Archived sexual harassment

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At a store I worked at 20+ yrs ago, I was a single woman working with a couple of married guys who speculated about my personal & social life. One of the wives was always cool toward me because of how her husband talked about me at home.
Because I "wasn't married with a family", I was always scheduled during holidays, Christmas eve, etc. When they had dept picnics, they were "family" oriented & I wasn't invited.
While the latter wasn't related to sexual harassment, it WAS sexism & also contributed to a hostile environment.
This is the EEOC's definition of harassment:

It is unlawful to harass a person (an applicant or employee) because of that person’s sex. Harassment can include “sexual harassment” or unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature.

Harassment does not have to be of a sexual nature, however, and can include offensive remarks about a person’s sex. For example, it is illegal to harass a woman by making offensive comments about women in general.

Both victim and the harasser can be either a woman or a man, and the victim and harasser can be the same sex.

Although the law doesn’t prohibit simple teasing, offhand comments, or isolated incidents that are not very serious, harassment is illegal when it is so frequent or severe that it creates a hostile or offensive work environment or when it results in an adverse employment decision (such as the victim being fired or demoted).

The harasser can be the victim's supervisor, a supervisor in another area, a co-worker, or someone who is not an employee of the employer, such as a client or customer.
Everything from "you're so cute (repeatedly)" to "you look real good in those pants" to "I want to bend you over this desk."

If you think it might be sexual, it's probably sexual.
Perhaps SCOTUS Justice Potter Stewart's definition of obscenity applies here somewhat.

"I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description; and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it, and the motion picture involved in this case is not that."
Yup, another main point is if its a repetitive thing or not (not always though). If the victim isn't receptive to your "you're cute" remark and you keep doing it, then it becomes harassment. Gotta be respectful of everyones' boundaries.
My personal experience was remarks about my body, offers for "favors" outside of work and a description of what he wanted to do to me. All extremely vulgar in content and after being asked to stop. Along with some other not so professional moments.
My store is just full of sexual harassment. I am sure they will get sued. From vulgar jokes to a co-worker on my team asking what size my chest is and if they are real.
We had a cashier canned after he'd harassed several girls in the lanes.
He had this misguided notion that he was "too good-looking & cool" to be fired.
He wasn't.
Well it turns out they didn't fire this guy. My meeting was crap. After I have asked repeatedly not to talk to this woman in HR who has hung up on me and been so unpleasant she was really the one conducting the meeting. And my questions went unanswered. I can't take anymore.
We had a cashier canned after he'd harassed several girls in the lanes.
He had this misguided notion that he was "too good-looking & cool" to be fired.
He wasn't.

Reminds me of a backroom TM we used to have who would volunteer to push softlines CAFs so he could creep on the girls in softlines. I heard he was fired for attendance, but I think that's BS.
I'm dealing with this issue right now, and I'd appreciate some advice from anyone in the know.

Without revealing too much detail, I'm dealing with sexual harassment (both verbal and physical) and he/she also retaliated after being talked to by HR, so now people that are not even in our department know about it. Thankfully, the ETL-HR, STL, and my leads have all been much more useful than the OP's. Last week I was told there would be a "resolution" by the end of the week. I have no idea what that means, but I know they need to have all their bases covered for something like this, so I am being patient.

Yesterday, I asked my SrTL if they had any updates on the situation. They said no, which is fine because I'm sure upper management is keeping everything hush-hush, HOWEVER, they said that they did some investigation on their own and that cases like this usual end up as just a Final for the harasser! Is this true? I thought for sure that something of this nature, especially combined with the retaliation, would be a near-instant (as instant as Target gets) term, do not pass go, goodbye. Does anyone know?
wait & see. that person mightbe on the way out the door already. but, that person does it to you again. high tail to your stl or etl-hr & report it.
I had a SH issue pop up when I was running a remodel. Once it was finally reported, HR investigated the next day, and the TM was termed the day after that.

If there's a legitimate harassment issue, there's really no reason for it to result in anything other than a termination. If we could make it happen in two days in the middle of a remodel, your store really ought to be able to have taken care of it by now.
Hardlinesmaster: You bet I will let HR and the STL know if they pull anymore crap with me. That jerk messed with the wrong lady.

Imerzan: The person's TL really wants to see them go; they said they would try to performance them out within the 30 days if it does end up being a final instead of a term. I will fight it if I have to; no one should have to be afraid in their workplace.

PTL: Yeah, I don't know what's so complicated about it, but this is Target... apparently the BP-HR had to contacted and who knows what else is going on at this point.
******* only got a final and now I'm supposed to trust management to schedule him away from me. So angry right now.
If you think Target mishandled it in any way, seek legal counsel and see what your options are.
Yesterday, I asked my SrTL if they had any updates on the situation. They said no, which is fine because I'm sure upper management is keeping everything hush-hush, HOWEVER, they said that they did some investigation on their own and that cases like this usual end up as just a Final for the harasser! Is this true? I thought for sure that something of this nature, especially combined with the retaliation, would be a near-instant (as instant as Target gets) term, do not pass go, goodbye. Does anyone know?

From the situations I know of, that is not true. It sounds like you're being jerked around. The harasser must be a friend or family member of someone important which is why they haven't been fired. Get a lawyer.
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