Archived PDA'S

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The 9200 are faster but are not durable most definitely. honestly im hoping it all works out, cause if not, i guess i change workcenters or something
I can't wait till we switch to 6am.

Presentation, Flow, Price Change, Backroom, Ship-From-Store (we have assigned SFS PDAs but yea, those will be gone).

Battle Royale
I can't wait till we switch to 6am.

Presentation, Flow, Price Change, Backroom, Ship-From-Store (we have assigned SFS PDAs but yea, those will be gone).

Battle Royale
Our SFS PDAs were clearly labeled and kept in a cabinet at receiving. After 1 week, one was broken and the other was gone. I still find it occasionally with the other PDAs and I'll put it back in receiving, but it will be gone again within a few days.
I loved when we first got the new PDAs and everything was still running rf aps. Was glorious. I could literally scan an item on the top of the steel and locate it without leaving the ground. You could also backstock multiple items really quickly and it would then sit there beeping for a while as it caught up.
I loved when we first got the new PDAs and everything was still running rf aps. Was glorious. I could literally scan an item on the top of the steel and locate it without leaving the ground. You could also backstock multiple items really quickly and it would then sit there beeping for a while as it caught up.

This is why I still use a PDA when backstocking MMB/other electronics when electronics is slow and I'm bored. It just will catch up as I scan and backstock, scan and backstock. Unless I go too fast or backstock too many things.
I was thinking at my store if we were left with a good count of 9200 PDAs then I would assign a PDA to a work center. So far at the moment I think we have at least 7 9200. I think about 3 for Backroom, 1 for receiving, 1 for POG because we have to pull our own pulls maybe ad the extra in to Backroom or just an extra one, and then guest service keeps theirs for defectives. If we don't have enough, I'll just renumber them and free for all.
Everything is so slow at my store. PDAs, LPDAs, MyDevices etc. Do you know what I would give to have a device that pulls and backstocks almost instantly? I wouldn't get so angry when I'm on a time limit with the pulls and my pda decides to crap itself halfway through a batch.
I'm really upset we're sending our lpdas and PDAs back After easter. Only mydevices from now. We're going back to the time every work center fought over equipment and start hiding them in wackos/shelves/drawers.

And I hate using them because I have to restart the thing 5 times in a shift.
It would be nice if the remaining PDAs were moved to the backroom, but my store just had some heavy-duty locked display cases installed at TMSC to store them. I'm pretty sure they're bolted to the wall/desk...
Lpda's suck, but i herd the my device's arnt any faster
I think it's just the LPDAs and the 9200 PDAs that get sent back after Easter. I'm pretty sure the regular PDAs stay for a bit longer (since I haven't heard a roll out date for mydevices to pull batches yet).

Mydevices are great when they scan, and when they don't lose the correct wifi connection.
I like the big old things, whatever they are. The red things never work . Is there going to be an actual guide to using the new things? I have never been taught hos to do any of the things you all are talking about. That red thing always shows the dog saying doggone it try again.I hate it
They dont care if it works or not for us, always going to be an issue😡. There should be a company wide backroom huddle. Or convention, lol jk, funny though.
I like the big old things, whatever they are. The red things never work . Is there going to be an actual guide to using the new things? I have never been taught hos to do any of the things you all are talking about. That red thing always shows the dog saying doggone it try again.I hate it
Sign into workbench. There is a box on the left-hand side with a guide.
Anyone who uses a PDA for alerts, can you log on? I tried yesterday & today and it said I don't have access to this application. But I can sign in on it on a iPDA & desktop. Just curious.
We received a shipment of 9200s the other day to get our PDA count back up. I'm glad that Spot is smart enough to ensure that stores aren't going to be shorthanded for a those who really need them.

OTOH, someone has to yank all of the legacy devices on Monday morning. That person is me.
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