Archived Price Change rant #9,723

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This so much!!

Can I just add how absolutely infuriating it is to work operator and not have a mydevice? Then you have to farm out all your calls to other departments. Oh wait, no you can't, because then you find out they aren't responding or are having a hard time because flow has all of their walkies/devices too.

My favorite was when I opened as operator and had no walkie/device. Then, when I finally got one I found out electronics didn't have a walkie or my device since no one would give them up. This was literally three days before Christmas and I was yelling across the floor hoping my electronics TM would hear her calls.

ETLs are completely useless on this too. I once only asked for a mydevice every time and LOD came around. Didn't matter what he was there for, that was my only spiteful response. Somehow, I still didn't have one.
If I am anything but pricing I will give up my stuff for electronics. Cause you have to have it.
Mydevices and Pdas may make pushing the truck easier but they are not a a must have. Our flow team uses a couple pdas and that's only ..One for Softlines and one for the person breaking out repacks. Trust me Trucks have been pushed for years and years without using pdas hell back in the day we didn't even have aisle numbers or schematics .
I would share the my device with you.
I normally just share with pfresh if I have to. I fought to get two dedicated to my team and now they don't help the new one...My old man hates them so I can take it for hours before he needs it. But thank you. That's how I feel about my electronics peeps.
Each store is allocated a certain number of walkies, PDAs and myDevices. The thing is it is not nearly enough.
Every store wastes tons of $$ looking for equipment every damn day. It floors me how often team members are running back to charge batteries. My apologies to flow team members, but the flow team (not backroom flow) only needs 2 myDevices. Thats it. One that stays on a backstock cart for the TL or surfer to check second locations and one for the person working repacks. Everyone else needs to look at labels or use their eyeballs. And yes I have run that team and no I did not allow anyone else to use the equipment.
I wish my freaking PPTL would stop throwing the workload forecast in my face whenever we don't finish on time. Yet when she was the Pricing TL solely she flat out said "screw the forecast it's always wrong.". At this point I've been doing pricing longer than her and if she can't listen to me when I tell her the workload will not get done then I'm leaving at 230 and activating what is not done. Work a day with your gosh darn team and see how miserable and worn out they are and fed up with the bs instead of contributing to it. You can't just look at a piece of paper and say 8000 tickets = 66 payroll hours

Cause then... Omgd see spot went salvage ahhhhhhhhh what took you so long? There wasn't much left? Hello STUPID, I had to scan every mother******* thing because this store couldn't flex the clearance into one aisle could they? let alone zone the same items into one bin. Did I scan this cheap piece of crap rubber ball? Oh wait that ones pink and flashes it's a different dpci and it's going salvage... RAWRRRRRRRR
you didn't push all that palletized clearance freight from the backroom? You're a failure..
My favorite was when I opened as operator and had no walkie/device. Then, when I finally got one I found out electronics didn't have a walkie or my device since no one would give them up. This was literally three days before Christmas and I was yelling across the floor hoping my electronics TM would hear her calls.

If someone's looking for guest service, electronics, or HR, you can transfer the call. Of course, there's no guarantee that they'll be near the phone and hear it ringing, let alone be available to answer it.

If I were the operator, I'd use the overhead to announce phone calls (à la Kmart) until someone brought me a walkie.
If someone's looking for guest service, electronics, or HR, you can transfer the call. Of course, there's no guarantee that they'll be near the phone and hear it ringing, let alone be available to answer it.

If I were the operator, I'd use the overhead to announce phone calls (à la Kmart) until someone brought me a walkie.

Unfortunately, the way our phone is set up I can't transfer it to electronics. I can only park it on an extension and let them know they have a call. It works for other areas except theirs. Even if a guest calls and picks electronics from their phone all it does is ring through to the operator.

I like the overhead idea though. Lol
I was told it was dropped Thursday, with our biggest workload of the day. People keep saying there's not a lot left, Yeah.. compared to what it was... but we still have a whole aisle in seasonal.. and a couple endcaps.. and it's as low as it will go. We are just going to hit it up first thing in the morning and stay late. Its not forecasted in the workload so you're fucked if you have a lot and it takes you awhile.
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