Archived Target sucks!

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If you were saying the truth, then my store wouldn't have played with me and getting my electronics position.
Instead they waved it over my head for over 4 months while 4 out of 5 shifts a week were electronics and I was on my own for those.
I was still only keyed in as Hardlines and was getting $10 instead of getting the base electronics pay of $10.50.
There's a reason I left instead of playing their games.
I am sorry to hear of your experience. For every negative experience though there are plenty of positive experiences. My point is if you are persistent and hard working. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. You cant tell me that’s not a fact. The truth.
unfortunately you are the exception, not the rule. At my dc they hire ALL om's off the street. They last a couple weeks and then decide its not for them. Not sure if its the work, or the schedule. They probably quit around the time they realize they are destined for A2. Anyhow, they keep doing that rather than promoting from within even though they have qualified candidates in front of their eyes.
SO far his year we have had two team members move up to om, and 5 total if you include last year. It’s something they are going back to or so I’m told they want to fill half of the om positions from within the company ; and om typically start on the shift which the “om or executive trainer” works on
To imply that the story you’ve linked is anything but an exception to the rule would be silly.

Target is largely an entry-level job with little-to-no room for growth for many. While hard work and dedication is surely rewarded to some, you have to compare it to pretty much any other industry. Individual work ethic is not rewarded nearly as much at Target than most other jobs/careers due to the fact that, at the end of the day, we’re all EASILY replaceable, whether you work hard or not.

When you’re just a cog in the large machine it is hard to feel valued, especially when it’s hard to connect the ultimate outcome (sales) directly to any one set of people.

Compare that to other industries such as healthcare where there are measurable, substantial outcome differentials based on an individuals personal performance that can (and should) be subsequently rewarded.

While you, a clearly, er, passionate person, was rewarded (although like with anything in life,
I’m sure circumstance played a role) within 6 months of becoming a TM... you can’t use that as evidence that lack of reward must imply lack of effort/good attitude/etc.
It’s all about politics. Yes, you have to work hard (sometimes)to promote, but I can’t even tell you how many people I have seen be promoted that shouldn’t have been just because they were well liked. I also have seen so many people Be “pushed out” or on the bench for months even years just because they were not personally well liked (although great professionally).
In my old group (group Vice President, hr director, dtl)all told me they saw me at VP level one day. My boss in my new group that I was promoted to also told me she would make me a DTL in 18 months but she was demoted and my new boss felt differently. I was pushed out because she wanted to replace me with a friend. Since I was pushed out the group vp was pushed out, and only 2 STLs remain the same in my district. My district has gone to shit, but backfill and boss are BFFs so clearly my backfill is amazing at her job right?
Really good for Samir, but there’s so many shady details involved with the process at target (I’m sure this goes for all retailers)
My current DTL started off as a salesfloor TM

Seems he hasn't quite forgotten his TM roots because he's very understanding and loves to engage with TMs and ask how they are and stuff and seems to be trying to remember everyone

Downside is he likes doing lots of impromptu visits which just freaks leadership out
My current DTL started off as a salesfloor TM

Seems he hasn't quite forgotten his TM roots because he's very understanding and loves to engage with TMs and ask how they are and stuff and seems to be trying to remember everyone

Downside is he likes doing lots of impromptu visits which just freaks leadership out

Omg because he knows firsthand how bad it freaks everyone out!
You know what happens when the company only hires recent college grads (specifically frat and sorority) who are title hungry above all else? And this was the major practice for years and years? Those same people are now becoming our DTLs and above. They lacked people skills and insight from the start, and most never learned them along the way. The company is shifting and its mid to upper leadership is oblivious now and it’s showing.

The best part seems to be that the current store leadership that are in the buildings now are falling victims to it. I have had an ETL and STL now complain about group level leadership who were totally absurd in their expectations and came off as brainwashed. Um... you guys are staring at yourselves in 5 to 10 years... you are just as bad and drive the team members just as nuts.
Btw here's Shah

So he seems like he finished college, became a bank manager, and then came back as a STL. A bit different than "Shah has been working here since he came over from India." Good for him tho, but is anyone surprised that if you graduate with a management degree you can one day be upper management?
Given that he "only" has a bachelors degree I am somewhat surprised he worked his way that far up. I would expect someone in that role to have their MBA. But it's probably more of who you know vs what you know at that level.
You know what happens when the company only hires recent college grads (specifically frat and sorority) who are title hungry above all else? And this was the major practice for years and years? Those same people are now becoming our DTLs and above. They lacked people skills and insight from the start, and most never learned them along the way. The company is shifting and its mid to upper leadership is oblivious now and it’s showing.

The best part seems to be that the current store leadership that are in the buildings now are falling victims to it. I have had an ETL and STL now complain about group level leadership who were totally absurd in their expectations and came off as brainwashed. Um... you guys are staring at yourselves in 5 to 10 years... you are just as bad and drive the team members just as nuts.

Yeah it's frustrating that the desire to promote causes people to stand on others in order to climb up.

While some districts are not great at promoting from within. When it comes to business partner, director and group leadership roles almost all promotions are from within.

Even for those who used to be in a store the pressure from higher ups who were never in a store is still so great it's rare your leaders don't become out of touch. Going to Minnesota every September is a brain washing with loud music, pumped up executives who send a mandate that makes no sense on the store level.

Target is not different from many other places, you have to be charismatic as a male to promote. As a female you have to either be a complete cheerleader or a complete b****. Both genders need to kiss some butt and have someone support them in order to promote.
Yeah it's frustrating that the desire to promote causes people to stand on others in order to climb up.

While some districts are not great at promoting from within. When it comes to business partner, director and group leadership roles almost all promotions are from within.

Even for those who used to be in a store the pressure from higher ups who were never in a store is still so great it's rare your leaders don't become out of touch. Going to Minnesota every September is a brain washing with loud music, pumped up executives who send a mandate that makes no sense on the store level.

Target is not different from many other places, you have to be charismatic as a male to promote. As a female you have to either be a complete cheerleader or a complete b****. Both genders need to kiss some butt and have someone support them in order to promote.

I hope you didn’t mean that in a negative way. Yes we have to kiss butt. From a TM to CEO we all have to “kiss butt” What does it mean to kiss butt? Does it mean idealizing someone above you? Agreeing with them? Wanting to implement their plans? Processes and strategies? Doing what they ask?
Thats what a job ,and in particular a job in a large organization is. You follow orders, you respect those above you. You don’t question their decisions, because these decisions are handed down to them from their higher ups.
If someone wants to be their own boss and make their own decisions they can go the entrepreneurial path.
Whats wrong with working hard in order for someone to notice you?
I hope you didn’t mean that in a negative way. Yes we have to kiss butt. From a TM to CEO we all have to “kiss butt” What does it mean to kiss butt?

It means to kiss ass.

Yes I am talking about the leaders who talk shit about their stl being a micro manager then tell him "No you aren't being overbearing" to his face.

The ETLs who complain how we don't have payroll then staff us to death during a visit because they want to promote (while we suffer the other six days of the week because we blew all our payroll for the visit)

There is nothing wrong with respecting leadership but anyone who does a good job only because their leader is looking fools no one but themselves
You're telling me that all I have to do now is: go to India, go through a "rebirthing ceremony", unlearn English, and come back to America and apply to be a Cart Attendant and I can be a Senior VP too!?

P.S. I want to know the full story, I want all the dirty details!
Yes, yes you can! 😵
They do promote from within I’ve seen it firsthand on several occasions and I am currently up for consideration to be promoted for an om position at the dc not sure what’s going on to make you think this ?
You don't count because you are in a warehouse. WHole different animal. Yes same company, yet entirely different structure there.
unfortunately you are the exception, not the rule. At my dc they hire ALL om's off the street. They last a couple weeks and then decide its not for them. Not sure if its the work, or the schedule. They probably quit around the time they realize they are destined for A2. Anyhow, they keep doing that rather than promoting from within even though they have qualified candidates in front of their eyes.
For those of us cluesless how a Target DC works, what's A2 and can you seriously stop putting rice and sugar with the door mats.
What's OM?
A sacred sound and a spiritual icon in Hindu religion. It is also a mantra in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism.

Om is part of the iconography found in ancient and medieval era manuscripts, temples, monasteries and spiritual retreats in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. The symbol has a spiritual meaning in all Indian dharmas, but the meaning and connotations of Om vary between the diverse schools within and across the various traditions.

In Hinduism, Om is one of the most important spiritual symbols (pratima). It refers to Atman (soul, self within) and Brahman (ultimate reality, entirety of the universe, truth, divine, supreme spirit, cosmic principles, knowledge). The syllable is often found at the beginning and the end of chapters in the Vedas, the Upanishads, and other Hindu texts. It is a sacred spiritual incantation made before and during the recitation of spiritual texts, during puja and private prayers, in ceremonies of rites of passages (sanskara) such as weddings, and sometimes during meditative and spiritual activities such as Yoga. 😉
My current DTL started off as a salesfloor TM

Seems he hasn't quite forgotten his TM roots because he's very understanding and loves to engage with TMs and ask how they are and stuff and seems to be trying to remember everyone

Downside is he likes doing lots of impromptu visits which just freaks leadership out
And why does he do those visits? Because of what you mentioned, and thats when he can see what is really wrong as opposed to the face they want him to see. That makes him an Excellent DTL
Given that he "only" has a bachelors degree I am somewhat surprised he worked his way that far up. I would expect someone in that role to have their MBA. But it's probably more of who you know vs what you know at that level.
mba is wasted on retail because so much of it is actually useless.
Saw this thread and had to chime in. The store I'm at promotes from within all the time, it seems though almost everyone seems related one way or another. The management has sisters, brothers, nieces, nephews, cousins, friends. I found that strange because once I knew who was related to who, those are the ones with better schedules. Once an outsider came in as gstl and man! Did all the lods give her a hard time, she didn't last 6 months.
You don't count because you are in a warehouse. WHole different animal. Yes same company, yet entirely different structure there.
That’s true it’s an entirely different animal as a regular team member I could transfer to the store right now and come straight over as a TL or Etl and keep my current pay rate Or an OEM could transfer over at the equivalent of an assistant store manager
For those of us cluesless how a Target DC works, what's A2 and can you seriously stop putting rice and sugar with the door mats.
A2 is one of the four shift A1 sat sun mon 6am-6pm a2 sat sun mon nights 6pm-6am
B1 6am-4 pm tues we’d thurs fri and b2 4pm-2am in those same days Rice and sugar if they are in bags are non con all non con is loaded together typically
That’s true it’s an entirely different animal as a regular team member I could transfer to the store right now and come straight over as a TL or Etl and keep my current pay rate Or an OEM could transfer over at the equivalent of an assistant store manager

We don't have assistant store managers. An etl is the equivalent though.

However I don't think you can just switch from dc to etl. You have to go through the etl hiring process
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