Archived RED card for employees?

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Oct 11, 2015
Can an employee get a RED card and use it when making purchases along with the 10% discount, thus getting a 15% discount when shopping?
Yes! In order to use your discount, you have to pay with cash, gift card, or RedCard.

You can also use your discount with a check. And don't forget that you get an additional discount for "wellness items" such as fresh produce and C9 apparel.

Absolutely. Although, because of the way the discount is calculated, it takes 10% off the purchase, then 5% off the reduced amount so you aren't actually getting 15%.

This. Discounts and sales tax are compounded.
I wish you could use your own debit card without having to get a red card debit card. You can use a check from the account but not a debit card?
I wish you could use your own debit card without having to get a red card debit card. You can use a check from the account but not a debit card?
Because your debit card has a visa, etc logo and target has to pay a fee to them every time you use it. Using the target check card lets target keep that money which affords your 5 percent discount.
Two more questions, do I need to get the Red Card in the store? Or can I apply for it online? And also, does it matter which one I get? the RED debit or credit card?
Why would you do it online? Your store or the chosen cashier won't get credit for you opening a card. What's the big deal about getting the debit card vs using your bank debit card? It's pretty much the same, unless you get some kind of points for using your bank debit card. There is actually a perk besides getting 5% off. It takes 2-3 days for target to post the transaction to your bank account. So if you get paid on Friday. You can use the card wed or Thursday. It's a perk right now. Though making it a habit might jeopardize you, should they change the way the transactions process in the future. Then you might have to pay a bank fee or a fee to target (or both) depending on your banks rules for over drafting.
He will have to do it online if he doesn't have any checks. The store still gets credit for it, just no specific cashier does.
He will have to do it online if he doesn't have any checks. The store still gets credit for it, just no specific cashier does.

Depends on the zip code. Where I work and where I live are two different stores. I do a RedCard at home my store does not get credit.
Why would you do it online? Your store or the chosen cashier won't get credit for you opening a card. What's the big deal about getting the debit card vs using your bank debit card? It's pretty much the same, unless you get some kind of points for using your bank debit card. There is actually a perk besides getting 5% off. It takes 2-3 days for target to post the transaction to your bank account. So if you get paid on Friday. You can use the card wed or Thursday. It's a perk right now. Though making it a habit might jeopardize you, should they change the way the transactions process in the future. Then you might have to pay a bank fee or a fee to target (or both) depending on your banks rules for over drafting.
I did mine online because I don't have checks and don't want to order checks. I pay all my bills either online using my debit card or bill pay through my bank.
Really? They must have changed the way it is done. Used to have to mail the check to them and it took two weeks
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