Holy crap. I would try going up the chain, because that sounds like complete and utter bull. There's no way that a company like Target would risk the huge discrimination law suit that can result for disqualifying someone due to their religious beliefs. I would say call the integrity Hotline, but I wouldn't know for someone trying to get hired.Update:
The recruiter called me today to inform me that Target was unwilling to provide reasonable accommodation for religious services on Fridays. 24/7 availability is a core role of an ETL, and due to this, Target will not be continuing the interview process.
The recruiter called me today to inform me that Target was unwilling to provide reasonable accommodation for religious services on Fridays. 24/7 availability is a core role of an ETL, and due to this, Target will not be continuing the interview process.
I am debating forwarding the scenario and all evidence to a civil rights organization, but im not sure how far I'd be willing to go to expose injustice. I do feel obligated to make sure Target knows that this kind of stuff isn't OK, but I don't have time to go through the run around.
Trying to force my way through the interview process is the the kind of thing that would paint a target on my back and set me up for a miserable career if they did hire me. I could see myself getting the worst jobs in the worst stores with the worst hours as punishment for asserting my rights and embarrassing the higher ups who tried to prevent me from working in their district.
What's the point?
It sure would be nice to see someone slap them upside the head with a big screw you but I can understand why it wouldn't be worth it to you.
Good luck whichever way you decide.
I've been internally debating about a reply to this. I say: tread carefully.
Yes, it sounds very tempting to go after a big company on the grounds you are stating. However, what proof do you have that this was said to you? Did you record said conversation? If you did, it is highly unlikely that a court would allow it to admitted as evidence in any court proceedings, meaning it would be your word against theirs. They also likely can afford to hire MUCH better lawyers.
Does it suck? YES. However, as a former ETL, I would be PISSED if one of my coworkers had this arrangement. Right now I spend most of my Sunday mornings, and many times Saturday nights, involved in my church. So, for religious reasons, I want all that time off. Oh, and I have vestry meetings once a month, as well as executive committee meetings and youth group time. I want all that off for religious reasons. Yes, this is taking it to extremes, but the point is: where do you draw the line?
The bottom line is that they expect open availability - and you don't provide that.
Anyway as much as I would love to see this be rectified in court, keep in mind it could hurt your chances of getting a job not just at Target but elsewhere.
@ETLfonhom - does your current employment allow you to make it to prayer? I thought it would be hard for a teacher to get out during a school day, however I don't know your schedule and think it's cool if you can go.
do you really think it could hurt my employability elsewhere? How exactly?
Random question: I had Muslim friends stationed with me while I was in the Air Force. They were never allowed to attend anything if it interfered with work. Same went for Christians, Jews, etc. Was this considered traveling? Is this a local obligation set by leaders or an obligation observed by all Muslims, or like most religions, people pick and chose what to follow?
Hopefully this isn't offensive for asking. I enjoy learning about different religions.
I have a Muslim friend who works on Fridays & they take a break or 2 to pray. He asks a tl to be lod for a few minutes, especially at sunrise.
A kind reminder, we are talking an interview & not a signed employment contract.
@Mhugh220 My point was most ETL teams would not mind a trade off, giving him a few hours on Friday in return for him takeing some of the less desirable shifts, like x-mas eve and such.