we got a call today from the Starbucks in our mall that they had gotten our order by mistake. I don't even want to think of how many people had to screw up for that to happen, but I guess at least we finally got the order? which we desperately needed... but I didn't want to start my day (on a GSA shift no less) running three flats of Starbucks merch, most of which was liquids and thus damn heavy, from one end of the mall to the other. especially when I got back to our Starbucks and one of my baristas goes, 'ugh... I feel sick... I don't feel well enough to put all THAT away.'
luckily she is already on a final. I don't think she's long for this world. we've already got two green beans in training. no one will miss her.
If that shift is morning, snag a flow member who likes coffee and ask if they will help. I love helping starbucks myself but its because my SBTL will get me the magnets when the promo is done. (I always ask and I love collecting magnets)
and the SCEMM! that book is my freaking BIBLE.