Archived Target sucks!

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Ive been told its better to just stay at SrTL when going up the ranks.. at store lvl
Ive been told its better to just stay at SrTL when going up the ranks.. at store lvl

Really depends on what you're looking for. You have to be an etl if you want to promote to stl or district level leadership but there are some benefits to sr tl.

I know at my store the seniors get most of the closing lod shifts while ETLs have at most one closing night a week, my etl log has 5 opens a week.

At my old store overnight my etl log had 4 days on and 3 off, etl replenishment 4 on and 3 off. Pretty great schedule if you can pull it off
We don't have assistant store managers. An etl is the equivalent though.

However I don't think you can just switch from dc to etl. You have to go through the etl hiring process
Maybe I should have elaborated on it, what I was implying is it would be easier to transfer over as one of those positions via hiring process instead of having to come over and work my way up the dc experience would be taken into consideration when applying for the position
Maybe I should have elaborated on it, what I was implying is it would be easier to transfer over as one of those positions via hiring process instead of having to come over and work my way up the dc experience would be taken into consideration when applying for the position
I use to think my goal was to move to the store now the more I look at pay grades and such staying at the dc seems more enticing
A2 is one of the four shift A1 sat sun mon 6am-6pm a2 sat sun mon nights 6pm-6am
B1 6am-4 pm tues we’d thurs fri and b2 4pm-2am in those same days Rice and sugar if they are in bags are non con all non con is loaded together typically
I know but you know what all non con doesn't go to one location. I got used to it.
I know but you know what all non con doesn't go to one location. I got used to it.
True but neither do all cartons to a little together go to the same location it’s impossible to sort that way if you’ve seen what outbound looks like you don’t to stand what I mean you constantly have boxes coming at you down the shoot to your door God for bid you’re like cut song from being backed up to long you barely have time to North Carolina down before having to go to the next trailer and not that line that you may be responsible for anywhere from 4 to 6 trailers at a time and the freight comes at you in no order at all
True but neither do all cartons to a little together go to the same location it’s impossible to sort that way if you’ve seen what outbound looks like you don’t to stand what I mean you constantly have boxes coming at you down the shoot to your door God for bid you’re like cut song from being backed up to long you barely have time to North Carolina down before having to go to the next trailer and not that line that you may be responsible for anywhere from 4 to 6 trailers at a time and the freight comes at you in no order at all
OK, how do you explain this? IT Arrived this way one morning. I never took it to the sales floor. Its supposed to be 40 lbs.
OK, how do you explain this? IT Arrived this way one morning. I never took it to the sales floor. Its supposed to be 40 lbs.
That would be a quality issue from outbound (not my department) tried to zoom in thto label though to see if it’s my dc , also have to keep in mind they use temps at some buildings to load trailers either way that’s truly unacceptable
That would be a quality issue from outbound (not my department) tried to zoom in thto label though to see if it’s my dc , also have to keep in mind they use temps at some buildings to load trailers either way that’s truly unacceptable
Sorry If I had known you wanted the info on the pic label I can send you that privately. I had to edit the pic label to remove store and custom block info
Sorry If I had known you wanted the info on the pic label I can send you that privately. I had to edit the pic label to remove store and custom block info
Nah that’s not required it was just a curiosity But in regards to trailer quality I was told that it’s being looked at by target to start loading the trucks with basically U-boat type fixtures and each cart or u boat would be loading up according to zone Not sure if that’s just a rumor or even a possibility
You just gave away your location with that pick label.
No i didnt because I edited out the store number , the aisle number and the custom block. The rest arent readable. Besides I know who else in my store reads here and they know me and we are in agreement about this place being helpful.
No, that came off the truck. Sadly.
In shipping they have 3 pallets on which to put non con, first pallet is team lift second is non con food and third is “other” meaning well anything else . Sometimes they get full and flow onto another pallet food can be on the same pallet with various other things except chemicals or hazmat.
No i didnt because I edited out the store number , the aisle number and the custom block. The rest arent readable. Besides I know who else in my store reads here and they know me and we are in agreement about this place being helpful.
Yes, you did. Tom.
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