As for the deliming, this is part of the weekly cleaning tasks for Food Ave.
You need to hit menu, then the first option (manager menu, I think), then put in the code. For us, its 1**1; I have no idea if that's the default or if we set that or what. Then you just follow the directions. There are a couple things inside on the left that you can take out and clean; put them back in for the cycle. As for the chemicals, you just dump some delimer in there. I'm sure the cleaning card tells you how much because I don't know off the top of my head. Then hit enter again, I think, and then it goes through it's cycle. It turns itself off after, so then you'll have to turn it back on (and wait for it to warm up and everything). If you do it during the day, just make sure you are all caught up on dishes because of how long it takes.