Price Change

Mar 1, 2024
Hi! I’m new to this forum and have a few questions regarding price change.

What is best practice when you can’t find the item in price change in both gm and style? I know hitting “Can’t Find” will affect the unit completion. All liabilities have been pulled and and all endcaps and clearance blocks have been scanned. What do you do? Especially with items that have high discrepancies?

Also any tips on how to manage style price change?
You work the reject report for rfid , then you do rfid again .
Or you can audit the on hand before the end of the week , and complete pc Friday or on the last day Saturday .
Final markdowns and salvage tasks will affect on hands. Finals, therefore, are extremely important. If you could really only find 1 even though it expected 6, hit 1. Your unit completion will take a hit, but next week it'll only expect you to salvage 1 if you haven't sold it.

Of course, this next week, I understand they won't be showing expected on hands, so you'll just have to enter what you count out or have to toggle out to see the OH for each individual item which would be prohibitively time consuming.
For style price change, you should have someone that is fully dedicated to it, at a minimum, and probably at least another 20 hour person. Yes 60 hours. Front load near the beginning of the week. Monday to catch anything missed prior week and at least 32 hours Tuesday and Wednesday
For style price change, you should have someone that is fully dedicated to it, at a minimum, and probably at least another 20 hour person. Yes 60 hours. Front load near the beginning of the week. Monday to catch anything missed prior week and at least 32 hours Tuesday and Wednesday

Yeah not happening for me. I had to pull to get two gm people 30 hours a week each in pricing for the entire store.
I'm still new to trying to do pricing correctly and with the changes this week with salvage its something different than most in my store are used to.

If a further or final markdown has an OH of 5 but we can only find 1, does that mean when it salvages the system only looks for 1 instead of 5?
Finals and Salvages task affect OHs. So if you're on a final and can only find 1 during that week, my understanding is that it will drop the OH to 1 on Saturday at midnight (presumably). But if you don't complete the task, or hit 'can't find' then the OH will stay as is.

Firsts and furthers do not affect OHs
Another pricing question

I know per best practice you're supposed to put a label up before activating it and there's the whole <10 sec between tasks metric. Do any stores/TLs actually enforce that or as long as the tm is doing one page at a time we're good?
Another pricing question

I know per best practice you're supposed to put a label up before activating it and there's the whole <10 sec between tasks metric. Do any stores/TLs actually enforce that or as long as the tm is doing one page at a time we're good?

I'd be amazed if anyone actually did follow that- it absolutely kills efficiency. One page at a time is more reasonable, though I've never done a full page if had more than one location. I'd activate the first location, put those labels up, then activate the next.

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