No more insurance for part time team members!

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I am one of the lucky one,I do not need my income to survive( I even give my hours to a certain TM who actually needs it, when she asks ) ,my husband work for a union job and has all the benefits and more ,but I see what this whole mess is doing at my store,Tm who just fall below the threshold of hours,others who just need more than 32 hrs to survive,hours getting cut etc!
Only giving enough hours to the one who need to keep their insurance is not the way to go ( I was referring to another post where TL would talk in a meeting to see who needs the hours to keep their insurance),how about the others?

My stl informed us that they would not cater to the tm who need insurance,they would be fair by spreading the hours around!

I am from somewhere in Europe .... ,where everyone has insurance ( socialized medicine??? ),everybody get the same one,I am baffled with the anti insurance in the US and do not believe everything you hear,I never had to wait for an appointment ,doctors go on house calls ,but that is another story !
I am one of the lucky one,I do not need my income to survive( I even give my hours to a certain TM who actually needs it, when she asks ) ,my husband work for a union job and has all the benefits and more ,but I see what this whole mess is doing at my store,Tm who just fall below the threshold of hours,others who just need more than 32 hrs to survive,hours getting cut etc!
Only giving enough hours to the one who need to keep their insurance is not the way to go ( I was referring to another post where TL would talk in a meeting to see who needs the hours to keep their insurance),how about the others?

My stl informed us that they would not cater to the tm who need insurance,they would be fair by spreading the hours around!

I am from somewhere in Europe .... ,where everyone has insurance ( socialized medicine??? ),everybody get the same one,I am baffled with the anti insurance in the US and do not believe everything you hear,I never had to wait for an appointment ,doctors go on house calls ,but that is another story !

I'm glad you don't have to fight for hours and that you understand the value of having a union to give good insurance.

I also understand how this must be causing some major rifts in stores but you do understand that that those rifts are being created on purpose?
Spot wants there to be as much rivalry between the TMs so that they will ignore the fact that Spot is the one that caused the problem in the first place.

That STL who informed you they wouldn't cater to TMs who needed insurance is the worst kind of thug.
Fist of all because they are willing to set it in those kind of term when they clearly understood how desperate some of the people are and second because they obviously have every intention of making sure TM fall under the number of hours needed to qualify.

Your question about what why America is so anti single payer all come down to $$$$.
The insurance companies have a strangle hold on our medical care system, big business is happy to go along with it because they have millions invested in the system, and there are enough crazies that think changing it would be communism.
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calimero said:
I am from somewhere in Europe .... ,where everyone has insurance ( socialized medicine??? ),everybody get the same one,I am baffled with the anti insurance in the US and do not believe everything you hear,I never had to wait for an appointment ,doctors go on house calls ,but that is another story !
You can blame nearly 100 years of anti-socialism for that. The capitalist class in America created an culture where they believe the free-market is fair. If you can't afford insurance you don't need insurance. Any government program to make things fair is un-American. You are suppose to work for your healthcare and not given it. Free healthcare is anti-liberty. True freedom is dieing from a treatable disease than getting help from the state. Also note there was a movement to create a system in the US after WWII. Due to the red scare. Many anti-communists claimed socialized medicine will lead America into communism. Also many insurance companies see socialized medicine as a threat to their profit making empires and created a strong campaign against socialized medicine. Learn more: (How capitalists control culture to their will) (Operation Coffee Cup where the AMA created anti-socialized medicine propaganda with Ronald Reagan's help)
I am not from a communist country ,far from it! But I get it,money is king!!!! Lobbyist hold the cards!!!
I went back home for a vacation ,and my son broke his ankle,he had to have a plate and screws!! We were told at the Hspital that it would be expensive without insurance ,( since we are considered foreigners now) the out of pocket was roughly $200 ,I had to laugh !!!

I know ,some TM were given less hours so they would lose their insurance ,while myself was getting a steady 36 plus hours ...

Can we change the mindset of Americans? Having an insurance is not being controlled by a governement,that it is not losing your rights ,that it is something that should have ?

Rifts at target? A daily occurence ....
I'm still waiting on the insurance specialist. Also have not had my one on one with HR, but she already said she wasn't an insurance expert, so she can have a one on one with herself.
Has it been confirmed that the $500 is coming on one of the February paychecks? If so, does anyone know which one? No one at our store wants to talk about this and you pretty much have to break their arm for them to even respond when you ask a question about it.
Let's see here... Target and the "rest" of the democrats vote Obama TWICE.... Knowing that they want every body to rely on the government "especially" health care... And then target cuts health care from there "part-time" employees... And.... All of there "tm" that are not "management" are in the "system" as "part-time".... Ain't that a bitch!
Let's see here... Target and the "rest" of the democrats vote Obama TWICE.... Knowing that they want every body to rely on the government "especially" health care... And then target cuts health care from there "part-time" employees... And.... All of there "tm" that are not "management" are in the "system" as "part-time".... Ain't that a bitch!

I sense no support of your fellow workers.
Let's see here... Target and the "rest" of the democrats vote Obama TWICE.... Knowing that they want every body to rely on the government "especially" health care... And then target cuts health care from there "part-time" employees... And.... All of there "tm" that are not "management" are in the "system" as "part-time".... Ain't that a bitch!

I'm completely missing your logic.
The chances are good that like most of this country, when it comes to Spot the people who run the company probably didn't vote for the President.
It's possible but unlikely.
When it comes to health care, I don't know how often I have to say this...

Except for the expanded Medicaid (that idiot Republican governors have been turning down the money for) and support for people who don't make enough to afford policies the government is not running things.
The insurance companies and big corporations are, which is why peoples policies are getting cancelled and their hours are getting cut.
The big mistake that was made was assuming that the businesses would act in a decent and honorable fashion.
That has been the President's problem all along, he assumes because he is a decent guy other people will be as well.
I know two team members who were dropped from Target insurance, who don't make enough to get a subsidy, and don't qualify for Medicaid.

Sure, this is better.

Did they get their $500 and time with an insurance counselor to make sure that they could get insurance that would be comparable to what Spot kicked them off of?
They were promised that and they should bloody well hold Spot's feet to the fire.

This company is hoping people will just slink away but you just can't do that.
They are saving a ton of money by doing this unconscionable thing and the least we can do is make sure they stick to their word.

To say that the law is to blame for them acting like douchenozzles is like blaming a assault victim for wearing a short skirt.
They deserve to be put in their place and told that we know what kind of crap they are pulling.

There are places that have information and help.
I put up one from Consumer Reports.
Yes they had their time with a counselor. I haven't received my $500 (payoff) yet, so I don't think they have either.

I think the money was supposed to be handed out later this month.

I heard a rumor that Target was getting $1000 for each team member they dropped who subsequently signed up for insurance elsewhere. Tell me it's not true, please.
Yes they had their time with a counselor. I haven't received my $500 (payoff) yet, so I don't think they have either.

I think the money was supposed to be handed out later this month.

I heard a rumor that Target was getting $1000 for each team member they dropped who subsequently signed up for insurance elsewhere. Tell me it's not true, please.

I wouldn't be a bit surprised.
So the counselor just threw their hands up and said, "Sorry, we can't help you."?
WTF is that?
I thought it was their job to find insurance that matched what Spot offered for a comparable price.
If I was the one sitting at the table with them I wouldn't let them leave until they found me a policy.
It's their job, after all.
Has it been confirmed that the $500 is coming on one of the February paychecks? If so, does anyone know which one? No one at our store wants to talk about this and you pretty much have to break their arm for them to even respond when you ask a question about it.

I asked my HR today and she said it would be issued off-cycle. For me, that would be either the 14th or 28th.

I didn't bother going through Spot's counseling and went directly through my state's exchange. Did open enrollment today and was able to up my dental and still come out lower than what I was paying for the PT plan.
The counselor gave them the options, and the cost is 3 times higher than what this team member was paying with Target. It's not affordable when working a couple short shifts a week.
Let's see here... Target and the "rest" of the democrats vote Obama TWICE.... Knowing that they want every body to rely on the government "especially" health care... And then target cuts health care from there "part-time" employees... And.... All of there "tm" that are not "management" are in the "system" as "part-time".... Ain't that a bitch!

I'm completely missing your logic.
The chances are good that like most of this country, when it comes to Spot the people who run the company probably didn't vote for the President.
It's possible but unlikely.
When it comes to health care, I don't know how often I have to say this...

Except for the expanded Medicaid (that idiot Republican governors have been turning down the money for) and support for people who don't make enough to afford policies the government is not running things.
The insurance companies and big corporations are, which is why peoples policies are getting cancelled and their hours are getting cut.
The big mistake that was made was assuming that the businesses would act in a decent and honorable fashion.
That has been the President's problem all along, he assumes because he is a decent guy other people will be as well.
Lol..... Where have you been the last two years... THE GOVERNMENT DOES CONTROL HEALTH CARE.... Lol... It is all part of the liberal agenda... And Target supports the Democratic Party openly... It wants to force their employees out so they have to enroll into Obama care... This isn't really that hard to follow... And I do care for my coworkers... I would give the shirt of my back to any of them... But I can't help but to gloat when I know for a fact that 90% of the people in my store voted democrat and are now in a heap of turmoil because they are be forced out of the affordable Target health care and into an unaffordable Government healthcare plan!....
[mod]Stop. Now. This thread is NOT for debating the ACA or its effects. It is for support, information, and other thoughts related to this. This is the last warning I am giving.[/mod] do I post in that pretty red/pink box?
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Let's see here... Target and the "rest" of the democrats vote Obama TWICE.... Knowing that they want every body to rely on the government "especially" health care... And then target cuts health care from there "part-time" employees... And.... All of there "tm" that are not "management" are in the "system" as "part-time".... Ain't that a bitch!

I'm completely missing your logic.
The chances are good that like most of this country, when it comes to Spot the people who run the company probably didn't vote for the President.
It's possible but unlikely.
When it comes to health care, I don't know how often I have to say this...

Except for the expanded Medicaid (that idiot Republican governors have been turning down the money for) and support for people who don't make enough to afford policies the government is not running things.
The insurance companies and big corporations are, which is why peoples policies are getting cancelled and their hours are getting cut.
The big mistake that was made was assuming that the businesses would act in a decent and honorable fashion.
That has been the President's problem all along, he assumes because he is a decent guy other people will be as well.
Lol..... Where have you been the last two years... THE GOVERNMENT DOES CONTROL HEALTH CARE.... Lol... It is all part of the liberal agenda... And Target supports the Democratic Party openly... It wants to force their employees out so they have to enroll into Obama care... This isn't really that hard to follow... And I do care for my coworkers... I would give the shirt of my back to any of them... But I can't help but to gloat when I know for a fact that 90% of the people in my store voted democrat and are now in a heap of turmoil because they are be forced out of the affordable Target health care and into an unaffordable Government healthcare plan!....

Target- Republican

Donations : $4,238,477 (1990-2012)

Democrat : 32%

Republican : 68%
being a TL the no insurance doesn't affect me but I can't continue to work in a place who values their employees so little. My store handled this very well and at our next TL meeting we are going through which team members use the insurance and how to assure they remain above the 31.5 hours. Not many people in our store actually use the insurance so this won't actually be hard.

I am one of the lucky ones where my partner makes enough money and has a good enough job that mine doesn't matter much. My money is spending money for us but I can't continue to go to work for a company who treats people so poorly and put a smile on my face to my Team Members and try to assure them that every thing will be ok when I know it's probably a lie.

I started the job search the day I found out about this and hope to be gone within 6 months. I hope that's not just wishful thinking!

Best of luck to you in your search for a new job!

You have a real integrity that is fast disappearing in America.
The counselor gave them the options, and the cost is 3 times higher than what this team member was paying with Target. It's not affordable when working a couple short shifts a week.

Red state or blue?
[mod]Stop. Now. This thread is NOT for debating the ACA or its effects. It is for support, information, and other thoughts related to this. This is the last warning I am giving.[/mod] do I post in that pretty red/pink box?

I don't know about putting it in a special colored box, but you could always change the font color. That's what I do personally when I've modded elsewhere.
unions have tried to get into target for years i remember one time unions tried to get into a store on the east coast. i remember our hr at the time having groups of people going into the conference room and having us watch a video on unions and telling us if a union rep came to this store you know what to do.
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