Archived Target Sins/Confessions

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I make sure guests answer my hellos and say thank you when I hand them their drinks. It becomes awkward at times and I have to back peddle.
I make sure guests answer my hellos and say thank you when I hand them their drinks. It becomes awkward at times and I have to back peddle.
People have no manners. When people don't say anything I say "no problem, you're welcome" obnoxiously and usually that'll get them to say thank you. If they're really ignorant they will still not say thank you and I don't want their business anyhow.
I don't greet every guest.

I don't pull stuff toward on pegs when zoning.

I don't ask people if they want service plans anymore.

If I get my zone done early ( which, even if I move at a slow pace, I usually do ) I just do touchups for the rest of night, screw zoning mini.

I don't respond for backup

I take 20 minute 15s
*throws melted vendor ice cream away*
*flips off trash can*

Detectives that are a hassle, piss me off.
Maybe a personal fault of mine, but the busier the store is plus the more I work I have plus the less hours I have ... the less I care. When I see them sending people home even though the lines are 7, 8, 9, 10 people deep. I just stop caring.
When my ETL or TL gives me an unrealistic amount of work to get done during my shift, it makes me work slower because I know I'm not going to get it all done anyway.
Whenever I ask someone if they want a protection plan on an item I secretly hope that they’ll say no because I have no knowledge of the protection plans or how to activate them since I’ve never done one

The info is on the receipt
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When repeat coupon-abusers return hoards of items, a coworker has occasionally "forgotten" to scan an item before taking it back from the guest.

In the past, I've used jedi mind tricks to convince blatantly obvious no-receipt-ers to not return an item. I never outright refused the return and I never lied to them. Sure they probably just went to the next store over and did it there, but at least they wasted gas or a bus ticket 🙂
I climb the steel a lot because it’s faster than moving pallets and flats out of the way.
When I used to be called for backup, I never asked for red cards.
I’ll turn my walkie off and pretend I forgot to turn it back on after a break or something.
I don’t use the RFID gun to find items even tho it should be used.
I climb the wave to grab stuff at the top of the steel (don’t worry I hold on to the steel)
I’ve thrown out stuff that should be damaged out.
If I’m pulling stuff for orders, and a bag of say, candy, is open, it’s fair game lol
I’ve told guests that what they were asking me to search is out of stock because I either don’t have the time to grab it or I just don’t want to (tends to be during 4Q)
I found a lost kid once and didn’t know what to do with him so I handed him off to a TL.
I’ve frequently clocked out for meal and kept working (again 4Q) and I tend to skip my 15s unless I’m super hungry, then I go to dunkin.
I know I know. It’s bad. But it’s like a group habit. My TL used to do it before he was chewed out. But he’d straight work through and do punch corrections. I haven’t done it since Christmas. My ship captain still skips meals and idk why
I’ve nearly skipped my breaks unless I want to take it but my TL has started noticing and asking if I took a break yet.
I place heavy OPU in the last hour before the closer leaves. I either leave a 4+ DPCI or at least 2 softline items in the order.
1. I have taken a couple of 15s since I transferred to my current store. While not on cameras!

2. When I was new with spot at the age of 16, I spent three consecutive shifts doing nothing but sitting in the break room; I was warned not to take a "25 minute fifteen" by my TL.

3. I napped on the roof and was locked up there around ten years ago. I had a friend bring a latter that I used to climb down in order to avoid the embarrassment and to keep my job.

4. I've been locked in the following places: the exterior cart attendant closet at two stores, booking room, on the roof, in the Café/Starbucks cooler.

5. Whilst playing with handcuffs post-app, I twirled them around my wrist, locking them in place around my wrist with the key holes facing each other. This is why I cannibalized one of my handcuff keys.

The worst things I did, I did around a decade ago. I was one heck of a renegade.
This is by far my worst offense. As an hrtm I would take my breaks at my desk and be on here. Or if someone had a question about flex fill or market I would go on our monster threads and look up the answer.

We arent supposed to have lunch in cafe unless we buy something but my wife brings food from home and we eat it with our kids.

Like @EagleEye , I have worked through my lunch before then did a punch correction later so I didn't hit compliance.

One of my stores team members is cheating on his girlfriend with a girl in softlines. Once I found out I always intentionally made sure they aren't scheduled together because it makes me sick.

As I'm writing the schedule for when I come back to my store I am intentionally stacking my closing night with a strong team lol.
What do you do if a TL was cheating on his girlfriend, a TL at another store that he got promoted, with you but you didn't know and then when you found out, you stopped speaking to him but it got messy because in the process he encouraged you to get promoted. And now he cheats on his gf with a guest that's married and she mocks you by always being extra and coming to your lane 🙁 I just don't know how to say anything or do the right thing
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