Great comments in this thread and in others (i especially liked the quote about being a shark and to never stop moving, and to fight to get your stuff done - so true! one of the first things i was ever told when i was out being trained was "the most important thing i can tell you is to not let them take advantage of you and your time, people will try to pull you in many directions at once"). One great thing about this board is that in your store you are kind of an island where everyone knows they need you to do stuff but no one really knows what it is that you do. One day you will be king of the store just because you did your job and what you are supposed to do, the next you will be the lowest performing team member ever because someone from the flow team overstocked an endcap and broke the 3-sided header and whoever replaced it (if you are so lucky, generally you wil be the one replacing it) lost the aisle number and the street signs which you now have to order because you didn't go to your psychic this week to know that would happen!
But I digress.
One good place to start might be to talk to your Plano TL and find out what their expectations are of you. If they expect you to set, that is going to be a different workload style than someone who doesn't. Also, if you have worked plano with your pog team, you will know how they work - do they need things from you, do you set all their headers for them? hand them off? etc. Also, are you going to be in charge of your workload, or is your TL? 99% of the signing folks i know (does anyone else avoid the term "signing tm" like the plague, like me?) plan and execute their own workload. However, there are cases (rare) where the Plano TL will just say - you are doing XYZ on XZY day.
The Pallet. This one is the one for me, which is my own and no one else helps, or touches. For me, unpacking the pallet is my visual workload (I'm a visual learner so chances are if I see it, i remember it). Know when yours comes in. Make nice with your Logistics ETLs and TLs to get a designated spot they can put it for you, and also to make sure it is carefully removed from the truck. You will get some precarious packing on there and if a pallet is likely to be top heavy, lopsided, too tall it is likely to be yours. Say you get a really tall lop-sided pallet that breaks during the unload. My Logistics ETL and TLs know that its makes everyone's life easier to gather everything up and make sure it all gets if not to the designated area, at least relatively together or even restacked. In the past i've come in to piles of rubble from a frazzled O/N exec that doesn't care or respect your position or what that can create for everybody. So......unpacking. Look over your packslip (make sure they leave it on there too). When you are in your full routine you will be aware of what is coming up from already being familiar with your Monthly Workload so everything on the slip should seem like something you remember. Estimate how you will organize this in the designated area (leave enough room to put the 12 boxes of seasonal paper together). Now, my team plays dumb like no other when it comes to looking for signing. So, to combat this I order the big fat chisel-tip markers off of TIPP (any color but red or black since there will be marks in these colors from the DC already, Blue or Green is good) and write HUGE two things - the set date (09/02) and also what it is, provided there is enough room (MINI, or REAR SEAS, or ACC TREND 2 HUE, SPRTNG GOODS). I group everything that goes together, together. Like with Like. (Understandably depending on the room you are provided this may not be possible - i have two pallet spaces for new/incoming signing). If you get a transition pallet you may want to leave it together (Toys, Cosmetics, Remodel, these sometimes come wrapped within your pallet). At my store, the salesfloor does the salesplanners and not pog, so these are not in the same area to avoid confusion, but sorting is the same. You are supposed to have a separate space for fixtures, but i try to put mine next to the signing if there is not a crazy amount labeled in the same way so that it gets taken as a whole kit and not piece by peice, or i find myself having to spend and hour searching for a tiny bracket box 3 days after the set because its missing. So, also know how you are grouping your items. I keep everything for one set together, and try to keep this weeks stuff to one side, and next to the other. Usually you get your stuff 1-2 weeks in advance so you can have between 1 and 3 set dates living there at once.
Also - learn your colors! Your department colors that is. You can pinpoint things at a glance. BUT also when you label them this is where you notice mistakes or discrepancies or just weird tendencies. Like, look at The Shops - one of my boxes is marked "Garden Place/Seasonal" which my store doesn't have. The other ones are marked by department. You would thing they would be Yellow for Storewide Campaign like seasonal but its not - probably because it is a limited time thing - but it is still seasonal - so it's Green (same green as infants i think). Departmental colors help you also if you are directing someone to get something if you can't yourself ("it's got sticker with a light blue label on it") but for me a lot of times I use it as a marker for things that are typically only for me - store hours, operational signs and fixtures etc (usually Beige label). Also know how to pick out Non-Retail ISM/Fixtures from CEVA or or Lozier, Office Max (comes fedex i know, but it fits here). Also know that if there is a box on your pallet that is Pharmacy or something that is from a product box, not your normal ISM box, it might be your store ordered supplies, sometimes they just use what is lying around for these and can deceive you if you are not paying attention. Also - when you come across the store ordered stuff, make sure you get out the pack-slip make sure it is all there and not on backorder. It will also tell you who ordered it (if not you) so you know who to get it to. Also - go through the whole box. I don't know how many times there is like one tiny pack of temporary discount cards under five bags of RX rubber rings, etc - also another reason to go over all your slips!
*new 10/26/12*
When you receive a completely damaged/decimated pallet (ie not one or two broken boxes, ALL of them broken or missing). If you have items come to you damaged you can reorder them on TIPP at no cost to your store. Make sure when you order on TIPP that the pull-down menu for "damaged" is selected. What Target wants you to do in this situation is go through everything you have, find what is not damaged and use that and then only order what you need based on the individual instruction sheets. This is the most cost-effective measure and works find for missing a piece or two. However we all know how incredibly impractical this is especially in cases such as these which happen ridiculously often. In this case I would say pull up your online packslip. This will have your listing of all your ISM materials and cartons. From here you will get your carton names and numbers. Find out if anything is salvageable (by the carton) since the less you are missing the better. Go onto MySupport and submit a support for damaged/missing signs/fixtures. Have you Carton name and Job number for everything you need replaced. Submit what you are missing. Stress that the pallet was completely destroyed. Tell them that you need an immediate replacement carton sent to store ASAP. They will usually respond with "here is a link to the instruction sheet on TIPP, please reorder what you are missing". Which is insane. Could you imagine reordering one of those focals individually piece by piece? I usually have good luck reporting the carton numbers. Be firm, polite, and stress the urgent nature of your need to have new cartons sent to store. If you must you may have to order it via TIPP piece by piece but you can try to avoid that this way. Also - since it is no cost to your store if you have to do that do each carton on a separate order so that you order form is will also serve as your needed materials for when it comes in.
Also if they don't give you the answer you like always provide feedback and if necessary you can try and see if your STL will escalate it. I know for BTC I had this issue and they sent me the cartons after my MySupport requests. Just make sure you check them and stay on top of them, and even resubmit if you have to.
Alright. That was a book as it is. I will post for now, but come back and edit maybe one section at a time. Outline below (subject to change)