Archived Taking time off

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Jul 16, 2012
I'm a student, and I'm planning on taking a week or so vacation in December, possibly January. I'm fairly new at Target, working in the backroom, but how likely is it that I can request a week off during that time? How badly will this affect the team since it's around Christmas time. Also, they seem fairly flexible with schedules as long as it's school related...I plan to send in my request sometime this month.

P.S. Just realized I posted in the wrong subsection. Possible mod to move this to "I'm Lost"?
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You can request it but it's highly unlikely you'll get approved for it.
That generally falls during the black-out period when NO ONE gets off & your leadership can't even take off then.
And, yeh, it DOES impact your team.
Seems I more likely to get a week off in January?
The later in January the higher your chances of getting approved are. The best chance for any approval would probably be after Schools start their spring semester
So does that mean notice off requests are not honored?

I've been lucky....the SrTL basically told the person who does the scheduling, "shut up and give her the time off she requests for her internship." Well...nicely. I am trying to be respectful of that. The swap board may become my best friend.
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my store only have two blackout days. Black Friday and Christmas Eve. Otherwise if no one else has taken it off you'd get approved so go ahead and ask!
Yeah...Christmas Eve will be a huge problem with my internship...but it will just have to be okay with my internship that I'm not there.
I'll have to talk with them later and see what we can do. I'm trying very hard not to ask for too much (and giving 4 weeks notice as I know stuff is coming up) but doing it one week at a time so they don't kill me.
Yep, blackout is from November 15th-December 24th. If you request a day or two you may see it approved but anything other than that (and especially weekends) GOOD LUCK. Taking a vacation at anytime of the year impacts the team, and not to sound like a non-team player but they should have their bases covered when a TM takes time off. There should be no guilt in taking some R&R.
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