Archived So they're threatening to fire cashiers...

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To avoid the 5 minute spiel, I ask, "Are you familiar with out Red Card program?" If it's yes, then nothing more needs to be said. A no will get you a bullet points review of benefits, all 10 seconds. Most of my regulars laugh and waive it off knowing we have to ask, especially when a boss is nearby.
I tried this when I picked up a cashier shift recently and was told that this wasn't good enough. I was told to use buzzwords like FREE and DISCOUNT and SAVINGS every time, choosing them depending on the guest. No, I'm not going to say "Wanna sign up for a REDcard? It's FREE and only takes a couple minutes!" whenever I'm ringing up some elderly lady's purchase. Shit, I was even told that I should tailor my pitch to a person's race. Yeah, no thanks.
I turn my walkie down when I know someone is about to announce a red card. Everyone speaks too god damn loudly.
I still remember the one time they announced over the walkie about someone getting a redcard and the guest standing near me said to me, "Do you have to listen to that all the time?" I said, "Yes" and he said, "I'm sorry."
I think all of us cashiers are miserable because we are being yelled at for not asking everyone to open Redcards. Some people just do not want the card and if I know a person does not want it why keep asking them? Spot has really lost its way.
I think all of us cashiers are miserable because we are being yelled at for not asking everyone to open Redcards. Some people just do not want the card and if I know a person does not want it why keep asking them? Spot has really lost its way.
Exactly. When the guest gets 'that look' why risk getting a negative survey. I had one neutral survey dog me for weeks!
the last view days up front have been very depressing. a few of the girls have been driven to near tears about it. a very nice older man I know who has been kind of like a mentor to me has decided to put his two weeks in
Our store is trying to get us to talk up the red card while on the floor. For big purchases maybe, but I'm not gonna suggest a Redcard for $2 jar of Pasta Sauce.
Our store is trying to get us to talk up the red card while on the floor. For big purchases maybe, but I'm not gonna suggest a Redcard for $2 jar of Pasta Sauce.
I got yelled at once for not offering a card to a lady who was simply buying a box of Teddy Grahams. I know the feeling. Now I just ask everyone regardless. I'm an actual robot when it comes to REDcards.
I tried this when I picked up a cashier shift recently and was told that this wasn't good enough. I was told to use buzzwords like FREE and DISCOUNT and SAVINGS every time, choosing them depending on the guest. No, I'm not going to say "Wanna sign up for a REDcard? It's FREE and only takes a couple minutes!" whenever I'm ringing up some elderly lady's purchase. Shit, I was even told that I should tailor my pitch to a person's race. Yeah, no thanks.
That brings a whole new meaning to racial profiling
Shit, I was even told that I should tailor my pitch to a person's race. Yeah, no thanks.
I am so afraid to ask this...

How exactly were you supposed to adjust your pitch to make it fit someones race?
I have some really horrible images in my head and I so hope they aren't true.

Nothing like bringing out the ol' racial stereotypes when selling Red Cards.
I am so afraid to ask this...

How exactly were you supposed to adjust your pitch to make it fit someones race?
I have some really horrible images in my head and I so hope they aren't true.
Among other examples, I was told that Indians (from India) get interested when they hear the words "savings" and "discount" and was encouraged to tell them how much money they could save with the card. The suggestions pretty much all gave me an icky feeling from start to end. And this was from the "REDcard captain." They were all about tailored pitches and (at least in my opinion) borderline or past borderline offensive stereotypes.
Among other examples, I was told that Indians (from India) get interested when they hear the words "savings" and "discount" and was encouraged to tell them how much money they could save with the card. The suggestions pretty much all gave me an icky feeling from start to end. And this was from the "REDcard captain." They were all about tailored pitches and (at least in my opinion) borderline or past borderline offensive stereotypes.

Sadly this is pretty much what i expected.
I wonder if they will be starting to tailor pitches to blondes, only use words with two syllables, or for goths, it'll go great with your red Doc Martins.

Seriously only Crash and The Boys can say it for me.

Do ya wanna get a red Carrrrrrrd? Saving 5% each dayyyyyyy!
Pretty-please, my job is on the line, don't really wanna whine,
but it's the only wayyyyyyyyy!
I used to give great service once, but now that's gone.
What are ya gonna do?
Do ya wanna get a red card?
Debit too?

*do you wanna build a snowman
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