Your order probably comes as a pallet off a non-Target truck and should have an orange pouch on it that holds all the paperwork needed to check in the order. If the pouch/paperwork isn't there or it's too late to look for it, the receiver can check the ADSD Order Summary (that might not be the exact title) on Workbench. All he does is takes the Shipment ID (again, might be the wrong name), types that into Receive and goes from there. If there's an audit, he should be able to print off the info from there with DPCIs and quantities; probably better to do this in the first place because pulling up old/in-progress ADSD orders is a pain. In theory; I've never had an audit without having the paperwork handy and it won't be until Tuesday/Wednesday I can look that info up to double-check.
I don't know anything about the Starbuck/Food TL printing off the invoices. I know it's a thing that can be done, according to Workbench but when I asked our TL about it they'd never heard about it and had no idea what to do.
Now, if your order is coming from FedEx as a bunch of boxes, I don't know how to check those in. Or if they need to be. Only seen it happen a few times, usually its on a pallet.
Hope that helps a little.