Archived New schedules for CAF pulls

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Yes you are lol. I was part of the test but we did food only in a large Super. In fact, the thing that threw the entire thing off was the GM CAFs because they dropped at times that did not match our sales (example being segmented SEA1, SEA2, and SEA3 batches for later in the afternoon long after big rushes). The problem was that we did most of our sales in those areas early on a Saturday, yet it waited until 5pm to drop the damn CAFs for those fillgroups and there were no TMs after 6PM to work them (because Hardlines was scheduled off of sales not workload).

Again, the guide says to NOT rely on system generated CAFs or Manual CAFs to fill your floor. Instead its up to the store to decide exactly how and when areas get filled. It is suggested to put as much payroll onto the floor as you can and to match your sales as closely as possible with scheduling. You then break out your team based on your own store's trends and they are mini fillers for each area. They should zone, scan fills, and put away reshop as they go, then work their batch at the end before they leave. This is probably the simplest damn system Target has ever rolled out for once, and we are freaking out about it for no good reason.
So just out of curiosity...seems like they are relying on a near perfect zone and a flow team that will push "correctly" . Flow at my store has 2 speeds...slow and stop...the TL wants to be their friend vs their leader and they just can't grasp 2nd locations...more hours means they will milk it...I feel more drinking coming on and therapy sessions in The Breakroom in my near future 😵😱😕😛
The hourly CAFs from 11am-6pm may be annoying, but the fact is they keep the store filled all day.

If something sells out at 10am, it will be pulled in the 11s and worked out soon after. With this new system, if something sells out at 10am, it won't get pulled until the 1s. And since those batches will be massive and take a while to pull and get worked out, that item might not get to the floor until after 3.

Why don't they just go one step further and eliminate the CAFs all together? 1 massive autofill per day and that's it. Morning backroom team can backstock, pull price change, and set the line. No more need for mid/closing backroom and no need to pull random TMs to work pulls throughout the day. If a guest needs an item from the back, any TM with a myDevice can go pull it.
I'm wondering if a TM scans an area to be filled, but the area they scanned is scheduled to be on the CAFs, will these items be pulled twice?
So this is going to be a failure right?

I mean I haven't even seen it yet and I can already tell it's going to fail horribly. The people that run this company are fucking incompetent pieces of shit and need to bitch slapped for the fact that over the last 5 years they have destroyed the backroom and Target in general.
So this is going to be a failure right?

I mean I haven't even seen it yet and I can already tell it's going to fail horribly. The people that run this company are fucking incompetent pieces of shit and need to bitch slapped for the fact that over the last 5 years they have destroyed the backroom and Target in general.

You should wait to see it in action before you declare it a failure. Yes, I have concerns as well. The idea behind it makes sense, it gives stores more control over what to pull and stuff that could go out, but doesn't need to will pull less frequently. Do I really need to pull 1 bottle of Tide, even though there is still plenty of it on the floor?

I'll be curious how this will affect the size of the batches. Since there will be less batches, I would think the autofill will grow in size. Same for the 2-3 scheduled CAFs and possibly the manuals as well. On a weekday, CAFs typically hover around 30 min-1 hour, they could very well end up being 2-3 or 4 hours when this change happens.
Yes you are lol.

No I am not, again, BEEN THERE DONE IT! FAIL!! FAIL! FAIL! 😡

I was part of the test but we did food only in a large Super.

ME TOO, Thanks! OUR ENTIRE STORE! B Volume nearly A, with PFresh.

This is probably the simplest damn system Target has ever rolled out for once, and we are freaking out about it for no good reason.

No, its overly OUTDATED! May as well go back to pencil and paper! Oh wait my PA(s) have to do that now! Checking calendar, yep 2016! If your going to shove mytoys down my teams throats then I should be able to scan outs, create batch and WORK ON SAID MYTOYS! It may create a batch, but can't pull it with a mytoy. It takes a PDA! 😡 FAIL!

Plain and simply it doesn't work! I've been there done that. We know it doesn't work. There was no greater joy than knowing we were going back to something with some sanity to it. EVERY ETL, TL, and STL and the TM(s) who were polled (ones with brains) had the same response. FAIL!

Why doesn't it work? Example WHO is going to ZONE all of dry market, fresh & full, AND then PUSH some 5 FULL 2 Tiers of dry, plus do the coolers, freezers.. cleaning...oh and milk just got delivered.. oh wait eggs need to go out too! As the "system" downright refuses to pull them! The thing could be empty, and it won't pull them. Yes 100% they are located, aint nothing in this store not located other bananas in the ambient room, it even says they are there.. refuse to pull.

Oh you are not allowing mytime to populate the schedule.. if we did that there would be NO ONE HERE! They would quit! Based on this I look for most of the BR to quit! Which is the goal here anyway.. SAVE $$$$ ... got to recoup that $7B from CA some how.... I am all for cost reductions and improvement... and when there is fat on the meat... we have LITTLE TO NO MEAT LEFT! 😡

Oh and no process teams are not going to be the "SF" team ie: Flow and POG, IS, PC. Well for one thing.. If you keep taking my team for "fast service" then we can't complete the truck push on time, thus we spend more, thus.... Plus the lack of equipment... PC, IS, and the few SF ie: Elect, Market, and the SF TL and ETL will take all the radios and mytoys. So there will be none left. I don't have enough to have a skeleton crew have a mytoy and radio on Flow! My team is so annoyed with this process. they REFUSE to even take any equipment what so ever. None.. They are tired of using for 5 minutes and some SF diva whining for it. I did SF guest assist for YEARS with NO PDA (before my toys!) with no issue. Most SF act like its some security blanket. 😡

And the complete absolute abject refusal of POG, IS and PC to help out as the "SF Team." So don't' ask my team to bear the weight of this 100%.. It is crickets right now when people call for fast service... There is no one to come! Unless of course you would like us to leave the frozen pull out to melt and rot... oh but take it back.. ok... the freezer is on the other side of the store, and by the time the PA/Market TM push it back, then get to the FE.... And you can tell me that the STL/ETL's etc. should push/force the POG/IS/PC teams to help out. It will last 5 minutes if that...

I am on the verge of LOOSING GREAT WORKERS due to the cut of hours!!! The ones who will sthe few I can get enough hours to some what keep them happy tay are the slugs . .. as they don't care and those who are getting retirement benefits and use this mainly as a "spending money" job versus live on.

WE get it you drank the flavorade... I too did, but I know when I've had enough, and things are broke, and don't work.

Those of us ON THE FRONT LINES know this is FAIL.
This is probably the simplest damn system Target has ever rolled out for once, and we are freaking out about it for no good reason.

It's also similar to the system we had 10+ years ago. It worked great. Admittedly, we had a lot more payroll to get things done too. This is still far better than pulling quantities of 1 of various DPCIs every single damn hour.

Those of us ON THE FRONT LINES know this is FAIL.
Most of us here are on the front lines. Slow your roll there turbo.
We need to wait and see what will happen before calling it an abject failure. In theory, it looks like it could help make the backroom more efficient. Instead of having to spend half of every hour pulling CAFs, we'll be able to use the time between CAFs to complete projects, work on backstock, pull research, and catch up on anything else that needs doing. If it goes poorly, well, we'll just have to stick it out and do what we can to mitigate the damage.

Wait until it rolls out before we condemn it. It'll take time to adjust to the changes too, so I think we need to give it a month before we conclude its effectiveness. This new process also will work better in some stores than others, which is something to keep in mind.
We need to wait and see what will happen before calling it an abject failure. In theory, it looks like it could help make the backroom more efficient. Instead of having to spend half of every hour pulling CAFs, we'll be able to use the time between CAFs to complete projects, work on backstock, pull research, and catch up on anything else that needs doing. If it goes poorly, well, we'll just have to stick it out and do what we can to mitigate the damage.

Wait until it rolls out before we condemn it. It'll take time to adjust to the changes too, so I think we need to give it a month before we conclude its effectiveness. This new process also will work better in some stores than others, which is something to keep in mind.
I like that we are rolling it out on a Sunday when half of management is off on the weekends, lol.
I remember when I first started in IS I was told our job was research, not replenishment. It works better when I focus on replenishment. I think adding an afternoon IS shift with this process might be beneficial.
Has anyone heard for sure that their store will NOT be doing this?

I've seen plenty say they will be, and a few who's leaders have no clue.
None of the ETLs know anything about the exact details of it. That's pretty much Target management in a rotten shitty nutshell.

I predict failure but I will have to see it first. There is a small chance it might not suck ass.
I remember when I first started in IS I was told our job was research, not replenishment. It works better when I focus on replenishment. I think adding an afternoon IS shift with this process might be beneficial.
I have always thought IS should be started later so that flow was finished and the truck backstocked. Drastic count and ptms can be done at any time during the day and filling endcaps is better accomplished later in the day after peak sales time.
I think I'm gonna nut up tonight and fill out an application for maybe 15 to 20 hours at Kroger. An extra 15 to 20 hours would be nice.

2pm to 730pm shifts don't fucking cut it. I honestly don't understand the logic. If the batches are going to be bigger, why cut hours?

2 hours to do CAF batches? That just says "hey these are going to be huge ass CAF batches".
I wash my own, I can't stand how they scratch the paint.
nice but i live in an apartment so no access to hose and outside water to wash it. even the self serve, manual car washes are crowded.
Has anyone heard for sure that their store will NOT be doing this?

I've seen plenty say they will be, and a few who's leaders have no clue.

It's regional. They're going to try it at every store. Word will get passed down to you eventually.

None of the ETLs know anything about the exact details of it. That's pretty much Target management in a rotten shitty nutshell.

I predict failure but I will have to see it first. There is a small chance it might not suck ass.

Supposedly they all got an email sent out last week, but I believe managament is keeping it under wraps until they plan accordingly. Mine kept it from us for a week. Even admitted to knowing a week in advance.
nice but i live in an apartment so no access to hose and outside water to wash it. even the self serve, manual car washes are crowded.

Not an excuse. I did a two bucket wash for years at the self serve, just had to get up early to do it.
I've recieved the notice of change for my store, which this new Fill System goes into effect at my A+ store Feb. 28.

May have been mentioned

What's Changing:

Scheduled CAFS drop 2-3 times a day
TLs and ETLs are responsible for filling floor via Manual CAFs, Research, EXFs, etc.
CAF Pull Time Goal is 2 hours
MyPeformance Scores will reflect at the end of March
Will have new BB03 Fillgroup, should be stored with 02

No 4x4 Walks
No flex over active items
Keep Zones up to date by partnering with Backroom
Keeping floors filled can be based on expected sales per department

As for the Scheduled CAFs

Grocery and Commodities are Autofills, 1 pm daily, and 5 pm on Sat./Sun
Hardlines and Home are 3 pm daily
Softlines are Autofills only

Backroom hours may be reduced even more. It's highly recommended that the BR team get cross trained with other departments. FDC, Food and Produce will take additional time, in my experience. BRTM will need to know the salesfloor process. It's expected that everyone needs to step up and own the floor.
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