Archived Target Sins/Confessions

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Not if it's the last item
Oh awesome! So now they're not just yelling at us because their item is broken but now we don't have one to replace it with so they yell at us more.

You're literally making your GSTMs life miserable. We already get yelled at enough please don't do stuff that will get us yelled at more.

If you were at my store I'd report you in a heartbeat for purposefully damaging merchandise.
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I have:
  1. Grabbed my lunch from grocery, ate it, and then paid for it after my lunch was over with the empty box
  2. Thrown reshop in a cart without putting a barcode on it
  3. Thrown salvage in the box without processing it
  4. COMPLETELY avoided one spot
  5. Accidentally processed and cancelled someone's online pick-up order and told no one
I too have completely avoided one spot and I usually just dump reshop semi organized in one location there. Also when people leave flats up at GS and GSTL asks if someone will take it back I kinda just stare at the other GSTM until they say sure. I hate going to backroom bc opposite end of the store from GS and I hate steering flats.
Also lol I'm pretty sure when @Leo47 made the thread they meant the small stuff we do not "I've completely ignored code yellow missing child" and "I literally make my GSTMs day 1000x worse by purposefully damaging the last item we have on an OPU"
Also lol I'm pretty sure when @Leo47 made the thread they meant the small stuff we do not "I've completely ignored code yellow missing child" and "I literally make my GSTMs day 1000x worse by purposefully damaging the last item we have on an OPU"

The ignoring the code yellow is making my blood boil.

So is purposefully damaging shit.

I’m legit angry after reading this entire thread. 😕
Take breaks up at GS & in TSC​
Take percentages off products i just get tired of looking at regardless if there anything wrong or not.
Purposely scan wrong barcode on gift cards and cancel transactions for suspicious buyers which may be discrimination
Keep return edibles for myself-- never mind the candy/snack drawer we're not even suppose to have.
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I once said to a guest, "Have a great day" when I in fact hoped they didn't have a great day

I've told people who've made me mad to have a GREAT day very passively aggressively...

Oh yeah every time a guest comes up to me & ask if i work here i tell them no and walk away.. especially if im behind the service desk or at the boat

I've literally looked at my uniform and may or may not have been a bit sarcastic about it.. I'm going to Hell for it
Said did not havw requested item when pda wasn't working.

Chose to item in a lightly beaten box in a location easy to get to over an item in a box of pristine condition but in a difficult space to get to.
Oh awesome! So now they're not just yelling at us because their item is broken but now we don't have one to replace it with so they yell at us more.

You're literally making your GSTMs life miserable. We already get yelled at enough please don't do stuff that will get us yelled at more.

If you were at my store I'd report you in a heartbeat for purposefully damaging merchandise.
I was gonna Inf it but the GSTM rushed me to finish it so oops
I don't pick up strays when I shoot RIGS.

Sometimes I Jalé, Not Empujé.

I used to refill my cup from breakfast at lunch in the Pizza Hut.

If I have 5 minutes left before I clock out but I'm done with my work, I might take a bathroom break.

Most of you are terrible employees, and probably bad people. I hope you get fired, and get some help to turn your life around.
Sometimes when a guest shows up early for their flex order I destroy the box so they are pissed off even more after waiting
This would piss me off. This is when I contact the ETL-LOG and have them find out who pulled the order. Not only does this make my job hard, but we have a mad guest that I have to appease and make it right. Not to mention if they end up filling out a survey afterwards.
My worst was telling guests we don't have a TV when we totally do, because Mobile was nowehere to be found, I'm the only red shirt, and I don't have a walkie to call backroom team or the ability to leave electronics (we locked up basically every single electronics item regardless of price in my store, so I couldn't go help guests in hardlines without at least a Mobile TM to hold the fort, much less go all the way across the store to the stockroom).

I'm also guilty of routinely making up birthdates instead of carding for M rated video games, because I've got four more guests to help and this dude is CLEARLY an adult. And it's not like alcohol where I could get in deep shit if I accidentally sold to a minor.
You know as well as I do the guest does not care.

Don’t purposefully damage stuff. It isn’t hard.
Don't show up early for your item as in turn, for GSTMs, don't tell backroom to stop what their doing to pick these items

We'll get to it. Most of time y'all do that we honestly just wait until the last two minutes of the order before bringing it up
An OPU dropped, so I went to pick it. As I was picking the item, not even 2 minutes after it dropped, the GSTM calls and asks if I could pick this item ASAP because the guest was there waiting. Hoping the guest was listening to the walkie, I said I'm picking the orders in the order they dropped in and I'll be up as soon as I can. Being the only order I was actually picking, I went and backstocked for 10 minutes before bringing it up front.
Going to be completely honest, my only major offensive is probably taking 20 minute breaks when it's just a 15. Other wise I'm a goodie goodie.

I add on an extra 2-5 minutes if I am scheduled for more than 5 hours, esp. if it's one of those brutal 5.75 hour shifts. Schedule me for almost 6 hrs to avoid giving me a meal, I'll show you Spot!
This would piss me off. This is when I contact the ETL-LOG and have them find out who pulled the order. Not only does this make my job hard, but we have a mad guest that I have to appease and make it right. Not to mention if they end up filling out a survey afterwards.

I've honestly started keeping a PDA at Guest Service so I can look up the order details when somebody fucks up or does something stupid with an order

go into the PDA, log into myFA, and then scroll down to Order Inquiry and scan the order barcode or an item and it'll tell you who it is for, the order number, and the TM who pulled it.
I've honestly started keeping a PDA at Guest Service so I can look up the order details when somebody fucks up or does something stupid with an order

go into the PDA, log into myFA, and then scroll down to Order Inquiry and scan the order barcode or an item and it'll tell you who it is for, the order number, and the TM who pulled it.
The reality is though, that's not accurate enough to tell what happened to the item. There are plenty of times, where there is one item left, and it's legit a mess. The lod will ask if the item itself is broken, and if not, fill the order no matter the box.

So you'll look up an order, in an atemp to do...what exactly? There's actually no rule saying we can't fill an order with whatever condition the box is in as long as the item is fine. Worst cast, we use a sticky note to let GS know to cancel it and sell it as repackage or as is.
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