MEGATHREAD Signing Tips, Tricks and Quips (along with howls of despair)

Don't even get me started on displays getting damaged.
The worst was when the guys came in to build ones just as I was leaving and left them sitting in the way of the truck doors.
So flow team moved them...
Just use your imagination.
I had to reorder one of them and do some major repairs on the other.
I don't trust leaving my displays in the path of truckies. Oooohhh no no no. I makes sure my stuff is out of their way before I leave for the day. Major repair on a display? I would of just ordered a new one.
Is our signing ninja the person that would order supplies for softlines? I need the little hooks that can go in the tag gun, a couple more tag guns, the plastic inserts for display boots and the brand signs for shoes. We don't have a TL for softlines & I'm just a brand TM.
I don't know the numbers for them off the top of my head but I do recall them being called j-hooks and the image on sap was red. Your local signing ninja would be the one to order them.
Tag gun is called a Hawk, I think. Try searching that.

IIRC the search term to bring it up is swift-attach gun or maybe no dash "swift attach" I do remember that Hawk is the brand though. Replacement needles should be order-able from the same search term.

Hey, guys!

Is there a master list for end cap strips? My support tells me it's on workbench but I can't find it. They don't always send new ones when a certain area resets.

I have only seen one once and that was a remodel master list, not sure if it still there but I believe the Target technical term for them is "Category Endcap Strips"

That information is from 2012. Some of those part numbers don't work anymore. Type in CEC or CECS to get the endcap strips in SAP.

Also, if you try to order some of those that say "CTY" in front of it, your order will be canceled (if you're not a City Target store).

If you do a search on workbench, there is a master list available with all the endcap strips on it. I have it printed out and filed away.

Best way to get a entire case of strips is to ask MySupport for a master case and explain why you need them. It worked for another store in my area that was a mess after their signing ninja quit.

EDIT: I'll see if I can find it. And if MySupport is still being difficult, go through your STL to your DTL.
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Thank you for posting this, @commiecorvus. We could use info about both the workcenter (how ISM signing works in the store, responsibilities, periodic tasks, equipment used, etc.) and the signing TM position (clerical info, i.e. core roles and such). A lot of things have changed throughout the company since the wiki was started in 2011, and I'm sure signing is no exception. If you're well-informed about signing but don't have wiki savvy, I can help get it organized and formatted.

I would love to, but the thing is...every store is different in terms of their expectations for the signing person. What I do for my store, my buddy at a different store doesn't do and vice versa...Yes, we compare notes.
I would love to, but the thing is...every store is different in terms of their expectations for the signing person. What I do for my store, my buddy at a different store doesn't do and vice versa...Yes, we compare notes.

This is why its hard for me to train people. I can't just tell them to use common sense and text me with specific questions. But I can't prepare them for a totally divfrent set of expectations.

Heck my to do list changed with my TL and Exec.
I would love to, but the thing is...every store is different in terms of their expectations for the signing person. What I do for my store, my buddy at a different store doesn't do and vice versa...Yes, we compare notes.

This in spades!!

I can safely say without fear of contradiction that the signing ninja is the one job that is totally fluid.
They are what NASATS was designed for.
Sure the basic necessities of the jobs are the same but the wheres and hows aren't even close even with stores a few miles apart.

Part of this comes from it being a single person job so the personality of the individual shines through.
Part of it comes from the layouts of the stores, where your fixture room, signing areas, etc. does lead to differences in how you handle procedures.
Part of it is store culture, do the store have a strong plano team that is used to doing setups or does the Signing Ninja have to play babysitter?
But the biggest and most painful is how much dreck rolls down hill.
The PTLs and ETLS will bury any ninja they can.

That's why I always found this place to be an important source of info and support.
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I no longer work for spot, but I have friends who do. One is a signing ninja. He said he was told there are no signing hours this week and he wasn't scheduled anywhere else. I understand this is the season of cut hours but no hours for signing is something I have never heard of. Anybody else?
I remember a few times when they would schedule me using plano hours and I would do plano work.
Then I would sneak off to try and get signing work done.
Because there are still pallets coming in, stuff that has to be repaired, signing that came in that you ordered because it wasn't in the batch etc.
Not having signing hours is stupid.
This week I am scheduled one day(8) truck, one day (8)plano, and three days(24) signing. But that means absolutely nothing at my store. My PPTL told me the four days I'm scheduled in her department I will be helping with Shoes: that we are redoing this week and the beauty revisions that we failed to finish last week, but she will allow me four hours to work on signing this week whatever day is convenient for her.
shoe display fixture
Is there any way I can order the plastic part for the 3x5 that hang off the fixture by itself? I don't want to order the metal part too.
So, did anyone else's etls sell their kid's bike displays during Christmas? Yep, all of mine are gone. As soon as I get the new ones in, I swear I'm going to spray paint the back side of them red.
Inigma, pop one off the shelf. I think there is a part number on it.

Theres a learning curve to putting one back on, but it really is easy once you do it a couple times.
No, I'm not talking about the label holder. The plastic holder on the 9' shoe display platform.
shoe display fixture
Is there any way I can order the plastic part for the 3x5 that hang off the fixture by itself? I don't want to order the metal part too.

Either you have a new fixture I've never seen, or you are talking about the old grey steel platforms that used to hang on the slatwalls? I haven't had those in 10 years.... I'm useless on that 🙁 Maybe someone else here will be able to help....

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