Archived Should I keep quiet about M rated games?

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So working in electronics I've started seeing more and more kids having their parents buy M rated games. Not like teen kids, like 10 and under kids. I usually don't say anything because I don't want the parents to be like "don't tell me how to raise my kid" and all that. But last night a ~6 yr old with his dad asked me to open the case to get an Assassin's Creed game. Without thinking I kind of just blurted out "Is that for him?" and the dad was a lil confused and was like "Yeah, why?" so I explained the game was rated M and what is involved in the game and his face was kinda like 'holy shit' so he went to talk to the kid's mom who was also like "holy shit no my boy will not be playing those kinds of games" and he ended up buying a sports game. They also asked me what other kinds of games have that rating so I named a few of the common ones and well long story short kid is probably going to have a lot of his games taken away.

So based on that I guess some parents just don't do research as to what the kids buy, kids just ask and they buy. What I'm wondering is, if a young child is requesting an M rated game, should I give a polite "hey parent just so you know this game is rated M because of this, is that alright with you?"
You got lucky. Most parents may get irritated with you and think you are telling them what they should or should not do for their kids or they wont care at all. an "M" rating is pretty much just so people know it is a violate or foul language game.
When I worked at best buy and Target I just sold the game If thier parent was with them. It's not my job to govern what games people let thier kids play
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