Yes the New Fixture/New Signing area. TLs make a bigger mess since there is no order there. Also he only has one section do to the fact that the bike builder has the other section,and dealing with breakout carts lined up blocking it completely at times does not help. Our back room is very cramped when flow cant complete their process.
I have a system that works for me. I'm sure everyone does it differently. First off, the New Fixture/Signing area is JUST that, NEW Signing and Fixtures, nothing else. When the signing pallet comes in, I have them store it in the steel or in the alcove until Wednesday. We don't have a truck on that day, plus it gives me a couple days to empty the nfsa. On Wednesday, I take EVERYthing left from the current week out of the nfsa and put it in the fixture room and put fixtures on a tub clearly marked and signing propped up on my signing side, clearly marked. I sort the supply pallet into 4 piles. Signing, Fixtures, Ordered Supplies, and SPL/New Release/Monthly softlines. I put the ordered supplies on my signing cart to put up or put away that day, SPL is broken open and sorted into 4 standing boxes I have made. A/B, C/D, E/F and G/N. Monthly sl is broken open and sorted into their individual gray bins. New release is taken to the salesfloor and slid behind the current signs ready for Tune in Tuesday.
Then I sort signing by size and date and if its a big week, puzzle piece it into the nfsa. I do the same for fixtures. Name and dates are written on the boxes.
Backer paper is sorted by department and date, put up on top.
I never allow any storage in that area. No one other than myself or plano has any business touching anything in that area. My goal every week is that EVERYTHING for current week has to be completed by Thursday so I can have Friday for ordering, cleaning fixture room and repairing signing on the salesfloor.