Archived So they're threatening to fire cashiers...

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when I work the sales floor and I am helping guests with a large furniture order I suggest a Redcard to make it a better deal.
Recently they been busting ppl's ass over these redcards. I try to ask the manager if I can talk to upper management and they won't let me. I wanna how am I gonna get motivated off of scared tactics. If that's the only way they can motivate by scare tactics. Then that's very poor management. I no that's wrong 4 me to say this, but i'm keeping it real.
Recently they been busting ppl's ass over these redcards. I try to ask the manager if I can talk to upper management and they won't let me. I wanna how am I gonna get motivated off of scared tactics. If that's the only way they can motivate by scare tactics. Then that's very poor management. I no that's wrong 4 me to say this, but i'm keeping it real.
It's not wrong for you to say that. Scare tactics are shit and they don't work. Scare tactics are only employed by piss-poor management who can't LEAD a team.

You don't need to ask if you can talk to upper management. You've got the right to do so. Screw whoever doesn't like it. Who are you having problems with? Is it just team leads, or ETL's as well?

If you feel afraid to go to anyone at the store level, there is a hotline number you can call and you have the option to remain anonymous.


or e-mail [email protected]

(thanks to @Hardlinesmaster for that, he always has the important contact info in his signature - refer back to him when needed)
I have seen so many amazing Cashiers put in their two weeks or left during their shift because of those stupid stupid redcards! our GSTL is done at the end of this week and than I have two weeks to go. Our leadership really sucks and the STL does NOT know how to run the store or motivate us! I was one of the most upbeat positive cashiers and one of the best trainers the store had.
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Our ETL was actually called in to the STL's office on Monday and reminded that we (the pharmacy team) are also supposed to be asking EVERY GUEST for red cards because (and this is a direct quote) "We are all on the same team." Our ETL politely pointed out that nobody in the store mentions ANYTHING about pharmacy, so, "if we are all on the same team, shouldn't they be doing the same for us?" The STL then said, "But you won't be Target much longer..." ETL said, "but we are NOW. We are doing flu shots NOW. I haven't heard a single team member promote flu shots. We have gone to huddles to promote flu shots & TLs have flat out told their teams NOT to get them. When my team DOES get a red card, and the store is offering an incentive, like an extra break, they are told they don't get it because there's nobody to cover for them & there's no alternative offered. And now when I ask why guests aren't being told about pharmacy services, you tell me its because we won't be part of Target much longer, but you still want US to promote YOUR services? That doesn't sound like ONE TEAM to me...." I guess the STL was speechless.
Our ETL was actually called in to the STL's office on Monday and reminded that we (the pharmacy team) are also supposed to be asking EVERY GUEST for red cards because (and this is a direct quote) "We are all on the same team." Our ETL politely pointed out that nobody in the store mentions ANYTHING about pharmacy, so, "if we are all on the same team, shouldn't they be doing the same for us?" The STL then said, "But you won't be Target much longer..." ETL said, "but we are NOW. We are doing flu shots NOW. I haven't heard a single team member promote flu shots. We have gone to huddles to promote flu shots & TLs have flat out told their teams NOT to get them. When my team DOES get a red card, and the store is offering an incentive, like an extra break, they are told they don't get it because there's nobody to cover for them & there's no alternative offered. And now when I ask why guests aren't being told about pharmacy services, you tell me its because we won't be part of Target much longer, but you still want US to promote YOUR services? That doesn't sound like ONE TEAM to me...." I guess the STL was speechless.

WTF would a TL be telling their people not to get flu shots?
We had ETLs and TLs get them during the huddle as a way of pushing the shots.
If you don't agree with the shots that's fine, but keep your mouth shut during a huddle.

And your ETL sounds like good people.
I wonder if someone could sue for Target's red cards causing them to have a mental breakdown, which in turn made it impossible to work for an extended period of time. Sue them for "mental anguish." It's a long shot, but I hope that someone at least gets it out there publicly. It's sad to me to see these girls cry over a card that saves people a measly 5%. It's totally not worth risking your mental health.
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I wonder if someone could sue for Target's red cards causing them to have a mental breakdown which in turn made it impossible to work for an extended period of time. Sue them for "mental anguish." It's a long shot, but I hope that someone at least gets it out there publicly. It's sad to me to see these girls cry over a card that saves people a measly 5%. It's totally not worth risking your mental health.
I know a few cashiers who have had to go on anti anxiety medication because of the ETL-GE just being a total shiksa! about Redcards!
Recently they been busting ppl's ass over these redcards. I try to ask the manager if I can talk to upper management and they won't let me. I wanna how am I gonna get motivated off of scared tactics. If that's the only way they can motivate by scare tactics. Then that's very poor management. I no that's wrong 4 me to say this, but i'm keeping it real.
Document all events!
The expectation far exceeds the demand. To put quotas on such a thing is demoralizing. I feel for the cashiers. Hopefully Target reneges on this atrocious practice.
The expectation far exceeds the demand. To put quotas on such a thing is demoralizing. I feel for the cashiers. Hopefully Target reneges on this atrocious practice.
As long as some stores continue to meet this unreasonable demand, Target probably has no reason to until public outcry gets loud enough.
Then again I don't have the kind of relationship many seem to with their "superiors".

The GSTL ripped into a cashier because they were off the clock and helped out a TM who was working with a task for about 30 seconds.

The very next week I saw the GSTL on a register on his lunch break, I ripped into him. Told him that not only was he violating corporate policy, but that what annoyed me most wa the double standard and hypocritical behavior.

He is usually fairly confident, but he immediately started stuttering and stammering and apologizing and seemed very very flustered. He then went outside for a cigarette break, came back in, and asked the ETL that was LOD to write him up for working off the clock.

I don't think he did it because he thought he deserved it so much as he was afraid I'd go to the STL or call the hotline about it after I'd confronted him if he tried to pretend it hadn't happened.
I worked at a bank for 4 years. Very stressful due to all the push for the tellers to sell checking, savings, and other services to our customers. I didn't get put on blood pressure meds until after I started as a cashier at Target. Coincidence? I think not. Oh, and that was also after over a year at Kohls pushing their credit card.
Then again I don't have the kind of relationship many seem to with their "superiors".

The GSTL ripped into a cashier because they were off the clock and helped out a TM who was working with a task for about 30 seconds.

The very next week I saw the GSTL on a register on his lunch break, I ripped into him. Told him that not only was he violating corporate policy, but that what annoyed me most wa the double standard and hypocritical behavior.

He is usually fairly confident, but he immediately started stuttering and stammering and apologizing and seemed very very flustered. He then went outside for a cigarette break, came back in, and asked the ETL that was LOD to write him up for working off the clock.

I don't think he did it because he thought he deserved it so much as he was afraid I'd go to the STL or call the hotline about it after I'd confronted him if he tried to pretend it hadn't happened.

If I ever get fired, it will be for working off the clock, with what my Stores demands of me

I call it The Samurai Surrender.
Spot needs to stop pushing red cards, because I think that some guests annoyed by cashiers keep asking them. The gstls should not be forced by their etl or stl to write up anyone on this mess. IMO.
I've been asked before if I have a red card debit or credit, in a very pushy manner, while on the clock by my team lead and, I was like what..? Within an hour it was clear to anyone with a pulse that they were doing a sweep of the entire store and approaching every employee trying to persuade them to apply for either. And the best part, once an employee applied, the gstl would go over the walkie saying I would just like to recognize X for helping a GUEST save 5%. Way to go team! ... Really shows how the higher the leadership goes, the less they give a shit about you
i have great Etl and gstl because I gotten one red card and a it was my 3rd shift but they don't scream at us or badger us they leave us alone to deal with the guest most people are either firmly against a redcards or forget there check or have one .
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