Archived Target Sins/Confessions

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basically have the attitude of “the camera can’t hear what you’re saying” when a guest and I get into it
In some areas I'm reasonably certain there is recording going on. Might want to rethink that.
I once did my roof filter PM shirtless in the summer. It’s either hot or humid in the summer and I don’t want to walk around the store like I just got hit by a sprinkler.

When I first read this post, I could almost, almost hear the faint sounds of porn music ........ and then you lost me with humidity and sweat. 😕
We arent supposed to have lunch in cafe unless we buy something but my wife brings food from home and we eat it with our kids.

One of my stores team members is cheating on his girlfriend with a girl in softlines. Once I found out I always intentionally made sure they aren't scheduled together because it makes me sick.

Honestly, I read these two confessions and thought that they make you seem even more cooler than before. 😎
I actually hate my Sr.GSTL. He has a pet cashier too and I can't fucking stand her. (pretty sure they're sleeping together)
I finally got fed up with the service desk person who was the worst, laziest, rudest piece of shit I've ever worked with. I started unstocking service desk when she had to close behind me. Since she spend half her shift ignoring guests, and never stocked anything, and left massive piles of reshop and repack I decided that she obviously didn't care if stuff was stocked so no bags, no stickers, no stabby gun, no hangers, fuck you bitch.

Oh yeah, free cafe coffee.

Pens. I needed pens at home.

And of course, my fave, the impatient guest who's a cunt treating me like shit who's card transaction mysteriously keeps getting cancelled. Goddamn lady, how would I know what's happening with your shitty card? 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
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Even though our store is lenient on this, I advise people not to be scavengers digging through the donation boxes. But every other morning when I go to talk with our receiver I’m asking, “Is there anything good?” And proceed to dig through it. 😵
"Stabby gun" -- i love that description!

I eat candy that's supposed to be toss.
I don't even try to find DCPI's. I just throw them in the No DCPI bin and hope someone else will do them.
I don't take off the plastic hanger thing on the curtains even though we're supposed to.
I hate getting small things in my re shop carts, they end up in random places (this is usually with toys )
In some areas I'm reasonably certain there is recording going on. Might want to rethink that.
I never say anything terrible, more just like if someone is complaining about something hella stupid or sometimes even just complaining in general I’ll literally just laugh at them and say “okay.” Example:

“You really need to have someone fix the price that it says because it’s not fair to lie to customers about your prices”
Me: *laugh* ok??

I’m also really guilty of smiling or laughing while I’m arguing with someone. I just think it’s hilarious and telling people no keeps my blood pumping

Or another one:
“This is supposed to be ringing up at this price”
Me: “ok obviously not since it didn’t come up that price. You must’ve been looking at the wrong thing.”

Or when someone is complaining about how much they’re getting back when doing an ID return:

“That’s what happens when you don’t keep receipts we give them to you for a reason. If you don’t like that then sell it online or something.”
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I eat candy/grab a drink when I push it out and it came out of the casepack ripped.
I've bagged meat and fruit that I could smell were just on the cusp of throw out rotten without saying anything.

I've accepted a coupon that I could see was photo copied (numbers matched) because the guest was especially nice and I didn't feel like being confrontational about it.

When asked if we had something in the back, I checked and could see that we did but knew there was no one who could/would pull it in a reasonable time, so I just said sorry I don't show any in the store right now.

I haven't been asking about protection plans for most items when the prompt comes up.
I never say anything terrible, more just like if someone is complaining about something hella stupid or sometimes even just complaining in general I’ll literally just laugh at them and say “okay.” Example:

“You really need to have someone fix the price that it says because it’s not fair to lie to customers about your prices”
Me: *laugh* ok??

I’m also really guilty of smiling or laughing while I’m arguing with someone. I just think it’s hilarious and telling people no keeps my blood pumping

Or another one:
“This is supposed to be ringing up at this price”
Me: “ok obviously not since it didn’t come up that price. You must’ve been looking at the wrong thing.”

Or when someone is complaining about how much they’re getting back when doing an ID return:

“That’s what happens when you don’t keep receipts we give them to you for a reason. If you don’t like that then sell it online or something.”
Yes I do the same “okay” or “mhm”
I finally got fed up with the service desk person who was the worst, laziest, rudest piece of shit I've ever worked with. I started unstocking service desk when she had to close behind me. Since she spend half her shift ignoring guests, and never stocked anything, and left massive piles of reshop and repack I decided that she obviously didn't care if stuff was stocked so no bags, no stickers, no stabby gun, no hangers, fuck you bitch.

Oh yeah, free cafe coffee.

Pens. I needed pens at home.

And of course, my fave, the impatient guest who's a cunt treating me like shit who's card transaction mysteriously keeps getting cancelled. Goddamn lady, how would I know what's happening with your shitty card? 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀

I thought I was the only one who calls them stabby guns.. glad I'm not alone 😀
During a recent remodel, we couldn't get a hold of a certain waste disposal company, so we did less than legal things to get rid of a certain asset.

I won't say what it was to avoid identifying myself since an ETL was with me when I did it, but suffice it to say that had the wrong people driven by, both of us would be working elsewhere now.
  • I still am not sure how to deal with coupons and sometimes I will accept them if it goes through after being scanned, even if there was a limit on the number of coupons of the transaction and I don't feel like arguing with the guest over the coupons, usually for small amounts.
  • I am obsessed with reusing bags that other cashiers stuff into the areas under the belt because they don't come off easily and they would rather use a new set of bags when bagging. I even take the unused bags from other registers when it it isn't busy, neatly make them presentable and reusable and then use them myself.
  • Just a natural habit, but when I ask guests if they would like to sign up for the Red Card, I accidentally say "umm" a lot, and I feel like that may be a negative in terms of how I come off when asking.
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