Archived Target sucks!

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OK, how do you explain this? IT Arrived this way one morning. I never took it to the sales floor. Its supposed to be 40 lbs.
Pterodactyls? Pretty sure they're in the steel. Nice they use tape tho'.
Funny story, at my old job I found a bag of Pedigree in the backroom that was supposed to be 25 lbs but there was a ragged hole on one end, and when I nudged it a rat the size of a squirrel jumped out. Quite a bit less than 25 lbs was left.

Our R.O.U.S. friend was smart enough to avoid all the traps we set so we saw him hanging around every so often, eventually I named him Splinter (a coworker also suggested Templeton)
The PB & J in the breakroom more than makes up for any shortgivings.

Who peed in YOUR cherrios?

My store stopped doing PBJ during Q4 ever since when our old ETL HR left a couple years ago. 🙁 I was bummed, I totally ate it a lot before.
I bring a PB&J for lunch cuz they put that cheap ass Market Pantry out and I'm an extra crunchy Jiff man.
Plus, those crappy plastic knives aren't worth a shit for digging out and spreading PB.
I bring a PB&J for lunch cuz they put that cheap ass Market Pantry out and I'm an extra crunchy Jiff man.
Plus, those crappy plastic knives aren't worth a shit for digging out and spreading PB.

You could ask for crunchy.
You never know, HR might be will to grab some.
HR even got Nutella when I was there.
My old store we used to get peanut butter but someone complained about their severe allergy and stl told us no peanut butter
Yes. Morons aren't allowed in the Breakroom.

It's posted right there next to the time clock.

Are they not letting you in the breakroom???
As someone who is highly allergic to tree nuts I do have some sympathy.
There are people who can have a reaction if there is peanut butter on the table and it wasn't properly cleaned.
A reaction bad enough that they stop breathing.
Telling them not to use the break room is unacceptable.

However, taking away the PB&J from everyone is also unacceptable.
I can understand why something like that might happen in an elementary school.
There is a risk that little kids wouldn't understand the dangers involved but these are grownups.

Simply set aside one table, mark it as PB free.
Make it clear that no one can eat PB there and why.
Provide wipes so the person or people with allergies can clean the table just in case.

This is not complicated.
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If I had that allergy I would take it upon myself to not come in contact with the shit. I'd wear a fugging glove and wipe the table myself if I was worried about it.
I am sorry to hear of your experience. For every negative experience though there are plenty of positive experiences. My point is if you are persistent and hard working. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. You cant tell me that’s not a fact. The truth.

That light at the end of the tunnel does not have to be Target.

I am 100% certain my future lies elsewhere.
I will never respect my Target or the leadership within.
That light at the end of the tunnel does not have to be Target.

I am 100% certain my future lies elsewhere.
I will never respect my Target or the leadership within.
I respect myself and hard work Also the belief that hard work leads to success.
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