Stupid question, but can I get COBRA? What if I quit before April 1st?
I think they might have had more people sign up this year simply because of the requirement to get insurance, but it could be wrong. If the number was so low, then why not keep it since it surely can't be costing them that much? Or is that 36,000 people more significant than they would like to admit?
I haven't checked yet, but I think my wife makes too much for us to get a cheap plan. It was gonna cost a lot for me to be on her plan too, so she didn't even get insurance last year.
I haven't checked yet, but I think my wife makes too much for us to get a cheap plan. It was gonna cost a lot for me to be on her plan too, so she didn't even get insurance last year.
She's just gonna pay the penalty. She knows that I need insurance more, so our money will have to go to that.
I think if we had been told sooner, I may have been able to get my hours up to 31.5.
Yeah I think it's 11k for single, not sure for joint. Good to know about 2015 though.
Thanks Obama.
So once again, you want to lay the blame not on the scum who cancelled the insurance but on the entity (and I'm not saying who because despite people slapping the presidents name on it, a lot of people worked on the ACA) that made the effort to provide insurance for people who didn't have insurance.
That kind of logic just makes my head hurt.
Of course, it's cheaper for the company to just dump all it's part timers off its insurance roles and let the government handle it.
It'll be a nice little bump for the executives and the share holders at the end of the year.
But it's fucking wrong!
Doesn't matter they're going to do it anyway.
And people blame the bill that was written to get insurance for all the people who couldn't get insurance?
I just don't get it.
Despite the good intentions that were made by Obamacare, it really did not roll out how it was supposed to. A lot of people's premiums have gone up, and unless you qualify for subsidized coverage, you're basically screwed (luckily I do.... However its been a PITA trying to get it setup, very unorganized). A lot of the problems stem directly from the government website, and there are even inquiries into how secure peoples medical data really is (Sound familiar?).
Healthcare was something that I was never really concerned with prior to the Affordable care act.
Not trying to knock on Obama, because hes done some good things, but healthcare really IS a mess.....
Man did anyone else hear the spin they give in the script? Something like "we're cutting part time health insurance so you can get cheaper rates on the government insurance." I like how they make it like they're trying to help us.
If enough companies do this (dump their coverage, forcing employees into ACA), it could be the first step toward a universal (single payer) health plan.
Is Obamacare a step toward single-payer?
The ACA isn't a bridge to universal health care. It is a cul-de-sac, structured above all else to maintain the central role of the health care industry in general, and private insurance companies in particular....Achieving universal health coverage and access to care will require dismantling the core of the ACA and replacing it with something else entirely.
Yeah, the ACA was originally an attempt to begin the process toward moving to a single-payer, but once the insurance lobbyists and greedy Congressmen sunk their teeth into it we got the bloated mess we have today.