who runs IS, works then, and they want their team here when they are...

IS should either be done AFTER Flow and the truck is completed including backstocks OR done on NON TRUCK DAYS, Period. DUH! This is a NO BRAINER.

Then work in a big boy overnight store.

And in stocks can shoot around a truck, to fill not to change counts.
I pilot'd this cluster fuck, it IS A FAIL! They just refuse to accept input on it.

Man I just want to say in regards to your one really long post earlier in this tread, thanks for at least trying to advocate for us during the conference call. I'm assuming you're a logistics TL, or another manager of some sort in logistics. I don't work for your store specifically (at least I'm pretty sure I don't) but I do appreciate you at least putting up a fight with this whole ordeal.

I really can't wait until I work again just to have a word with HR and my TL. What they're doing is just so messed up. It really through my life off track, because of course this is something that was unexpected. You think you have study employment (granted never a steady schedule) but then this hits you. There is no way I would have ever applied for the position they're now transfering me to. It's just not me. And to think I'm going to be cutting into other TMs hours. So they're all going to hate me.

I feel like some are saying this has worked for them and for others it didn't. At the end of the day it will probably work for some locations. I could see it working in low volume locations. But for high volume stores like mine, I just don't see it happening. See if they were smart they would have kept hours the same for the first week to test this whole thing out. At least then they would have enough hands on deck to sort out what ever mess arises. But this is Target afterall.
I would like to thank everyone participating in this thread, as well as the other one. It's good we're sharing input on this matter. Especially since this change will dramatically effect all stores, whether the end result is good or bad.
It's also similar to the system we had 10+ years ago. It worked great. Admittedly, we had a lot more payroll to get things done too. This is still far better than pulling quantities of 1 of various DPCIs every single damn hour.

Most of us here are on the front lines. Slow your roll there turbo.

Thank you! Things were far better back before Target over-complicated the process with all these CAFs. They weren't even that bad when they were every other hour (11, 1, 3, 5) and you had two hours to pull them. But this is just too many trips to the same items that do not drive sales (guess what, if you stock an item that is already represented on the floor and you don't sell through the entire shelf that day, it didn't add sales). This is simple, clean, and is going to give the SF so much more time. Hardlines won't have any pulls outside of priorities until almost 4PM (after the 3's). That means ALL morning they can be filling endcaps, setting, or doing PTM projects and then breaking away to do reshop. I HATED hardlines because I only got an hour max in the mornings to get things done before I had to go run the priority pulls and then move onto the CAFs. And when i ran CAFs I tried to pay attention to not just how much was backstock, but how much was a wasted trip by filling a floor location that was just missing 1-2 items. It was extremely frustrating.
The shitty thing is, it will only last until some store gets walked with a couple of outs on the shelf that have locations in the back. Someone will say "If we were doing more CAFs, this wouldn't have happened" rather than attempting to analyze WHY it was empty at that time, and declare the whole thing a failure.
The problems I see with this and I can only speak for my store...our flow process is broken...we have far too much challenge when backstocking...FDC is never a priority when backstocking because they want the main stockroom to come clean so now I see the freezer/coolers becoming can shoot batches to fill up the Ying yang but if you cut hours who's going to pull...manuals my ETL wants to drop at 11am but that's when AM backroom leaves so again who will pull let alone push...and lets not forget Flex and backroom store is a B volumn but so close to an A and we get 345 for backroom in hours which we struggle coming clean daily. Like all changes I'll roll with it but all stores are different so hopefully they allow some tweeking of the process.
And in stocks can shoot around a truck, to fill not to change counts.

Yeah... right... they are checking the boxes on the floor that are being or about to be stocked to determine if its out or not? AND NO! they are not going to check anything on the screen to see if it says it came today either.

YEAH RIGHT! That doesn't happen!

Bleep! 0, put grey dot on move on, 5 minutes later we fill it, and remove the grey dot... sighhhh...

IS should be done on NON TRUCK DAYS, OR other wise AFTER THE TRUCK is 100% complete. Again this is a NO BRAINER.
Man I just want to say in regards to your one really long post earlier in this tread, thanks for at least trying to advocate for us during the conference call.

I take care of MY TEAM! 🙂 The person before me was just steam rolled by other TL & ETL's (non LOG), NOT ANY MORE! I don't play that game.... I don't tolerate the "bash flow" culture. I don't tolerate Flow doing the reverse. If you have legit critcs and issues, I am all for getting the corrected... but DON'T BASH MY TEAM just for the thrill. Again this was easily done by the pansies before me.. They eye popping wake up most got, was amazing. I have my own Kevlar, you bring out your talons all you want.. I am not the easy prey any more! 🙂

I feel like some are saying this has worked for them and for others it didn't. At the end of the day it will probably work for some locations. I could see it working in low volume locations.

This probably will work great at ULV (D) and low C stores. B and higher. NOPE. Been there done that..FAIL.

The problems I see with this and I can only speak for my store...our flow process is broken...we have far too much challenge when backstocking.

We had challenge like that too.. It takes audits and retraining and retraining that you have to check the 2nd, 3rd and more LOCs yeah that is not so easy with out a mytoy or PDA... but if you are working in an area you should have an idea of what is on the EC(s) in the area. SC and CL sets are a little different... I try to get at least one mytoy to each area... doesn't happen, most of my team actually refuse to take mytoys and radios as we end up loosing them to SF who need their blankies! I blame TGT for their hopelessly low count of devices per store, AND for poor training on SF.

ONE TM = ONE radio AND ONE mytoy/pda. Now realistically we don't need every Flow TM to have them. A few key TM and at least one communal mytoy/pda per section. That way you can put one on the BS flat/2 tier, BLEEP! Oh that has a NEW SPP EC... or a new CL set etc..

The Flow TL needs to be auditing this, and roaming to help with checking 2nd+ loc's...since there will never ever be enough devices to go around.

..FDC is never a priority when backstocking because they want the main stockroom to come clean so now I see the freezer/coolers becoming worse..

BR here splits off a BRTM to do FDC when BS starts to accumulate... They still have others working the main DC GM freight to come clean there.

.you can shoot batches to fill up the Ying yang but if you cut hours who's going to pull..

And who is GOING TO PUSH! SF?? What SF! Oh. you mean the Market TM/PA and the ELECT TM who are doing the ENTIRE HL side of the store! And the one SL girl, plus the FRO.. and maybe 1, 2 if it is a really good day cashier.

And NO the BRTM(s) won't... That lasted about 2 seconds.. till they were pulling stuff, and it just sat and sat AND SAT. The BR don't want to push stuff, so they don't, and won't. They will just quit. We lost one like this during the pilot.

hours which we struggle coming clean daily.

We are at the same point, but we come CLEAN 100% Daily.. or else... Good gawd you don't want to see the aftermath of truck not completed and/or BR not clean... Nope.. the floors would be red! And not just with that little red stripe! 🙂

Like all changes I'll roll with it but all stores are different so hopefully they allow some tweeking of the process.

I am rolling with it, and I already have a plan to deal with it.. Basically, rage against the machines! 🙂 😉 Not going to be liked, don't care. We are not going to go quietly in to that good night via this mess.
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