Archived Sexism by Guests?

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Keep doing domestics, it is easy! Except for towel folding.

I would if I were scheduled on the floor more often (I mostly get cashing shifts). I've found that D (bedding, furniture, decor) is the easiest area for me to zone, but I don't know much about the products. However, thanks to a certain middle-aged female TM, I now know what a duvet cover is. 😀 On the rare occasion that I close in hardlines, I usually get put in toys. D-:

I agree about towels. They can be neatly folded one minute, but next time I look, they're destroyed again.
On Towel folding, make it a zen thing. Every tm/tl will leave you alone, when you say, I am folding towels. Radio response usually, ok.
Biggest basic tips for SL.....
know what the brands mean.....
Xhilaration is "juniors trend",
Mossimo Supply Co is "juniors everyday",
Mossimo Black is misses and somewhat workwear,
Merona is women's. C9 is performance obv.
Liz Lange is maternity

same-ish for mens minus Xhil. know that you don't carry "dickies" or other work brands, what should be in season (is it coat time, or bathing suit time? you only have pajama sets seasonally, that kind of thing)

For kids and infants/toddlers.....basically learn what size range goes with who. infants is from xyz1-xyz2, boys is X, girls is Z, etc. is it school uniform time, where are your "licensed" items (ie yes, we have hello kitty, no we don't have.....idk....warner bros, etc) and that they have their own sections for socks, underwear etc.

this will help to direct guests to the right places, and also if you have to zone, reshop or push over there. and know what's in season. that should cover most of all basics.

intimates - i mean, just don't do that to yourself....but....good to know where the "blocks" are as that should get you through;
socks/tights/pantyhose are "here",
FOTL/hanes/packaged undergarments are "here"
Xhil bras/panties (junior trend) are "here"
Gilligan & O'Malley (compare these to being Mossimo Black here) are there
Control Garmets
"Support" bras
Specialty (nursing, or like....the boxed stick-on, no-see bras, etc)

if you know the lay of the land that should get you by, call a SL tm for specifics (i usually find they know about as much as i can guess anyway)

it's like the hardlines equivalent of knowing that lightbulbs are in c23, and that it's right after the lock aisle, but before blankets, that kind of thing. having the landmarks, so to say. if you chip away at knowing that stuff - starting out from broadest and working your way up to more, that seems to alleviate the pain of being in SL when its not your area. like...i for example still don't know the T-size range, and where toddlers cuts off and becomes big kids. but that would be the next thing i need to know to get through softlines.
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At my store, we experience racism... I'm white and a minority and some guests my color will walk past black TMs to ask me stuff. Mainly older men but also happens with women too.
One of my first days on my own after i was trained I was putting shoes away (I work in softlines) and a man came up to me and point blank says "My wife needs a nursing bra, obviously you know alot about bras (glances at my chest) where can I find one?"

He didn't say it in an overly creepy way, but it made me feel uncomfortable none the less. Another female coworker of mine was standing next to me, and I could tell she was thinking wtf as well.

Alas, there are still people out there who are douche bags. This is my first time working retail (I used to work in an office setting) so it's taking a lot of getting used to for me, being treated like less than human by "guests".
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