Archived No Receipt Returns

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It's not that I shut the guests down necessarily, I was going by what corporate said on the matter which was to refund the item as if it was a no receipt return and give the refund back as a gift card. Most guests were fine with it so it was no harm, no foul.
Target policy is Always Attempt the Return. It is a stupid policy.

If you don't have some control over the obvious fraudulent returns, your store will become a hive of insects returning all kinds of stolen bullshit because they know they can get away with it. We've had a group of people that would come in, drop 50 HBA items on the desk, and get pissy when I asked them why the 30 shades of nail polish didn't suit their needs. Was always fun listening to some of those answers.
you need to partner with ap. we can't deny, but we can limit if ap needs to limit loss. "hey i'd be glad to take it back with proof of payment but without i can only do x amount. "
Sorry to bump this old thread but I had a question about a return I did the other day and was wondering if anyone could provide some insight so I can avoid a situation like this in the future:

A woman came in with a bunch of softlines merchandise, which she wanted to return. She had receipts for everything except this one jewelry item that she bought (at a different Target). She had also paid in cash for the item so I couldn’t look it up using a card. I processed all of the regular returns and gave her a refund, then I scanned her ID and the jewelry item and the register came up with a message that said “You cannot do this return,” and prompted for an override code. I called the GSTL over and he put in the override code, but it still just said “you cannot do this return.” We tried a different register and it still didn’t work, so he had me call the number for in-store returns and I was on the phone for like 30 minutes before the guy on the line was able to reset the return and let me do it for the guest (the way that he did it also let me give her the full price of the item, in cash). The GSTL gave her a $5 gift card as a way to say sorry for the trouble.

1. I don’t think she was over the limit for no receipt returns - I asked her if she had done any recently and she said she had never done one before.
2. Her ID was not expired
3. It wasn’t a promotional item or anything

So, I just have no idea what happened with that one - I mean it worked out in the end but do we have a policy on jewelry or something that I don’t know about? Any wisdom is appreciated
How much was the item?
Did the item come up regular price on the POS or with a planogram?
How much was the item?
Did the item come up regular price on the POS or with a planogram?
The item was $16.99. It came up as regular price when I scanned it using mywork

I forgot to mention that the guy on the phone asked me to try typing the DPCI for the item and trying the default DPCI, neither of which worked
Sorry to bump this old thread but I had a question about a return I did the other day and was wondering if anyone could provide some insight so I can avoid a situation like this in the future:

A woman came in with a bunch of softlines merchandise, which she wanted to return. She had receipts for everything except this one jewelry item that she bought (at a different Target). She had also paid in cash for the item so I couldn’t look it up using a card. I processed all of the regular returns and gave her a refund, then I scanned her ID and the jewelry item and the register came up with a message that said “You cannot do this return,” and prompted for an override code. I called the GSTL over and he put in the override code, but it still just said “you cannot do this return.” We tried a different register and it still didn’t work, so he had me call the number for in-store returns and I was on the phone for like 30 minutes before the guy on the line was able to reset the return and let me do it for the guest (the way that he did it also let me give her the full price of the item, in cash). The GSTL gave her a $5 gift card as a way to say sorry for the trouble.

1. I don’t think she was over the limit for no receipt returns - I asked her if she had done any recently and she said she had never done one before.
2. Her ID was not expired
3. It wasn’t a promotional item or anything

So, I just have no idea what happened with that one - I mean it worked out in the end but do we have a policy on jewelry or something that I don’t know about? Any wisdom is appreciated
I wouldn't have done the return. Every once in a while there will be a prompt from the POS saying we cannot do the return. Do you think she had a legit receipt and had purchased all those items; or found it the receipt, and picked the items off the floor?
Same. If there is an option to override, I usually ignore it. My feeling is there is usually a reason why the POS is denying the return and most (not all) guests who get to that point in the return are shady somehow.

I mean the POS usually asks the guest to put in the most used card in cases like that. So the fact that this was a straight up “no” is interesting.
I wouldn't have done the return. Every once in a while there will be a prompt from the POS saying we cannot do the return. Do you think she had a legit receipt and had purchased all those items; or found it the receipt, and picked the items off the floor?
I honestly can't say for sure, but it didn't seem sketchy to me. They were all kids' clothes that she had, and said that they didn't fit her daughter (who was with her), it wasn't very many items either. She came in through the door next to guest services and already had the stuff with her in bags and then took the receipt out of her purse. I wanted to deny the return for the necklace but she really wanted to return it and didn't really have a reason why besides that she didn't want it (it was still in the original packaging and everything.) So, she had me call the GSTL over and he decided that we should process the return.

Same. If there is an option to override, I usually ignore it. My feeling is there is usually a reason why the POS is denying the return and most (not all) guests who get to that point in the return are shady somehow.

I mean the POS usually asks the guest to put in the most used card in cases like that. So the fact that this was a straight up “no” is interesting.
Yeah, it seemed strange to me - it didn't ask for the most used card, didn't prompt for an exchange, didn't say "return item to guest" or anything, just flat out "you can't do this return"
I would say if the GSTL and the in-store returns people gave the go ahead, you're in the clear. Presumably if it had been something the guest really shouldn't have been able to return, the people on the phone would have said so, but if they reset it it could have been some kind of glitch or the item was coded incorrectly or something like that.
I don't personally don't trust the people on the phone as they have told guests we can do something when we can't. They don't always know the whole story and are usually getting the info from the guest. If we are doing a no receipt return with an ID and the POS says not to do the return, I will not do the return.
That's totally fine, too. But if one option put forth by Spot is to call that number for assistance, and they assist, then I would say Saylavee is in the clear. Particularly since the GSTL was on board. In this case the in store returns people may have been able to see, say, how close she was to the return limit on her ID or if the item had any exception notes or anything that the POS system wouldn't show you, they can make that call. If the in-store phone people were wrong, well, that's corporate's problem, now isn't it?

(x-posted with HR zone--this was in response to Frontlanegirl)
And that’s where ASANTs bc my GSTL wouldn’t have gone to the trouble of calling the returns #. It was a no receipt return, the POS said no, the guest didn’t really have much of a leg to stand on so why take 30 minutes to do the return? There’s “try to make it right” for the guest but within reason. This, to me, was over and beyond what was necessary.
And that’s where ASANTs bc my GSTL wouldn’t have gone to the trouble of calling the returns #. It was a no receipt return, the POS said no, the guest didn’t really have much of a leg to stand on so why take 30 minutes to do the return? There’s “try to make it right” for the guest but within reason. This, to me, was over and beyond what was necessary.
This. Again, I don't have 30 minutes to call a number to find out why the POS system will not allow a return. Going above and beyond is to do the return without a receipt and letting the system to make the determination. If the guest had kept their receipt then it would be a non-issue. Call me jaded, but I am always sceptical when the guest says they paid cash and don't have a receipt. And then the system tells me to not allow the return then something else is going on.
She had receipts for everything except this one jewelry item that she bought (at a different Target). She had also paid in cash for the item so I couldn’t look it up using a card. I processed all of the regular returns and gave her a refund, then I scanned her ID and the jewelry item and the register came up with a message that said “You cannot do this return,” and prompted for an override code. I called the GSTL over and he put in the override code, but it still just said “you cannot do this return.” We tried a different register and it still didn’t work

I read some articles online that retailers track fraudulent or abusive behavior through ID scans for no receipt returns. The POS system didn't prompt you to not do a return until you scanned her ID so maybe she was deemed shady (scammer or serial merchandise returner) based on her return patterns. Either that or she maxed out on her returns limit. These would be my guess.
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So what do you say in this case to the guest?
“Sorry the computer won’t allow us to process this return without a receipt”
“Why not?”
“Ummm that’s what the computer says.....”

Do we mention the limit? (Then they say they’ve never done a no-receipt return)
Or say some items require a receipt for returns? (Then they ask which items require receipt and why...)

Also our store always lets people exchange their old/broken/worn shit for something else from that dept if they’re over their limit. Pisses me off so much when we have guests literally just replacing their used makeup or bathing suits for brand new versions or next size up in shoes for their kids.
So what do you say in this case to the guest?
“Sorry the computer won’t allow us to process this return without a receipt”
“Why not?”
“Ummm that’s what the computer says.....”
I would literally turn the screen around and show them the screen and then show them the policy on the wall where it says something along the lines of “returns may be denied without a receipt” or something like that. Sorry. We can’t take it. Maybe sell it online

My STL and ETL tell us all the time “never say the word no.” So if the computer lets us we have to do it. Oh, you have a used DVD player with no box at all and no receipt? Sure, you can return it. 30 of the same face washes? No problem. Bags and bags of obviously stolen clothes? All the time!!!

Sometimes I want to be a GSTL just to have the power to deny things. I would probably be fired but it would be so nice to tell someone (especially with the DVD players we get so many??) that they’re out of luck sorry not sorry bye. If you wanna return things keep the receipt and the box moron
I would literally turn the screen around and show them the screen and then show them the policy on the wall where it says something along the lines of “returns may be denied without a receipt” or something like that. Sorry. We can’t take it. Maybe sell it online

My STL and ETL tell us all the time “never say the word no.” So if the computer lets us we have to do it. Oh, you have a used DVD player with no box at all and no receipt? Sure, you can return it. 30 of the same face washes? No problem. Bags and bags of obviously stolen clothes? All the time!!!

Sometimes I want to be a GSTL just to have the power to deny things. I would probably be fired but it would be so nice to tell someone (especially with the DVD players we get so many??) that they’re out of luck sorry not sorry bye. If you wanna return things keep the receipt and the box moron

Not sure our GS screens twist around but that’s a good idea. I’ll try that.
I would literally turn the screen around and show them the screen and then show them the policy on the wall where it says something along the lines of “returns may be denied without a receipt” or something like that. Sorry. We can’t take it. Maybe sell it online

My STL and ETL tell us all the time “never say the word no.” So if the computer lets us we have to do it. Oh, you have a used DVD player with no box at all and no receipt? Sure, you can return it. 30 of the same face washes? No problem. Bags and bags of obviously stolen clothes? All the time!!!

Sometimes I want to be a GSTL just to have the power to deny things. I would probably be fired but it would be so nice to tell someone (especially with the DVD players we get so many??) that they’re out of luck sorry not sorry bye. If you wanna return things keep the receipt and the box moron

If someone has no receipt and no packaging, its an automatic no from me... someone literally tried to return a MUDDY remote control car toy the other day, a month after Christmas, saying it was a gift for her child and it didn't work. No box, no receipt, no nothing. No wonder it didn't work after your kids been giving it hell for a month.
If someone has no receipt and no packaging, its an automatic no from me... someone literally tried to return a MUDDY remote control car toy the other day, a month after Christmas, saying it was a gift for her child and it didn't work. No box, no receipt, no nothing. No wonder it didn't work after your kids been giving it hell for a month.
Got almost the exact same thing. Broken remote control car. No box, no receipt. But regular GS has already said it was fine....
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