Archived Seasonal "help"

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We had a seasonal trained to work Guest Services. After a week or two of that, they scheduled her for a shift as cashier. She showed up for work and headed straight to Guest Services. GSA reminded her that she was not scheduled to work there that day. The seasonal tm refused to go to the lane. The GSA told her, again, she could not work at Guest Services. As I was coming in for my shift, I ran into him pacing outside the store ready to kill. He had no idea how to force her to work her shift. When I entered, she was just wandering around the front of the store. I never did hear the outcome.
We had a seasonal trained to work Guest Services. After a week or two of that, they scheduled her for a shift as cashier. She showed up for work and headed straight to Guest Services. GSA reminded her that she was not scheduled to work there that day. The seasonal tm refused to go to the lane. The GSA told her, again, she could not work at Guest Services. As I was coming in for my shift, I ran into him pacing outside the store ready to kill. He had no idea how to force her to work her shift. When I entered, she was just wandering around the front of the store. I never did hear the outcome.
WOW. Why didn't the GSA go to LOD?
I'm seasonal SF and had 1 cashier training shift, then about three SF 'shadowing' training shifts. I've been on my own since then. I figure I'm doing something right if they're calling me on days off asking if I want to work extra shifts and scheduling me pretty heavy in the next few weeks. There's lots I still don't know, but I'm feeling pretty comfortable knowing the processes or who to ask if I need help. Hopefully I'm not a burden to regular TMs.
We hired a little old lady. Sweet lady, but boy oh boy is she slow. And then she did WIC for the first time....bless the poor soul of that guest that looked like she wanted to strangle her. She rang up all the items...and then turned to my lane and asked me how to process a WIC check. She didn't K8.

Her poor face when I told her she had to redo it. And then she...messed up again on the 2nd check. The lady had about 4 or so checks and the whole thing took maybe 20 minutes.

But overall, the seasonals aren't bad at all. In fact, we even got some cute ones. I'm just very bothered by the fact there's so many of them and seeing new faces constantly flares up my anxiety like who are you what is this why are you here oH GOD NO DON'T BRING THEM TO ME FOR TRAINING. One time the SrTL brought me one I just "sorry I have to take my break" the other time "I barely get red cards I'm a bad example I'm not good at teaching"
We had a seasonal trained to work Guest Services. After a week or two of that, they scheduled her for a shift as cashier. She showed up for work and headed straight to Guest Services. GSA reminded her that she was not scheduled to work there that day. The seasonal tm refused to go to the lane. The GSA told her, again, she could not work at Guest Services. As I was coming in for my shift, I ran into him pacing outside the store ready to kill. He had no idea how to force her to work her shift. When I entered, she was just wandering around the front of the store. I never did hear the outcome.

Easy send them home. They are not working anyway.
We had a seasonal trained to work Guest Services. After a week or two of that, they scheduled her for a shift as cashier. She showed up for work and headed straight to Guest Services. GSA reminded her that she was not scheduled to work there that day. The seasonal tm refused to go to the lane. The GSA told her, again, she could not work at Guest Services. As I was coming in for my shift, I ran into him pacing outside the store ready to kill. He had no idea how to force her to work her shift. When I entered, she was just wandering around the front of the store. I never did hear the outcome.

None of our LOD's would take that, and neither would I. This is actually one of the things that I was worried about when I promoted to GSA because I have so many cashiers as friends and knew that a few wouldn't respect my authority. At my store, insubordination like that gets you a final, no questions asked.

We've actually had a problem with one of our cashiers where she would simple turn off her light and take her breaks without telling any of the GSA/GSTL's. She's been coached on it multiple times (and I believe she has a CCA for it already). One day though, it was super busy, and we were behind on breaks by about 15-20 minutes, nothing major. I saw that her light was off and knew she was gonna try to leave, so I walked over to her register and asked if she would stick around for a few more minutes in that manager "I'm asking you for a favor but really I'm giving you an order" voice and flick her light back on. She just said "NOPE, I'm taking my break," through down the scanner that was in her hand, and stormed off. I took over on her register because she stormed off while with a guest. Thankfully it was my Sr. GSTL who was LOD that day and he pulled her aside and put her on final.
I'm seasonal SF and had 1 cashier training shift, then about three SF 'shadowing' training shifts. I've been on my own since then. I figure I'm doing something right if they're calling me on days off asking if I want to work extra shifts and scheduling me pretty heavy in the next few weeks. There's lots I still don't know, but I'm feeling pretty comfortable knowing the processes or who to ask if I need help. Hopefully I'm not a burden to regular TMs.

I promise you...not all of the seasonals are terrible. We always get some good ones that I hope they can find room for. Always ask questions if you don't know something, and try to learn from those questions so you don't ask the same question 5 days in a row. Sometimes it takes a second asking for something to click, but I worry when the same people always ask the same questions like they can't retain anything.
None of our LOD's would take that, and neither would I. This is actually one of the things that I was worried about when I promoted to GSA because I have so many cashiers as friends and knew that a few wouldn't respect my authority. At my store, insubordination like that gets you a final, no questions asked.

We've actually had a problem with one of our cashiers where she would simple turn off her light and take her breaks without telling any of the GSA/GSTL's. She's been coached on it multiple times (and I believe she has a CCA for it already). One day though, it was super busy, and we were behind on breaks by about 15-20 minutes, nothing major. I saw that her light was off and knew she was gonna try to leave, so I walked over to her register and asked if she would stick around for a few more minutes in that manager "I'm asking you for a favor but really I'm giving you an order" voice and flick her light back on. She just said "NOPE, I'm taking my break," through down the scanner that was in her hand, and stormed off. I took over on her register because she stormed off while with a guest. Thankfully it was my Sr. GSTL who was LOD that day and he pulled her aside and put her on final.
I was hired on as a cashier the same day as another girl, who was promoted to GSA before her 90 day probation was up. I had no trouble ever listening to her despite the fact we were there the exact same amount of time. Really, I don't care who my boss is as long as they can do their job. If they can't do their job properly, as a cashier I can't do mine properly and then we have a problem.

But holy shit how does someone have the balls to just flat out say no to authority like that I still can't even say no to my mama
Last night the HLTL told everyone to push the 5:30 cafs. Seasonal TM gets on the walkie and says there was none for his zone (toys). She told him that he doesn't just push cafs for his zone, but to push any hardline cafs. I get to the back and he's just staring at them and tells me that none of them are for hardlines. I said yes, 4/5 are. He asked how he could tell. I told him if it has diapers, shoes, or clothing, it's softlines. Anything else is hardlines.

I mean come on. This is his 2nd week and that is something you learn on day one.
I drink my coffee at the register...because you really DON'T want to deal with me if I don't get some caffeine in me. Lol
Ok and how do you think that looks to the guests? What do you plan to do if you spill coffee on someone's stuff?
I was hired on as a cashier the same day as another girl, who was promoted to GSA before her 90 day probation was up. I had no trouble ever listening to her despite the fact we were there the exact same amount of time. Really, I don't care who my boss is as long as they can do their job. If they can't do their job properly, as a cashier I can't do mine properly and then we have a problem.

But holy shit how does someone have the balls to just flat out say no to authority like that I still can't even say no to my mama
I would not begrudge someone their success but for a person like me who worked at Target for a very long time and tried getting promoted many times and trying to work on myself.... I would have found that a HUGE insult and like I was spat in my face.
You make the assumption that I drink my coffee while in the sight of guests. It sucks to make assumptions. 🙂
Good point but still... what if you knock the coffee over when someone is putting their stuff up? 😀 I am not trying to sound hostile, I just want to understand your point of view.
I would not begrudge someone their success but for a person like me who worked at Target for a very long time and tried getting promoted many times and trying to work on myself.... I would have found that a HUGE insult and like I was spat in my face.
Yeah, a few of the older TMs were pretty upset. But she's had tons of work experience in customer service and retail so to me it seemed like it was justified. She does her job, and she does it well. Those TMs don't seem to hold anything against her anymore, at least.
Good point but still... what if you knock the coffee over when someone is putting their stuff up? 😀 I am not trying to sound hostile, I just want to understand your point of view.
As someone who also brings drinks to the register (yeah, I know I shouldn't but the Starbucks line sometimes takes up my whole break) I keep it completely off the counter. There's a small little space under the bag holder I stick it in, out of sight from guests (and GSA) and away from the guest's stuff :'3
Good point but still... what if you knock the coffee over when someone is putting their stuff up? 😀 I am not trying to sound hostile, I just want to understand your point of view.
My coffee is most secure. The most I've done is spill it on the floor because I forgot where I placed it. But when they schedule me to do signing from 4-8 and then cashier from 8-12, if I don't get coffee, I am done. It usually takes me most of my first 15 just to get it from Starbucks.
we let all of our cashiers have drinks at the registers. They keep them underneath the phones, they cannot drink while they have guests and it has to have a lid on it. No fast food cups.. but a secure lid. Once we allowed this our morale up front went way up. Sad that just letting them have drinks can do that.
Our seasonals on flow are mostly garbage...they're slow, they don't listen, and they smell. I know flow is a dirty job, and we're not exactly the most pleasant smelling by the end of our shifts (we're basically at the gym working out for four hours), but these guys smell like serious BO before they even step on the line.

One guy nearly made me do a faceplant while I was pulling a pallet out of the truck by pusing his pallet jack right in front of my feet. I can't even imagine what he was thinking. Then the same guy knocked over six pallets of Xmas crap that I had been organizing to be wrapped and stored, then didn't help pick it up. He just said "oops" and walked away. I had to do all my work twice.

And none of them, literally none of them, stack their pallets correctly coming off the line. They've got heavy shit on top balanced on light, small boxes, boxes sticking a foot off the sides of the pallets, and everything arranged in Seussian spires so it all comes crashing down whenever I pull them to the floor. I lost it the other day and yelled at all of them during the truck unload. I was not pleased and so I was not pleasant. My ETL backed me up and told them to get their shit together. They've been there for weeks, they should be pros by now.

On floor during the push, a couple of them are pretty good, but they're not staying even if they're offered a regular position. Bummerrr.

Other than my pallets getting knocked over, today was really good, but we had all our regulars in addition to all our seasonals. But up until today they've been unimpressive. Maybe this marks a turning point.
we let all of our cashiers have drinks at the registers. They keep them underneath the phones, they cannot drink while they have guests and it has to have a lid on it. No fast food cups.. but a secure lid. Once we allowed this our morale up front went way up. Sad that just letting them have drinks can do that.
yea our management was ok with letting us have water, one lady always flavored her water. but a lot of TMs brought coffee or Soda or something on register. I would always bring water on a very hot muggy summer day but I left it under my register so I could reach for it when I didn't have a guest.
All that I ask is that it has a lid and isn't in sight while you have guests. Also that it isn't alcohol, but you would think that's a given. When I was a cashier, one of my other cashiers got caught with vodka in a water bottle and was termed immediately by the STL.
I am most amazed this years crop of seasonal folk have been so far hygienically sound in its daily practice
Instead of hiring a bunch of seasonal people why don't we offer OT to the regular crowd? You'd obviously still need some seasonal employees but not as many and you wouldn't waste time hiring and training them so they can quit their 2nd shift.
We have good seasonals in softlines this year. But I have heard the hl ones are mostly terrible. We've had such crazy turnover that we don't have many hl people with enough experience to train thoroughly.

Last year we had two of the worst seasonal people on earth. Usually when they're that bad it's because they don't care since they're leaving after the holidays. These two women wanted to be kept on and still just.. Idk. Idk how you can do so little and expect someone to want you to continue working with them.
All that I ask is that it has a lid and isn't in sight while you have guests. Also that it isn't alcohol, but you would think that's a given. When I was a cashier, one of my other cashiers got caught with vodka in a water bottle and was termed immediately by the STL.
how did the STL find out it was Vodka?
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