Archived No one wants to be me

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GSTL is very difficult. I know it sounds ridiculous and whatever, but it gets so exhausting dealing with guests and a massive team, among about 500 other things in a single shift. However, try doing that and Starbucks together! What a horror show! I’ve done it, and it is not fun! On top of all of the policies and processes up front I have to know, I also need to know Starbucks and the 1,000 plus drink combinations. Plus food safety, plus added team members on my alignment. I probably had almost 30 up front alone, plus another 8 to 10 at Starbucks. Starbucks is a whole other beast to deal with. It’s not fun trying to do both, when one is sinking so my attention needs to be pulled from the other to deal with it. It really was not fair to either of my teams to have to put up with.

You're doing it wrong Starbucks is supposed to fall under your CTL or a food service team lead.
So as the title states no other TL in the store wants to be me. I am a gstl. I am also a Senior so I have LOD shifts as well ( I don't mind these, they can be interesting).

I always hear TL complain about all their sales planners, workload for seasonal, truck push, stray, zone, among a couple other things and I always stop them in their tracks by saying "well if it's so bad why don't we swap!?" To which the response is always "yaaaa nevermimd". I feel like the gstl has more tasks than the other TLs plus having to deal with anything the guests perceive as wrong in any area of the store. So if the TL in infants didn't have their team zone right and something is off, I get yelled at. If food team doesn't do a good job in freshness, I get crapped on and no one seems to care really. Everyone is always "to busy" to help me with my sales planner pulls even though I can't leave the front lanes to do the pulls. "Have a cashier do them" you might say? Oh that'd be awesome except I barely have enough cashiers to match traffic and end up needing backup anyways.

Maybe it's different elsewhere but in my store no one wants to be me. Even my ETL GE said no thanks when I offered to take his LOD shifts and he could do gstl because he was complaining about LOD! 🙁

End rant.

Covered for GSTL- I will say I do not have the patience for it. Some days it’s a nice break from the CAFs or whatever workload I have on the floor, others, I can only handle so much.

In my house they don’t set their own salesplanners, they don’t know how to pull batches, and yet it’s not as important as say a Sales floor TL’s salesplanners-in my house anyways it seems. Now with the workload I have gone through just in this month alone, I don’t think the GSTLs at my home could have handled to manage it. As GSTL you are the first and last essentially “face” of the store the guest sees. If the guests are happy, they leave with a great experience; if not, they’ll make sure their voice is heard, whether it’s once, twice, or a million times. Who’s not to say such and such guest did not speak to another TM, TL or ETL about such complaint within the store. I know that’s how it is at my house.
Tasks, well at my home, they really don’t do much tasking. More like partnering with others in order to get things done. “electronics, the movie endcap needs to be filled.” “Market, my banana trees are empty”. I understand GSTL needs to be in the front for guest experience, but maybe tasking by having market or electronics bring the product up and themselves fill it versus market or electronics. With e2e, they have a large workload, especially if it’s a C&S day where they need to unload a truck. Not much tasking imo. At the end of the day, imo it’s mentally draining and I would rather be physically exhausted from pushing or zoning.
You're doing it wrong Starbucks is supposed to fall under your CTL or a food service team lead.

Hmm. At my store, we had a SBTL and a CTL. The SBTL quit. The CTL has zero idea how to do anything at Starbucks. CTL can barely order his own drink correctly, and he can't tell when the idiot SBTM is screwing up his drink. We would never consider calling for the CTL. Makes me laugh to think of it.
So, when SBX needs something, they always call the LODs or GSTLs, since the GSAs don't know how to ring. I'm 99% sure the STL has zero clue as well.
Hmm. At my store, we had a SBTL and a CTL. The SBTL quit. The CTL has zero idea how to do anything at Starbucks. CTL can barely order his own drink correctly, and he can't tell when the idiot SBTM is screwing up his drink. We would never consider calling for the CTL. Makes me laugh to think of it.
So, when SBX needs something, they always call the LODs or GSTLs, since the GSAs don't know how to ring. I'm 99% sure the STL has zero clue as well.

Yeah they don't call it SBTL anymore it's food service team lead but sounds like yours is vacant. The CTL is supposed to cover Starbucks in the event you don't have a good service team lead but asants obviously like your store.

No one want to be the cashier either we deal with grumpy people all day and have to try to make them happy.

I respect you because cashiering is mentally tough but it is by far the easiest job in the front end. Cart attendants have it way worse than you guys.
Damn, my store has a TL for Food Ave and sbux combined, I'm actually really surprised you were put in charge of sbux while having to deal with a whole front end. I kind of want to call shame onto your store for doing that, your case is pretty severe and unique. Did you ever talk to your ETL-GE and STL about getting your Food area TL to take in sbux?
I would have thought this was the right idea, but apparently not. It takes about 30 seconds to walk from Pfresh to Starbucks. I think they just wanted to have the closest leader deal with it, or the food leaders didn’t want to do it. And since they have seniority over me, that took precidence over it. I didn’t think it would be so bad, but before I even got trained I found out real quick what hot mess was happening. I tried to back out before they wasted time on training me, but I was told that I need to “give it some time”. We have made some great progress, but it is so hard paying attention to either one. When I’m up front, I have to worry about Starbucks, and vice versa. It’s completely the opposite of how it should be! Very frustrating, but to be honest I really don’t give a damn if the food leaders don’t want to deal with it. I have too much on my plate. We will crash and burn during the holidays. I’m very concerned, because it reflects poorly on me, not the people who put me in this position.
I'd rather run around like a maniac in market, making breaking down FDC, killing myself pushing BEV and making bales than being up front with a smile on my face dealing with guest complaints and no where to run. 😕
There's always somewhere to run.

Unless you're a cashier!
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