Archived Target announces hiring event for holiday help

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My store just hired about 15 seasonals which are all going to be salesfloor and flow, we are actually full on cashiering which sounds crazy, right?
We just had a mass hire and my brtl said his hours were cut in half. I've been getting lots of days off and it's pretty much the same all over the store. He once told me Target wants 7 people working for 4 instead of 3 working for 8.
That and they want all the work done in a shorter length of time using the same amount of payroll.
Our store did a hiring event at our local community college (that I just so happen to attend) and it was being run by my ETL-HR. I showed up and stuck around for most of the event, I probably had a big influence on getting some of the people to apply and my ETL was super appreciative. I bet I earned some points with her that day.
So great a mass hire. Any payroll for training all the new people? Probably not. Lets face facts here, We are hiring so many people to get through 1 freaking weekend. Sure we would need to hire for the holidays but not the amounts they want. We are going to hire a bunch of people, and turn them loose. Then we are going to spend our time following behind them cleaning up the trail of incompetence. Not their fault mind you, its Targets and their quest to cut corners in all the wrong ways.
So great a mass hire. Any payroll for training all the new people? Probably not. Lets face facts here, We are hiring so many people to get through 1 freaking weekend. Sure we would need to hire for the holidays but not the amounts they want. We are going to hire a bunch of people, and turn them loose. Then we are going to spend our time following behind them cleaning up the trail of incompetence. Not their fault mind you, its Targets and their quest to cut corners in all the wrong ways.

And this is why I went right to my ETL-HR and told them I would not train any newbies who weren't already Sales Floor Trained first. I can't tell you how fun it is to train someone for Market, while also training them Hardlines (Which I don't to avoid just barraging these poor new guys with Information). Especially if there is a very good chance they won't even be here in 2 months.
My store has already made the tls cut hours on Thursday before posting the schedule because they need the hours for new hire training. Grrr

Really? At my store training hours are separate. So each work center will have its usual amount of TMs. I've seen up to 3 additional trainees on any given shift.
2 closers in softlines and 2 in hardlines? We'd never survive. We have 4-5 in each on average. A-volume pfresh store.
I overhead HR the other day saying how they weren't getting many applicants and the one who were applying had very limited availability. They were going to call these people and see if their availability had changed. Not looking good for hiring seasonal employees.
Hiring 24 people over the next two days and we already hired a bunch. It's weird they are doing it as our hours are shit and most of the sl/hl folks are off 4-5 days a week.
The bar has been going lower each year.
My fav is the seasonal hire that wants to take off around Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Year's & is shocked! SHOCKED, I tell you, that they're expected to work right thru.

Lol. I remember a seasonal calling off on Black Friday sale last year and then actually shop in the store that same day. All of her GSTLs saw her. Lol.
And this is why I went right to my ETL-HR and told them I would not train any newbies who weren't already Sales Floor Trained first. I can't tell you how fun it is to train someone for Market, while also training them Hardlines (Which I don't to avoid just barraging these poor new guys with Information). Especially if there is a very good chance they won't even be here in 2 months.
My favorite will be training seasonal Fulfillment TMs... They need salesfloor, flow, and BR training first.
This is the state of all retailers today.

A person comes into the store to apply for holiday help. Knows the job will only last a few months but just wants to work a few hours a week afterall they already have a primary job. So naturally will have some limits to hours of days they can work. Not hire. A person comes in looking to make long term commintment to employer. A job offer is made you must be open availabilty but only schedule 15 -20 hrs a week. We will call you at moment notice to pick up a shift. We may to cut a shift at any moment. Person doesn't accept job because they want a full time job not a part time job. My opinion a sad state for all reatilers
Lol. I remember a seasonal calling off on Black Friday sale last year and then actually shop in the store that same day. All of her GSTLs saw her. Lol.
I'll go one better:
Years back when I had finished cash office, I was asked to cover the lanes because the GSTL was going home 'with a migraine'.
Later that day, she comes in with her husband & family (visiting from out of town) to shop. The LOD snags her & asks her if she would come back in to close, since the closer called out. She says she'll call back & let them know.
When she gets home from her shopping, she calls the store & leaves a message that she won't be able to come back in since 'her migraine flared up again'.
So I worked an open to close.
That was awful for you, redeye58. I hope she's not working as a GSTL anymore. But yeah, that was better. As a supervisor, she should have known better.
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