Archived Rotations

Would you like to have alternating weekends off

  • Do you even have to ask?

    Votes: 10 27.8%
  • Yes

    Votes: 14 38.9%
  • No

    Votes: 2 5.6%
  • I live for Target, I NEVER want a day off!!

    Votes: 8 22.2%
  • I personally don't care.

    Votes: 2 5.6%

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Apr 13, 2016
Ok so I have worked at several "Spots", (Pun fully intended), and I have seen different scheduling rotations for mainly leadership but very rarely for tm's. Given the business needs of the store and the well being of All, won't this be beneficial to all? I ask because at my previous 2 stores the main 2 Seperate rotations consisted of "pay" rotation (the weekend team members are paid) and the "non-pay" rotation (the weekend we are not paid). Just wanted to hear different thoughts, opinions feedback from you all.
My stl tries to give everyone every other weekend off. It depends on business needs & staffing. The ad team at least same 3 folks every weekend at my store. We will go down together.
Generally, I've been doing one day on, one day off. I don't mind. I actually kind of like having weekdays off so I can get things done (doctor's appointments, food, clothes, etc. shopping w/o huge crowds, visiting my elderly grandmother w/o having to deal with a ton of traffic, etc.)
@Hardlinesmaster any chances of any newbies cross training to be a part of the ad team or are you all "set in your ways"? I ask because I know it's hiring season and this typically the time new people come aboard. I ALSO know how it is to have a set team and you and your team don't want anyone else interfering with the way things are done.
I'm quite happy with almost every weekend off.
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@Hardlinesmaster any chances of any newbies cross training to be a part of the ad team or are you all "set in your ways"? I ask because I know it's hiring season and this typically the time new people come aboard. I ALSO know how it is to have a set team and you and your team don't want anyone else interfering with the way things are done.

Sorry for confusion.
Me & my team always show up & don't call off on Sunday. We do train new folks on ad, all the time. I think it is important part for new folks training to learn how to do the ad setup. After we do 1 Sunday with a new person, their availability to changes mid or closing shift on Sunday's.

The real issue is, no one wants to work at 4am or 5am shift on a Sunday morning, after a Saturday night of partying.
Sorry for confusion.
Me & my team always show up & don't call off on Sunday. We do train new folks on ad, all the time. I think it is important part for new folks training to learn how to do the ad setup. After we do 1 Sunday with a new person, their availability to changes mid or closing shift on Sunday's.

The real issue is, no one wants to work at 4am or 5am shift on a Sunday morning, after a Saturday night of partying.
Smdh that truly is a shame but oh so true. Really would be nice to have RELIABLE up and comers but with all these changes to Spot a lot of people rather find work elsewhere than deal with it for the wages we are given. 🙁
Sorry for confusion.
Me & my team always show up & don't call off on Sunday. We do train new folks on ad, all the time. I think it is important part for new folks training to learn how to do the ad setup. After we do 1 Sunday with a new person, their availability to changes mid or closing shift on Sunday's.

The real issue is, no one wants to work at 4am or 5am shift on a Sunday morning, after a Saturday night of partying.
Our store stopped the 4am and 5am ad set. They want use to be available longer for guests so sometimes you go in at 7am or 8am and depending on the ad end up doing it your whole shift. Stopping to help guests in between of course! I just laugh when ETLs ask an hour in if ad is done.
I have worked both days of every single weekend since I was hired. Would kill to have alternating ones off lol
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Used to work most weekends. In my new position I get every Sunday off. I'll take it- I only have to request Saturday if I want a weekend off.

So yes?
Myself and another electronics team member used to swap wknds off. Then when the end to end started he's now the only one getting every other end off. It's a bunch a bull.
I am a backroom tm. We work every other weekend and have set days off during the week.(Ie if I am working the incoming weekend I will be off Thurs before the weekend I work. If I work the weekend then I will be off Tues. Sometimes during 4th quarter you may have to work an " off weekend" or part of it. However, last year I was off every other weekend even through 4th quarter. I like always having a day off during the week and still having every other weekend off .
I am a backroom tm. We work every other weekend and have set days off during the week.(Ie if I am working the incoming weekend I will be off Thurs before the weekend I work. If I work the weekend then I will be off Tues. Sometimes during 4th quarter you may have to work an " off weekend" or part of it. However, last year I was off every other weekend even through 4th quarter. I like always having a day off during the week and still having every other weekend off .

Yup feels like you work 6 days one week then 4 the next. The sixes aren't too bad and the fours are amazing
The rotating weekends thing only applies for the Leadership at my store. A couple of them even secured Thursdays off so every now and then they'll request a Friday off in conjunction with their off weekend for a nice 4 day weekend. My STL police's this though, they have to get her approval and it's rarely granted.

No TM has ever been allowed to go on a rotating weekend schedule, many have asked though.
The rotating weekends thing only applies for the Leadership at my store. A couple of them even secured Thursdays off so every now and then they'll request a Friday off in conjunction with their off weekend for a nice 4 day weekend. My STL police's this though, they have to get her approval and it's rarely granted.

No TM has ever been allowed to go on a rotating weekend schedule, many have asked though.
Yeah it's a given with Leadership although team morale I'm almost 99.9% sure would go through the roof have it be Also for tm's!
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