Archived No more ETL HR?

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Although I know nothing about AP and such, can you provide any information where internal theft is higher than shoplifting? I won't insert "much more."
In general, internal theft costs stores more money for the simple reason that employees are in a position of trust and can use that position to steal a lot over a longer period. A shoplifter might come in and steal a video game, but a crooked back room employee can steal one video game a day for a year before they get caught. Just anecdotally, my largest shoplifting apprehension in the last year was for about $2,000, with my average apprehension being under $100. The largest internal case I had was a crooked manager who stole at least $60,000 over a couple years. My average internal value is closer to $500.
But those laws don't give you the freedom to decide what they'll be charged with. And no, it wouldn't be robbery. Don't try to argue this point because you're wrong.

Only use the cuffs when necessary, not to make empty threats during an apprehension.
Yeah, as @On6 said, that's not an empty threat. Shoplifters who resist can be cuffed, so it's really more of a promise than a threat. An shoplifting plus resistance equals robbery in my state, and many others. The common law definition of robbery is taking property with the intent of permanently depriving the owner, through the use of force or the threat of force. So if you shoplift, then fight the AP who try to stop you, you have met the common law elements of the crime. Most states will charge you as such. Just a couple recent examples:
Man accused of assaulting officer, shoplifting at Northlake Mall
Shoplifting Call Leads to Robbery, Drug Charges
Multiple students arrested this term for Duck Store shoplifting - Emerald Media
Mass. woman charged with robbery after alleged shoplifting attempts at TJ Maxx | New Hampshire

So there, four different cases, in four different states, all charged with robbery for shoplifting and resisting.
Our store is losing our ETL-HR/AP. It is not a big loss, as this person doesn't do sh*t. The HRTM does it all. When this TM is gone the ETL just leaves it for her when she returns. The ETL would not even do payroll if her TM was gone. I just hope the person the takes the TL job is sent out for training somewhere and is not trained by our ETL or they will learn to do nothing.
You really shouldn't talk about things that you obviously have no clue about.
Nah, I do.

The reality is, any items you "recover" is voided by the fact that tons of people each day scam the return system. You aren't helping target recover anything

There's really no need for AP when the ETL is stuck on the lanes and the TPS is doing usless takes. Anyone else that can apprehend are scatted thoughout the district
To my fellow HRTM's...are any of you considering the Sr. TL position? Pros and Cons?!

Is it possible to move up to Sr.TL by August 31st if you are a HRTM? For some reasons I thought you had to be a TL for 18 months before you can move up to Sr.TL. Maybe I am misinformed.
Is it possible to move up to Sr.TL by August 31st if you are a HRTM? For some reasons I thought you had to be a TL for 18 months before you can move up to Sr.TL. Maybe I am misinformed.

If you look at there are 45 HRTL jobs across the country that have opened in simply the last 3 days. I saw the first one in my state but it's in the middle of nowhere.

I imagine this would be exempt from the TL rule. I am not sure it's a senior position at every store (can anyone confirm that?) I do imagine it's a senior position if you were an ETL HR and are taking the paycut.

I would love the opportunity. It's a raise for a lot of work I already do. Plus having my own HRTM would be awesome knowing how I can use someone like myself.
But those laws don't give you the freedom to decide what they'll be charged with. And no, it wouldn't be robbery. Don't try to argue this point because you're wrong.

Only use the cuffs when necessary, not to make empty threats during an apprehension.

Sure its down to the officer on what the charges are but in most states if they leave property with the merchandise and you attempt to detain them they can get charged with strong arm robbery. If they dump the merch while you try to stop them its resisting merchant detainment. As I said, it really varies state to state and in some instances county to county.
If you look at there are 45 HRTL jobs across the country that have opened in simply the last 3 days. I saw the first one in my state but it's in the middle of nowhere.

I imagine this would be exempt from the TL rule. I am not sure it's a senior position at every store (can anyone confirm that?) I do imagine it's a senior position if you were an ETL HR and are taking the paycut.

I would love the opportunity. It's a raise for a lot of work I already do. Plus having my own HRTM would be awesome knowing how I can use someone like myself.

It is a senior position in my store. If it was a TL position I would have applied for it. We haven't officially posted it yet.
Is there a way to see which positions are open in your store only? When I checked out it lets me search but only shows me the city. I don't have any real interest in changing positions atm, just curious.
Is there a way to see which positions are open in your store only? When I checked out it lets me search but only shows me the city. I don't have any real interest in changing positions atm, just curious.

Yes, if you apply through EHR you can see store specific positions as long as they are posted internally as well. Some positions are posted as external only.

The tricky thing is applying on EHR usually means applying in the break room while other people are around which is awkward.
I wouldn't expect SrHRTL stores to keep hours for a TM. Probably only 40 for the TL. Maybe a 15 hours for a part time TM at best.

As a team leader they would have to have a team. Otherwise they would be an APS or PMT.

I doubt the HRTM position goes simply because there are too many HR related duties for only one person to handle. This is also without us knowing if SRTL HR are still taking LOD shifts.

There are also quite a few issues you run into if only one person in the store has access to HR related function. Or that one person goes on LOA.

Stores with an ETL HR and HRTL still have 2 or 3 HRTMs so I am not sure why a store with just a HRTL would lose their HRTM.
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At lower volume stores, LOD coverage would be needed from the HRTL. Higher volume stores might be able to cover without it though. I wonder if there will be an additional Sr. TL. For lower vol stores, that would be 4 SrTLs, 2 ETLs, and 1 STL.

Man, I feel for any benched ETLs.
As a team leader they would have to have a team. Otherwise they would be an APS or PMT.

I doubt the HRTM position goes simply because there are too many HR related duties for only one person to handle. This is also without us knowing if SRTL HR are still taking LOD shifts.

There are also quite a few issues you run into if only one person in the store has access to HR related function. Or that one person goes on LOA.

Stores with an ETL HR and HRTL still have 2 or 3 HRTMs so I am not sure why a store with just a HRTL would lose their HRTM.

I was told the Sr HRTL will have LOD shifts and I will be getting 40 hours/week.
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