Yikes, you guys are powerhouses.. with two people in 7 hours we got all but one of the A&A high walls put up (the one having done yesterdoodle), and two shoes lowers (8 and 9 sections) .. but thankfully we figured out a good pattern to hopefully get the rest of the other softlines lowers hammered out tomorrow and perhaps get started on endwalls.
A tip on the highwalls is to assemble the tops and bottoms to the falcon boards before you even take them out to the floor. That way you can just hang them right away.. That technique doesn't work for the lower walls, but deffo for highs. The high wall boards didn't quite match the picture diagram on the instructions because they had notches in both top and bottom for me. If you put in the bottoms first, when you flip it over you can put in tops and not need to flip it back again.
A tip on the low walls in shoes, is to put the metal brackets in one slight higher than specified, which gives you extra clearance for hanging sandals and for taller shoe boxes that bumped into mine. I experimentally tried raising the brackets a notch when I realized they would bump, and can't really tell much difference.
*rant* I am really po'd that they shoved all this work at us at one time. No consideration that we already have a work load other than the CSE to do this week (HBA) and next week(Valentines)*end rant
To add to that rant, seriously, what were they thinking loading this up all of a sudden? Why not 2-3 weeks ago when I had very little to do, and why cram it all into a single week just before another giant set? Couldn't it have been delayed until after Easter? Is there some signing emergency that it be squished in?
I was pretty confident I could have most of this done this week, and then wham, I get the hardlines pallet that I didn't even realize was missing.. and it seemed like suddenly, "oh here is double all the work you thought you had to do" -__- My store TL had me working on a fixture room project that was going to take dozens of hours, and I had to break it to him that I shouldn't be the person to tackle it since I'd just been loaded such a huge project just before another large reset with overheads and whatnot. He was not even aware of the framing project either..
General questions about low-walls: are the xmas clips really necessary there? Someone had to borrow my Wave for a bit and I wasn't able to reach high enough to put the Xmas clips in (and medically not allowed to use ladders), so I left them out. There was a lengthy delay in getting the Wave back, so I tried experimentally putting the low-wall graphics up without the Xmas clips in, and they held up very well without. The high walls deffo need Xmas clips, but the lowers seem redundant since they're pressed between tops and bottoms by the metal standard brackets. I had a tough enough time even getting the falcon boards between the top and bottom pieces on the low walls without the xmas clips in in the first place. Are we expecting a wind storm inside, to prevent them from flying out?
Global TM, I am about 6 months new, so we're kinda in the same boat to some degree. Personally whenever I order something on SAP, instead of printing out the receipt, I just save it as a PDF instead of printing, and then store it on a Signing folder I made on the fixture room PC instead of bothering with filing physical copies. I can just rename the file to be the date and whatever I ordered, and could pull it up quickly if ever asked for without having to rummage for loose papers. No particular tips on the CSE fuss going on, as I'm still getting my own footing =/