No more insurance for part time team members!

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Jun 6, 2013
No more insurance for part time team members! Are you freaking kidding me? I feel like I just got kicked in the stomach! Maybe this will provide the incentive I need to go find something better. I've been here to many years and now this. Thanks Spot! You SUCK!!!!!!
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Hold on, what do you mean part-time? Anyone who is hourly? Or anyone who works below 30 hours a week?
On the bright side, this will flood the healthcare market with peopke needing insurance, thus bringing prices down on (or mnsure if you live in Minnesota)
On the bright side, this will flood the healthcare market with peopke needing insurance, thus bringing prices down on (or mnsure if you live in Minnesota)

Not if we need assistance because of our low wages.
they need people to be actually paying in money for it to work.
WHAT?! I'm fucked.

Wait...I cannot panic of the beginning of December my average was at 31.58. There's a small chance I could be okay....dear, God....
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Well, it looks like for me I could possibly fall into the Medicaid coverage zone in my state. That would help me get coverage, but it sucks to have to rely on government subsidies when I have always paid for my own health insurance in the past.
I can predict three things that will likely happen due to this: Leadership being directed to keep hours for all TMs under 30 at all times, mass quitting unlike the company has ever seen before (at least 10% of the workforce), and a huge ramp up of union activity. I believe they're all plausible; this is going be an interesting year for the company.
Think of it as the beginning of Universal Coverage rather than depending on the government.
Now all we have to do is make sure the Republicans don't get back into power so they can repeal it.

We've got a Republican governor and a Republican legislature in my state which has continuously been hammering the poor people (hey that's me!) in our state the past few years. Somehow they have the system set-up that I am considered above the poverty level when I made less than 15k last year.

I believe in Universal Healthcare, but the problem is the Affordable Care Act was hacked to pieces by Congress so it's only a shell of it's original vision and what it could be.

I can predict three things that will likely happen due to this: Leadership being directed to keep hours for all TMs under 30 at all times, mass quitting unlike the company has ever seen before (at least 10% of the workforce), and a huge ramp up of union activity. I believe they're all plausible; this is going be an interesting year for the company.

I can see the first two happening (the second will just lead to less capable people being hired at lower wages), but I don't think we will still a ramp up in union activity. So many states have rigged the laws against unions and the few unions that are left are either so weak or so corrupt that it's hard to see them being effective anymore. Which is really sad to say considering my Grandfather was a UAW member for 30 years and made an upper middle class living for himself working for GM.
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It depends on how much you make a year what kind of subsidy from the government you might get.

Here's a calculator that might help.

Thank you for this. The "good" news is that it looks like I will be eligible for Medicaid. The bad news is that likely means I will need to find new doctors. And losing my psychiatrist could be disastrous.

But hell, as long as they found money for those corporate bonuses, I guess it's worth the sacrifice!
I can see the first two happening (the second will just lead to less capable people being hired at lower wages), but I don't think we will still a ramp up in union activity. So many states have rigged the laws against unions and the few unions that are left are either so weak or so corrupt that it's hard to see them being effective anymore. Which is really sad to say considering my Grandfather was a UAW member for 30 years and made an upper middle class living for himself working for GM.

Yeah that's true although I meant there will probably be more attention to Target by the unions. Maybe more cards being distributed in stores, fliers, etc. Not necessary another Valley Stream-type of deal.
I'm so close, but there's no way I can keep working this semester as much as I did last semester. I have to work 8-10 hours a week for school.
The day I fall below 32 hours (which I continually fight for!) is the day I will be giving my 2 weeks notice. Health insurance is the only reason that I am working at Target. I give them 100% every moment that I am on the clock (ok - maybe there have been a few times over the last decade and a half that were not quite 100%) and all I ask is to give me at least 32 hours/week. I've been at 40 average many years, but not recently and it seems that if I'm not diligent in watching, they'll give my hours to Suzy High School because they don't have to pay her as much.
My Target didn't know exactly what the hourly cutoff would be, I'll take your guys word that it's 32.

Not sure what this means for me as I'm not really close to 1,000 hours yet. I'm a pharmacy tech and, other than a few weeks over the holidays where I got as low as 20 hours per week, I think I average around 30-35. The benefits are really important to me - for the amount of hours I'm putting in versus what my paycheck is, the last straw really would be if they try to have me at 25 hours a week. At that point I could wait tables 3 days a week for better pay.
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