Archived Target Sins/Confessions

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  • The moment I see Softlines in an FA order, I take a few laps around the store and INF it
  • I don't bag FA orders, no sticker or anything
  • If for some reason I'm running out of time on an FA order, I take my break and have one of the newbies log into it to have them take responsibility
  • I have taken a few 2 hour breaks without anyone noticing.
  • When our sales floor team used to push CAF, I used to burn batches for TMs that were on my good side so they wouldn't have much to push, while my non-favorite TMs had flatbeds of push
  • Somehow, there's ALWAYS snacks that we find that have their boxes opened 😉
  • When I do rewrap, if I can't find the dpci in 3 minutes due to a missing tag or anything, I find the first item similar to it and input that DPCI
Wait for the biggest one....
  • Once, when I was picking an order, I noticed a lost child crying, we locked eyes, he came towards me, you would imagine I would call a code yellow, but what do I do? I immediately went back into the stockroom doors to let someone else deal with it.
Once, when I was picking an order, I noticed a lost child crying, we locked eyes, he came towards me, you would imagine I would call a code yellow, but what do I do? I immediately went back into the stockroom doors to let someone else deal with it.

Not sure if you are going to the hall of fame or hell for this one.

And technically it would not be a code yellow since that is a lost parent
  • I still am not sure how to deal with coupons and sometimes I will accept them if it goes through after being scanned, even if there was a limit on the number of coupons of the transaction and I don't feel like arguing with the guest over the coupons, usually for small amounts.
  • I am obsessed with reusing bags that other cashiers stuff into the areas under the belt because they don't come off easily and they would rather use a new set of bags when bagging. I even take the unused bags from other registers when it it isn't busy, neatly make them presentable and reusable and then use them myself.
  • Just a natural habit, but when I ask guests if they would like to sign up for the Red Card, I accidentally say "umm" a lot, and I feel like that may be a negative in terms of how I come off when asking.
For the coupon. Limit 4 identical coupons per transaction, one manf per item. If it’s sketchy CALL GSTL.
Oh yeah, I forgot if candy goes toss I hoard it up at the service desk, but I only got that idea from other people who worked there before me. We hide it in one of the drawers. I also do things like accept certain no receipt returns or more coupons than is allowed if I'm feeling particularly worn out because I don't feel like arguing with them. Everything I write in this thread is making me realize just how bad I am at my job, haha.
I work through pretty much every lunch and break.

I've gotten better at going on my fifteens. But fuck working on lunch.

The SFS desk is within range of a Pokéstop...

We have a Pokestop at the front of the store! 😀

"Stabby gun" -- i love that description!

I eat candy that's supposed to be toss.
I don't even try to find DCPI's. I just throw them in the No DCPI bin and hope someone else will do them.
I don't take off the plastic hanger thing on the curtains even though we're supposed to.

When I worked market, if I opened a box and product was accidentally opened, I'd QMOS it and try some. Usually happened with the string cheese boxes that said "do not cut"

Not sure if you are going to the hall of fame or hell for this one.

And technically it would not be a code yellow since that is a lost parent

Well, depending on your store, if you have team members who won't fucking close the backroom doors, the kid could have conceivably walked back there if it was a code yellow.
  • Once, when I was picking an order, I noticed a lost child crying, we locked eyes, he came towards me, you would imagine I would call a code yellow, but what do I do? I immediately went back into the stockroom doors to let someone else deal with it.
Oh, I've absolutely gone back into the backroom because I walked out and heard a guest looking for their child and I didn't want to deal with it.
Oh, I've absolutely gone back into the backroom because I walked out and heard a guest looking for their child and I didn't want to deal with it.
Okay missing child is unacceptable to avoid. Missing parent makes you a horrible person but missing child there could be an abduction in progress and avoiding helping potentially stop that is just unacceptable.
Well, depending on your store, if you have team members who won't fucking close the backroom doors, the kid could have conceivably walked back there if it was a code yellow.

We've had children enter our stockrooms a few times. Along with a few parents exploring our stockrooms looking for their children. I still won't forget the time we had a random person who went upstairs to tell me he was bored and felt like attracting some attention.
Okay missing child is unacceptable to avoid. Missing parent makes you a horrible person but missing child there could be an abduction in progress and avoiding helping potentially stop that is just unacceptable.
It was like my second day and they didn't really talk about code yellows with us in orientation like they were supposed to. I didn't even know what the codes were until I happened to notice something about them in our backroom and asked about them. Guess trying to scam the new hires into getting redcards was more important. 🙄
Not sure if you are going to the hall of fame or hell for this one.

And technically it would not be a code yellow since that is a lost parent

Really? The only time I've heard a code yellow it was for lost kids. Which I think were found before they finished calling the code yellow.

I still won't forget the time we had a random person who went upstairs to tell me he was bored and felt like attracting some attention.

Did you put him to work?

Once, when I was picking an order, I noticed a lost child crying, we locked eyes, he came towards me, you would imagine I would call a code yellow, but what do I do? I immediately went back into the stockroom doors to let someone else deal with it.

Dude, you totally missed a golden opportunity to give some parent the Judgy Look of Doom for losing their kid.
• I’ve literally never asked someone if they want to sign up for a redcard
• one time I asked a guest checking out if they were able to find everything ok, and when they said no, I accidentally blurted out “sucks to suck!”
• me and 2 of my coworkers went out to eat after work to celebrate someone getting fired
Really? The only time I've heard a code yellow it was for lost kids. Which I think were found before they finished calling the code yellow.

It’s a code yellow if the parents come up and say they lost their kid, reverse is if you have the kid but no parents
Sometimes when a guest shows up early for their flex order I destroy the box so they are pissed off even more after waiting

I ignore calls for lost kids when they tell me to check the back and im busy

When a TM refuses to take the whole box when doing a guest pull I LOCU a couple of locations to add to their cafs.
Really? The only time I've heard a code yellow it was for lost kids. Which I think were

Code yellow is when you are with a parent who is trying to find their kid. Everyone drops everything and looks for the kids

When you have a kid who can't find their parent you aren't supposed to say anything on walkie. The directive is to stay with the kid what you do from there is asants but usually you page the parent at guest srrvice
Sometimes when a guest shows up early for their flex order I destroy the box so they are pissed off even more after waiting

I ignore calls for lost kids when they tell me to check the back and im busy

When a TM refuses to take the whole box when doing a guest pull I LOCU a couple of locations to add to their cafs.

That's more like a fuck you to the GS TMs and GSTL. Try that with me and I'll find out who did the order 😵

I once told a guest that I don't care about the job, if he keeps disrespecting me he can get these hands. An apology soon came forth from his mouth.
I have:
  1. Grabbed my lunch from grocery, ate it, and then paid for it after my lunch was over with the empty box
  2. Thrown reshop in a cart without putting a barcode on it
  3. Thrown salvage in the box without processing it
  4. COMPLETELY avoided one spot
  5. Accidentally processed and cancelled someone's online pick-up order and told no one
Received a ship to store order that wouldn’t scan on the PDA. Asked the LOD and a couple other TM’s who were clueless. I put the item in reshop.

Sometimes if I finish CO super early, I will dick around for a few before I come out. Most of the time I will straighten up the office a little bit. Empty trash etc... other times I’ll play on my phone. Kinda makes me nervous to do that too much. I’m afraid they’ll watch me on camera and reprimand me lol.
If I'm fairly busy and notice a spill that's 1) nowhere near my area and 2) unlikely to make anyone slip, I. Saw. Nothing.

When I backup I'll forget you can type in DOB for liquor sales again, and make people physically hand me their ID to scan.
Half the time it's me legitimately forgetting. The other half is me power-tripping, because no, you don't get to buy alcohol after flashing me your ID for two seconds, even if it interrupts that terribly important phone call. 🙄
That's more like a fuck you to the GS TMs and GSTL. Try that with me and I'll find out who did the order 😵
Not if it's the last item

Don't show up early and demand people get your shit.

This is why he will never get a better job than Target
We have people here admitting to threatening guest and ignoring lost little kids and this what you take away from post

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