Archived No cvs team members in Break Room....

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Target isn't Wal-Mart. Wal-Marts have banks, salons, McDonalds, Blimpies, and Subways in them and the stores function normally. Target has a CVS pharmacy in it and it's like a nuclear bomb has been dropped.

Perhaps they do.

But unless you've worked at Walmart, you don't know for sure.
Not to be that guy but who cares. One cvs employees aren't working for spot so they shouldn't be allowed in the break room. But second who's gonna know. ASANTS but in mine etls team leads and even the STL never go in the break room. So if a cvs employee dat in the break room no one would ever know
oh and our STL ETLs are not allowed to use the CVS pharmacy bathroom, they have to use the public bathroom which they deem dirty !!

also I heard Targets cleaning crew cannot clean the CVS pharmacy area behind the counter, CVS has to find their own cleaning crew .
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This sounds ridiculous. Our Target mobile,beauty advisors, and pharmacy folks are part of our team, period. The STL, ETLs, on down treat them just like anyone else. Our Target mobile "TL" is more helpful in the electronics department than some of our tms and our beauty advisor and pharmacy team are always willing to help out in HBA. Why any store would not allow them in the break room is beyond me.
That's pretty funny. No one but night crew ever uses the breakroom.

Where do you eat or take your breaks? We're not allowed to eat at food ave (and no one would want to anyway) and we don't have a Starbucks. Occasionally people might eat in their cars or on a bench outside but 98% of the time everyone eats in the breakroom, STL on down.
One of the ladies who work in the Pharmacy at my store had been with the company for over 20 years. Now, shes a newbie with CVS. To add insult to injury she is told she cant sit in the breakroom she may use the fridge to keep her food cold but that's it . I would like to think that Spot has bigger things to worry about than the cvs team using the breakroom.
While "technically" a newbie with CVS, she doesn't lose her years of service. For all intents and purposes, she's now considered a 20+ yar CVS employee.
Not to be that guy but who cares. One cvs employees aren't working for spot so they shouldn't be allowed in the break room. But second who's gonna know. ASANTS but in mine etls team leads and even the STL never go in the break room. So if a cvs employee dat in the break room no one would ever know
Oh, trust me, they would know. There's always that ONE person who would rat them out....
I'm curious as to what actual sensitive information is being shared in the break room? Sensitive information should obviously be kept to e-mails and in the leads' offices, not in a common area with team members...
All those metrics on the walls, the catch phrases, etc are considered trade secrets. Even the layout behind those doors possibly.
This sounds ridiculous. Our Target mobile,beauty advisors, and pharmacy folks are part of our team, period. The STL, ETLs, on down treat them just like anyone else. Our Target mobile "TL" is more helpful in the electronics department than some of our tms and our beauty advisor and pharmacy team are always willing to help out in HBA. Why any store would not allow them in the break room is beyond me.
Mobile gets commission on a lot of electronics items if they ring them up, so there is a ulterior motive there.
The majority of the pharmacy team at my store has been there since the store opened a decade ago. Only two of them ever really ate in the breakroom to start with and as of yesterday they still were.

I find it really hard to imagine our current STL being ok with banning the CVS team from the breakroom, so I assume they'll be fine until our DTL or a CVS bigwig notice.
Possibly in time with extensive turn over the division will be accomplished, but as is, though we work for different employers, we are part of the same team. We have friends all over the store and unanimously everyone feels the same.

I see it as we were step-siblings raised together whose parents get divorced; Maybe we are not related any longer, but we will always be brothers and sisters.
All information in our store is treated as top secret and closely protected in case team members find out anything about what is going on,I find out everything here first and share the info with my friends,those cvs spies will never find out anything from us.
When you get two big corporations together the lawyers come with it. This is purely CVS and Target covering their respective asses to any possible litigation that could possibly (but unlikely) happen. I'm sure most stores will eventually become lax on this rule and it won't be a issue anymore.
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