Starbucks Team Leaders

So how do I take the meeting and now all this??..cuz I'm bout as lost as trying to find Waldo in a room of striped shirts..
Now, show them that you know how to your job, get siren's eye done. Movuate your team & watch your schedule. Give out plenty of samples for the team &'guests.
And do what I do after kicking ass all up wearing your nice red&khaki, with makeup and when they ask why all dressed up tell then you have a potential job interview after/before your shift....they tend to panic. Lol.
@Hardlinesmaster thats what I've been doing..I'm trying to understand y the meeting even remotely happened when I'm the only section in the store consistently getting 100% guest surveys. The front got RED again...
Minion, that's wicked.....and clever 😉
@Ladida0905 : First & foremost is your health. NO job is more important than that.
Me personally, I'd tell leadership that this busting my butt with no help is taking a toll on my health & you're open to suggestions or offers of assistance.
This time of year they can't afford to lose a hard worker & someone whose scores are keeping the store afloat.
But changes - be it getting support from leadership, putting in your two weeks, whatever - have to be made before Christmas else you lose your leverage.
So hey all opinions wanted..

If you are scheduled to have help at sb.. And the stl decides to make "small talk" just to steal your help and put them on a lane. (They are fully clothed in sb uniform). Then the gsa tells her she can't come back to sb and they leave her as the main cashier with no one else open. You press your button because you gotta go.. (Use the restroom) the gstl, stl and etl all look in your direction as you say "I have to use the restroom" and they all look away, while you're steadily busy. You are doubled over in pain as you constantly look over at the whole stl, etl, gstl group just looking at you (FOR A WHOLE HOUR) and they don't send help at all. Once your help decides to come you're in so much pain, that u use the restroom and end up doubled over in the backroom by the sink. You decide to leave to go home an hour early, while still trying to give the etl advice about the schedule..(while lightheaded in pain).

So with that very REAL scenario.. What would you do?.. Report to hr?.. Quit because my environment has been crappy anyways or do nothing?
So hey all opinions wanted..

If you are scheduled to have help at sb.. And the stl decides to make "small talk" just to steal your help and put them on a lane. (They are fully clothed in sb uniform). Then the gsa tells her she can't come back to sb and they leave her as the main cashier with no one else open. You press your button because you gotta go.. (Use the restroom) the gstl, stl and etl all look in your direction as you say "I have to use the restroom" and they all look away, while you're steadily busy. You are doubled over in pain as you constantly look over at the whole stl, etl, gstl group just looking at you (FOR A WHOLE HOUR) and they don't send help at all. Once your help decides to come you're in so much pain, that u use the restroom and end up doubled over in the backroom by the sink. You decide to leave to go home an hour early, while still trying to give the etl advice about the schedule..(while lightheaded in pain).

So with that very REAL scenario.. What would you do?.. Report to hr?.. Quit because my environment has been crappy anyways or do nothing?
I would have turned the light off and went to the bathroom long before it became painful. That's not something they can fight. Hr definitely, but it sounds like it might not help.
Apologize to the guests in line, take off your apron & RUN!
There was a class-action lawsuit against Nabisco in 1996 filed by female workers who were being denied enough time for bathroom breaks. They were being limited as to how many times a day they could go (even during 'visits from Aunt Flow') & held to the same time as male workers (because all THEY have to do is unzip, point & go). They reported harassment for extra time/bathroom trips & many resorted to wearing diapers, which triggered UTIs & other infections.
What you're describing is a hotline call at best. Your HRBP should know about that too since it could trigger legal action against Target.
This is all ridiculous. Do not let Spot ruin your health. The job isn't worth it. If you go back to work, if you need to use the bathroom, simply tell the GSA you're going and go. Trust me, the guests will wait for you. Or not. Even if they don't, your health is more important than their Triple Venti extra whip Cafe Mocha.

Meh, this all makes me sick.
This is all ridiculous. Do not let Spot ruin your health. The job isn't worth it. If you go back to work, if you need to use the bathroom, simply tell the GSA you're going and go. Trust me, the guests will wait for you. Or not. Even if they don't, your health is more important than their Triple Venti extra whip Cafe Mocha.

Meh, this all makes me sick.


Do not let these douche nozzles control your life.
They do not own you.
This is a job not your life.
If they don't send someone over, then you just go and if they ask why you calmly explain that you had to go and they had every chance to cover but didn't.
Screw them and screw the dog they are riding.
Take care of yourself first.
Then if you can take care of the job, do it and do so well you shame them right down to their black little hearts.
But do not let them have any power over you.
I'm ok, just got gastroenteritis. But new info.. Got a text from my barista.. Basically we got two boxes of sleeves that don't fit.. Apparently there's a green box and a blue one. Well we got 2 of each.. But the blue ones don't fit, the cups or the cup holder things. So I told my girls throw them out. Well the food ave tl told the etl and the etl told my barista to "casually" ask me what it's about and then report it back to him.. Like WTF... Now I'm getting beyond angry😡
You take away my schedule, don't ask my about my sirens eye.. Get bogus info from the barista (who never shows up to work) that the sirens eye launches on wed and not Tuesday.. So now he has to "redo" the schedule, I'm sitting here at sb with loads of info. But instead of him trying to partner with me, he constantly tries to over take sb and yet KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT IT. I'm livid.. I hope hr is there tomorrow. I'm seriously getting that vol term form
OK, that seriously undercutting your authority over your team when he's trying to turn them into snitches.
If they haven't already, they'll tell him what he wants to hear in exchange for a favorable schedule.
Put that down as one of your reasons for leaving on the vol term form.
Yea, I try each and every day to hold onto why I stay but my goodness..he is literally trying to force me to quit it seems
That blue box of sleeves shouldn't be thrown out. Those are the holiday sleeves. It should say it on the box.
It didn't say holiday at all. It said regular sleeves. Nothing holiday about them.
Earlier, you said they didn't fit. Were they a different size than the regular ones? Also, just to check, you are using holiday sleeves right now, right? The ones with the snow on them.
They don't fit..yes they were a diff size. But on the box it said for 12/16/20 oz. they didn't even fit on the sleeve holder on top of the espresso machine or the sleeve holders by the condiment bar. They didn't have snow on them at all. They almost swallowed the tall cups.
We switched to the holiday sleeves on 11/1 when we started using the red holiday cups and the snowy cold cups. If you don't have them, you'll need to order them. DPCI is 260-00-0140.
Red cups are so PLAIN this year.
What gives? I mean, I know they're supposed to be offset with the snow sleeves but....
And the cold cups look like dandruff! I like last year's snowflakes!

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