New Rollouts for 2025?

Anyone heard of something called "Backroom 365"? SD wants the backrooms to be audited, wacos replaced, etc. in preparation for it but didn't explain what it actually is.
Haven’t heard of Backroom 365, but the prep sounds like what used to be called snapback when we still had backroom teams. It was followed by an inspection visit from the district manager and his entourage and, if memory serves, the backroom deemed the best by the DM and his minions received some type of an award. It was like a post-holiday Reindeer Run to check that the backroom was restored to brand.
Our district is moving away from caseless. It hasn't been as strict as it once was, but the last communication we got was that we're no longer to have WACOs from floor to ceiling, with space above 6' being reallocated for casestock like the old days.

That said, there's no payroll to reprofile our backroom aisles to make those changes. Even with bounceback, we're still just zoning and bringing down the excess casefreight left over from Q4.
Our district is moving away from caseless. It hasn't been as strict as it once was, but the last communication we got was that we're no longer to have WACOs from floor to ceiling, with space above 6' being reallocated for casestock like the old days.

That said, there's no payroll to reprofile our backroom aisles to make those changes. Even with bounceback, we're still just zoning and bringing down the excess casefreight left over from Q4.
I've been able to push us back to using casepack locations. There are two good cases to be made for this beyond space utilization and ease of backstock. Cases backstocked to locations grouped as upper casepack are de-prioritized by Fulfillment orders. TMs are only pathed there if SF and backroom openstock and lower casestock are empty. The other reason is that reporting around Fulfillment backstock discrepancies, when properly followed up on, negates the possibility of partial casepacks ever being a thing.

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