NOP, it looks like I have to build whatever your bike builder built, since I am the bike assembly guy. LOL. Where can I find the list of displays that need to be built?
I went off of the visual adjacency for the floor pad. It's really hard to try and explain when I don't know what you don't have, which I am going to assume is everything.
First, get with your PTL and ask for the visual adjacency and the floor map for the patio/stack flat.
You will need this map because it will show you the layout of where the rugs, umbrellas, bases, furniture, etc. will go on the stack flat, along with the DPCIs for those items.
On the back side of this map will be letters that correspond with "P", "L" or "R". P is for pillow, L is for lantern, and R is for rug. The back side will tell you what goes there and where it should be placed.
Getting that floor map is key to saving your sanity.
The visual adjacency (looks like a softlines visual adjacency book) will show you the DPCIs that you will need, what each patio collection looks like, and which ones use the shovel signs versus the green cardboard sign holder.
You need the visual adjacency because it has the DPCIs for the patio collection items, and you need to match that with your floor map to know what collection pieces go where, and how the stack flat should be organized.
The only other thing I can think of, which will make your life incredibly difficult is to print out the planogram and go off of the line listing, but it won't tell you what stays in a box and what is to be built.
I cross-referenced my BBQ list in the visual adjacency book with my POG to make sure that the BBQ was actually featured on the POG, and pulled those out for my SFT to put together. Note on the BBQs - some are display DPCIs, some are box stock DPCIs...you need that list near the end of the visual adjacency.
Tip: Put up the overheads before you do the patio/stack flat.