Seasonal here too doing Backroom at the moment. How do I go about getting Cross Trained? Do I just go to HR and request to get Cross Trained? I’d be interested in doing Flow or something like that.
Oh, how I wish our department had the excuse of the TL on vacation. No, sadly..... the TL is there, nearly everyday; and she seems to be "completely stumped" as to how the Team isn't trained properly. I'm just patiently waiting for the light bulb to go on over her head.
Seasonal here too doing Backroom at the moment. How do I go about getting Cross Trained? Do I just go to HR and request to get Cross Trained? I’d be interested in doing Flow or something like that.
I also overheard that the workers in my department don't usually get many hours just before Christmas because they can't guarantee anyone ordering anything. Is that true?
SFS hours drop off a cliff on Thursday, 12/21 but the hours are still decent for the first half of the week. I just did that schedule and only have 2 TMs on Thurs and Fri, and just 1 TM on Sat.
SFS hours drop off a cliff on Thursday, 12/21 but the hours are still decent for the first half of the week. I just did that schedule and only have 2 TMs on Thurs and Fri, and just 1 TM on Sat.
Thanks for this information! I will try to talk to my STL tomorrow about possibly crosstraining. (I would like to see if there's even a chance of them making me a permanent member before I go crosstraining for absolutely no reason. 😛)