Archived Same exact item 2 different prices

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Jun 10, 2011
I don't know if anyone else has ran into this issue but the other day I saw a sidecap of MP Beef Jerky that was $ .40 cheaper than the beef jerky in the snack-food aisle

They are apparently different DPCIs but are exactly the same item(same flavor and same weight) but they are different prices. The only other difference I have noticed is the cheaper ones have red barcodes rather than white one. The item also wasn't marked/ticketed as clearance

I really feel like I should mention this to an ETL the next time I go in(I mentioned it to an TL but I don't think they saw it as a problem) because it doesn't sound legal to me. (not to mention I bet Weights and Measures would have a field day with it)
Check the ingredients list... one might be much different than the other.
It happens and it just depends on the product. We have pepperoni in Meat that is chilled and exactly the same as one that we have in dry grocery. One is cheaper than the other. It just happens.
I really feel like I should mention this to an ETL the next time I go in(I mentioned it to an TL but I don't think they saw it as a problem) because it doesn't sound legal to me. (not to mention I bet Weights and Measures would have a field day with it)

OH NOES! ALERT THE PRESSES! This is one of those instances where someone is clueless about a situation and tries taking it higher and higher because they don't get an answer they like.
If the DPCI's are different then the UPC codes are different which means that, regardless of what YOU think, the manufacturer and Target don't think that they are.
Hmm. There must be SOMETHING different about them, I imagine. Now I'm kinda curious and want to take a look at my store. So market pantry beef jerky... side cap vs. snack food aisle, one is a white barcode area and one is red. Gotcha. I wouldn't be offended that they didn't do anything about it-- sometimes there's just bigger and badder things to deal with that the little things just HAVE to slide until a guest makes a fuss. Unfortunately, they only give us so many hours, ya know? If I can find them I'll try and figure out the difference and get back to you. Otherwise, maybe even on your own time since your TL doesn't see it as an issue-- if you're that curious-- look at the packaging and the ingredients and play detective to see what's different. I see why this is important to you-- I take that stuff pretty seriously myself and it bugs me when other people don't. It's tough to remember that sometimes they've got other things to deal with.
Here's my guess. Target is encouraging suppliers to use a Target-specific bar code for all items to prevent price matching and online shopping via UPC. Perhaps one of the bar codes is from an older package of jerky and the other bar code is the new Target-specific bar code.
It could be a temporary special. Generally they should have some sort of labeling, but I've seen these happen in regular grocery stores. It'll be more confusing if the sidecap lasts more than a month or two though.
Same items with different DPCI's are not uncommon. Target can track from where in the store the item is sold based on it's planogram number. That is found by using the DPCI. With this information they can merchandise to more effectively sell an item. The different prices may be to determine whether price or placement are more effective in selling an item.
Same items with different DPCI's are not uncommon. Target can track from where in the store the item is sold based on it's planogram number. That is found by using the DPCI. With this information they can merchandise to more effectively sell an item. The different prices may be to determine whether price or placement are more effective in selling an item.

Whenever I'm sorting batteries at Guest Service, I always get those 10-packs of AAs that go in two different carts (one in Electronics and one in Chemicals for the sidecaps) because they have one digit in the UPC that's different. They're the same price though.
Happens all the time in electronics, most of the time with 8 GB memory cards that are priced lower for BTS, but are left over. Sometimes they get mixed in with the regular 8 GB cards because of the packaging being the same but I can tell the difference because the BTS ones have that $10 music sticker on it.

Also had it happen with some Linksys Routers, which was totally stupid because it was the same friggin router, yet it was cheaper depending on which side of the department you bought it from! Some goes for GE HDMI cables etc.... I wish Target would stop issuing out multiple DPCI's for the same friggin product and be done with it. Gives me a headache when I have a boatload of D-code for stuff that's already ACTIVE and out on the floor, but since it's a different DPCI then the home, it's d-code! BLEH!
Our store, for some bizarre reason, has different DPCI's for the stupid idiotic iTunes cards for all of them because somebody wanted to see the sales tracked down. So every single card has to be scanned to see where it goes. I hate this system.
Our store, for some bizarre reason, has different DPCI's for the stupid idiotic iTunes cards for all of them because somebody wanted to see the sales tracked down. So every single card has to be scanned to see where it goes. I hate this system.

The best part is when they go d-code and your ETL AP freaks out that you're trying to toss 2000+ itunes cards because Apple just has to make them look less glossy.
Rulers in BTS. Exact same ruler, different bar codes. One went in stationary, the other stayed in BTS and was clearance. PC was complaining big time over that.
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