MEGATHREAD Signing Tips, Tricks and Quips (along with howls of despair)

Only received 6 drapery rods, needed 7, but they are not available to reorder on TIPP. Longest part of the 3 hours was forcing the drapes on a substitute bar I found so I could get the section on the thermal drapes plano done.

Yeah, they did this to me as well. mySupported the issue clearly stating that I need seven drapery rods and what is the response? "We sent all store six rods, please let us know if this isn't enough". :fool:

What "replacement" fixture did you use? I took a look at the options, convinced my ETL that it would be better to wait for the proper bar, and moved on. Now it seems that I should just put them up with something else. :huh:
Yeah, they did this to me as well. mySupported the issue clearly stating that I need seven drapery rods and what is the response? "We sent all store six rods, please let us know if this isn't enough". :fool:

What "replacement" fixture did you use? I took a look at the options, convinced my ETL that it would be better to wait for the proper bar, and moved on. Now it seems that I should just put them up with something else. :huh:

That's OK, they didn't send me any at all.
I got the separators but not the rods.
When I went into TIPP to order them, they didn't come up so I'm going to have to do mySupport but of course we're doing the Patio set at the same time so ...
We set the drapes today. Our store has a focal on one of those gondolas so 6 bars was the right amount for us. However, we got too few seperators. Small worry. I was fortunate enough to receive help putting the displays up, got it done before 9 🙂

It's the small things that make me happy. We're finally back on top with sets, now that Easter, L&P, and the Domestics sets are all done 100%. Going overnight the next two weeks to knock the H&B resets out of the water!
I found a cream colored square bar that the end slid off. No part number on it. I only got 6 separators also.

Wish the powers to be would allow us to set over night. Earliest we can come in is at 4am......REALLY hard to set anything in A block with guests!
It's the small things that make me happy. We're finally back on top with sets, now that Easter, L&P, and the Domestics sets are all done 100%. Going overnight the next two weeks to knock the H&B resets out of the water!

Fantastic feeling having all the overheads done with for the next month. L&P done (whenever they stop send revised revised reversions of the signing LOL) and H&B will be smooth enough. 3 and 4 am mornings with a POG team that kicks arse. Only thing I'm not looking foward too is the dust. Helllooo sinus problems.
Now that I'm thinking about it, going to swipe a mask or two from the SFT.

Heck, after the combo attack of the Trees and the Color overhead I'm going to be happy to see the bins for B2S. Nice, simple fold and go fixtures. :music2:

Woo Hoo..spring cleaning the fixture room tomorrow. My back hurts just thinking about it.................

Oh yeah. Gotta clear half of my ISM space. Pretty sure they are having me tighten up my area in prep for PFresh. Heard we lose a lot of backroom space.
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I found a cream colored square bar that the end slid off. No part number on it. I only got 6 separators also.

Wish the powers to be would allow us to set over night. Earliest we can come in is at 4am......REALLY hard to set anything in A block with guests!

Sounds just like a cream magna bar? AX2600 I wanna say...
I was just promoted to signing and for the most part I understand most of it but what I really dont know is the process for auditing the signing/fixture pallets. Also how do you guys organize your binders?
I was just promoted to signing and for the most part I understand most of it but what I really dont know is the process for auditing the signing/fixture pallets. Also how do you guys organize your binders?

Always check the invoices to make sure you received everything.
If you have the time to go over the list of signing and fixtures needed for an upcoming set to compare it to what you got, that will help as well.

On one of the red wrapped pallets, there will be a packing list. You just check off each box from that list. The packing list is also available on workbench if the packing list is missing from your pallet.

In my binder, I keep The Weekly Sign Report, store audits, and anything I think I may have to find quickly. Right now, in the very front, I have a front of store audit list that shows all the different signs that need to be in the front of the store, since it was a bounce back focus. I have found that I need to print & file any back order emails, since so many TIPP items are taking a long time to arrive and I keep getting those "Are you sure you ordered it?" looks.

Good luck in signing!
In my binder, I keep The Weekly Sign Report, store audits, and anything I think I may have to find quickly. Right now, in the very front, I have a front of store audit list that shows all the different signs that need to be in the front of the store, since it was a bounce back focus. I have found that I need to print & file any back order emails, since so many TIPP items are taking a long time to arrive and I keep getting those "Are you sure you ordered it?" looks.

Good luck in signing!

Aside from the softlines signing audit are there other audit reports I can pull up? If not should I make up a list for certain sections and do my own weekly/monthly audits?

One other question, are certain days better to do things such as audits? I was thinking of doing the softlines audit on mondays since ads set on sundays and our signing pallets dont come in until tuesday or thursday. I'm trying to figure out how to be efficient as possible so I can help out the pog team during down time or assist with backstocking (our backroom always needs help)
Target peon, I don't do sl audits, the sl brand tm does and hands them into me to order missing. I keep those in my binder.

I'll try and remember to write down all the audits I do on Monday, and perhaps others can chime in an add more. Theres a new one for 2012, but I can't remember for the life of me what its called....has to do with auditing the recall signing and making sure the team knows all about it......
Just curious but has anyone done this job while pregnant? Thought maybe someone would have some tips! I've been in signing at a Super Target for about two years now but as I'm nearing the end (I'm 32 weeks) I can't lean over the wave far enough to hang everything, the pallets are getting hard to separate, the fixture room is impossible to keep up with.. not to mention the aggravation. I actually ended up crying when I couldn't get my easter eggs to stay together even with the fix it kit.
OH! And did everyone get their Umbrella Fixtures for L&P? I got my pillow fixtures but I can't find the umbrella fixtures to save my life and they don't seem to be available on TIPP.
Just curious but has anyone done this job while pregnant? Thought maybe someone would have some tips! I've been in signing at a Super Target for about two years now but as I'm nearing the end (I'm 32 weeks) I can't lean over the wave far enough to hang everything, the pallets are getting hard to separate, the fixture room is impossible to keep up with.. not to mention the aggravation. I actually ended up crying when I couldn't get my easter eggs to stay together even with the fix it kit.

Wow and I thought I had issues with my physical disabilities.
Sorry I can't even imagine trying to do it pregnant.
You have my total respect and admiration.

edit:Just realized it sounded like I was comparing being pregnant to being disabled. Not at all the case and Mozel Tov on the baby.
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Jen, been there. Twice. First time I ended up going into premature labor and second time, my Dr. took me off at 6 months. One good thing, is that the heavy signing is over until your due date...

Take it easy! Use your pregnancy to your advantage. Cry alot. haha!

Umbrella fixture...Try looking at your planogram and see if that fixture has a DPCI linked to it. Look it up in item search and see if you have onhands or if perhaps it was backstocked. Look to see if you have any left over L&G transition pallets, they may have been put there? They came in pretty big boxes, so its hard to imagine they have been lost....
Any L&G early set stores have to move the trees? Their trying to tell me I have to move mine over a few inches since they took the gondola down for the grill flat, but I'm digging my heels in. I don't think that would have been in the plan.
Any L&G early set stores have to move the trees? Their trying to tell me I have to move mine over a few inches since they took the gondola down for the grill flat, but I'm digging my heels in. I don't think that would have been in the plan.

I'm an early set and I didn't need to move anything over.
i would dig my heels in as well. my signing is "off" but its only because i set it so the branches start at the racetrack (instead of the bases), but i feel its justified from a visibility standpoint due to the location of our mini (it would be completely blocked). present the case that it is balanced and centered around the patio flat and that the grill flat can be on its own. worse comes to worse just say it has to be over so that your grill overheads don't interfere (the ones that they luckily didn't send to any store this year - if only they can do away with the stack flat overheads next year as well.....)
hey guys. today we set a lot of hba.we're supposed to have 4x7 sign holders on the appliance aisle. theres tons of displays, but they only sent one sign holder. any recommendations of what will do until we get new ones in? also seems we're missing several bins for the accessories aisle as well. anyone have that problem?
In my binder, I keep The Weekly Sign Report, store audits, and anything I think I may have to find quickly. Right now, in the very front, I have a front of store audit list that shows all the different signs that need to be in the front of the store, since it was a bounce back focus. I have found that I need to print & file any back order emails, since so many TIPP items are taking a long time to arrive and I keep getting those "Are you sure you ordered it?" looks.

I have a file cabinet under the PTL's desk that I stuff all of that in.
Sad to say I had to completely reinvent the wheel on that since the signing specialist who trained me had quit doing it.

Setting cosmetics today.
How is it they can send us two pallets of fixtures and not get everything you need?
Any L&G early set stores have to move the trees? Their trying to tell me I have to move mine over a few inches since they took the gondola down for the grill flat, but I'm digging my heels in. I don't think that would have been in the plan.

Yep. This year, the Grill Flat isn't its own "gondola." Instead, it's only one side and sits right up against the patio flat. So, at least at my store, this required the entire patio flat to extend about 4-5 feet to the left, which is essential to remove the empty space as well as fit the new set in. Since the flat is moving, the tree has to move to line up correctly.

It took me about 20 minutes to move it; it was pretty easy. The hardest part was detaching the branches from the trunk, which took a little creative box cutter work.

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