MEGATHREAD Signing Tips, Tricks and Quips (along with howls of despair)

did you guys decorate the big tree prior to putting it on the table?
Due to problems with it last time, I decided to put just the surface paper of the LDT table (step 50-something?) first while the rest of POG assembled and decorated the tree, while I assembled the other ISM awaiting their completion, and just connected everything after they were done..
I usually do the same, but you can just have someone grab and tilt the tree after its been decorated an inch or so, so you can slide the paper underneath.
How is everyone organizing the new wires for the overheads? I know they sent us some rings, but how are you storing them to keep them from becoming a tangled mess.
I'm thinking of finding a spot to hang peg hooks and hang them there
Due to problems with it last time, I decided to put just the surface paper of the LDT table (step 50-something?) first while the rest of POG assembled and decorated the tree, while I assembled the other ISM awaiting their completion, and just connected everything after they were done..

I might do something similar next year. I have to think of a better and faster plan.
How is everyone organizing the new wires for the overheads? I know they sent us some rings, but how are you storing them to keep them from becoming a tangled mess.
I have the metal wire racks in my trailer. I need to figure out how to label the rings, then hang them off the top shelf above the plastic one ups.

Also I love how I ordered more the night I realized how few they sent. Backordered. Every size, even the Damn rings. But don't use the old type...
We have tons of signing that was never hung up. Some if it is months old. It's billboards, focals, the big wall signs and even the big hanging signs that go behind the manikins and the dog. We just found a bunch of it yesterday.
And the Dark Thursday/ Black Friday stuff hasn't started to come in yet!!! F.M.L.
Is anyone else getting stuff REALLY LATE????
How is everyone organizing the new wires for the overheads? I know they sent us some rings, but how are you storing them to keep them from becoming a tangled mess.

Didn't use the cables last year, not using them this year. The ceiling clips are far, far too tight on the girders. My STL noticed last year. He said as long as nothing falls from the ceiling, he doesn't care how it's up. I don't understand why they want us to use them anyway. There has been far heavier signing in the past and we had to use plastic clips. Why the change now?
Didn't use the cables last year, not using them this year. The ceiling clips are far, far too tight on the girders. My STL noticed last year. He said as long as nothing falls from the ceiling, he doesn't care how it's up. I don't understand why they want us to use them anyway. There has been far heavier signing in the past and we had to use plastic clips. Why the change now?
I'm not sure where I read it, but I am under the impression they are discontinuing the use of the OneUp plastic hooks altogether, so hang onto the cables. The cables they sent last year for Xmas were very sharp on the ends and stabbed me a lot, but these are redesigned with rounded ends for no poking like before. There are goods and bads about them, for sure.. my main problem with them so far is that sometimes when I'm opening a clasp it will snap back out of my grip and pop me really hard. Traded getting stabbed by sharp metal ends for getting popped sharply by a metal spring.. figures =P

I am personally not using the rings for storage at all -- I think that's a terrible idea. I don't think the person upstairs who greenlighted the rings idea had any clue how messy fixture rooms actually are. I'm keeping them in the bags, and winding them back up like they came, in a loop.
We have tons of signing that was never hung up. Some if it is months old. It's billboards, focals, the big wall signs and even the big hanging signs that go behind the manikins and the dog. We just found a bunch of it yesterday.
Welcome to my first week of signing aka. cleaning out the trailer after the slob before me (and the guy before him who was an outside hire with nobody to train him).

Saw BF stuff on the skid today. Three heavy boxes labelled pallet signs/shippers or something like that. Also holiday bags on the very bottom.

My old one up I ordered after the plaid debacle are still on backorder. The new cables I ordered the first overnight went backorder the next day but dropped out of backorder to shipped in 4 days this morning. So they are definitely going to be the ones we can order more of. I'm not tossing the old ones. The TAT set said throw the one ups and hooks out, but the Thanks Gathering required the old clips and hooks specifically and said to not toss them. So I'll keep both and use what is called out or I have on hand. Probably going to requisition a box to keep them in and put back in the bags for the most part. Seems easier.
I would be very surprised if there wasn't. I'm going to look at my sales planners Monday morning to see what's needed as it all needs to be ordered by Tuesday if missing. I had 3 reg bins & 1 'double' bin. And some signing.
And for the first time in MONTHS I had a COMPLETE invoice. .......faint dead away
So, I'm supposed to figure out what I'm missing for Black Friday. Is there a list somewhere to check off the items? How do you go about it?
I would be very surprised if there wasn't. I'm going to look at my sales planners Monday morning to see what's needed as it all needs to be ordered by Tuesday if missing. I had 3 reg bins & 1 'double' bin. And some signing.
And for the first time in MONTHS I had a COMPLETE invoice. .......faint dead away

When you write to invoice ... Are you talking about the packing slip on the pallet of signing? You actually go through that line by line checking it off? Omg, who has time for that!! I'm lucky if I get the signing off the pallet.
When you write to invoice ... Are you talking about the packing slip on the pallet of signing? You actually go through that line by line checking it off? Omg, who has time for that!! I'm lucky if I get the signing off the pallet.
Actually I got a huge boon!! I asked someone about it (a new knowledgable ETL) he had this paper all in color that had all the pogs listed and what signing and shippers/bins and so fourth on it.
Omg I was gonna kill. Going crazy, I couldn't even enter my signing area!!! For the past 2 days they have had pallets stuffed in the walk way.
Otherwise I would have had no idea. And actually all the sales planners have what u need listed at the top. But this sheet made my life AMAZING. I counted 8 with 1 questionable that I need . So I ordered 4 (I hope) under the Black Friday label in my support. I told them 4 anyway. Not as worried about the rest of stuff as the bins.
When I get to work in the morning I'll look at the top of the paper and post it. Maybe u can get it still....
And yes, line by line or I get my butt kicked.
Uhhhh.... anyone else get ANOTHER overhead sign for housewares in their latest pallet? Or am I the only lucky one? And yeah no more of the wire hangers.... Can u say back ordered 😵
Liked the baby pallet tho.
Also, just received the apple sign. Anyone put it up yet? Huge and I haven't opened the box yet. I'll take any pointers.
And this is my first year in signing for Dark Thursday/ Black Friday. Any advice would be very welcome. I'm sure there are going to be things I'm not quite prepared for or I don't know about!!! Thanks in advance for your help.🙄😉

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